04 Jun


...Or possibly 'emerging boredom' would be more correct - but hey, that's more than three words isn't it lolz - a definite 'no no' / 'no can do' eh...

Hmmmm - let's see if i can remember this correctly...

Over a week ago now (or perhaps a little longer - who knows eh) i started enjoying a number of consecutive lovely lazy days...

Lazy days that included, oooh, two or three separate naps/snoozes/sleeps/rests onth settee/couch each day...

Days whereby i later included some reading also...

Days of general enjoyable laziness that didn't seem to affect my night-time sleepies times in the slightest...

Heaven eh - well comparatively anyway, one supposes...

Until, perhaps a week (or perhaps two - who knows) later - whereby i found myself wanting/needing(???)/requiring(???) less sleep...

The emergence from a possible largesse(???) dahlings - (oooh good word eh)...

An emergence whereby i noticed that i was not falling asleep as readily, within my bed, at night-times...

And thus heralding a perhaps renewed appetite to re(???)engage 'the net', more(???) interactively once again...

So i think it was possibly last Friday evening that i found myself wishing/tempted to make a some comments on various YouTube videos that happened to have caught my eye...

One of which being '10 Remarkable Signs You're A Lightworker'...

So, a comment re the female presenter's rather snazzy hairstyle completed, orft i went a-reading of other peoples comments doncha know...

Until i came across the one that, rather unintentionally, heralded / resulted in a rather protracted series of typed interactions with one person in particular...

One that i thought i would share, as a personal log if you will - (especially as the whole darned thing now seems to have disappeared completely - thank the Heaven's i happened to have copied it all, in separate chunks, before it did so eh)...

And one that i thought i would explain the process of - from my individual/particular/specific perspective of course...

So, without more ado, let's start such an interactive ball rolling by sharing the details of such an interaction shall we...

MiaRose: Lightworker here! Peace, love and light to all. 🌎 🌠 ✨

Shelley Omnist: Greetings! 🕯️

Mary Jane: You forgot the quintessential namaste...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane Sorry, Namaste! 🕉️

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Muchas betterer Shelley dahling :-) :-) :-) ...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane 🤣

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Are you inside of it or outside of it???...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane Huh 😳

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist I think you just answered the question for me lolz - enjoy your weekend Shelley babes :-) :-) :-) - and as is said, 'it's hip to be square' lolz...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane I try to be one with it. ⬜ Enjoy! ☮️ Still in the broom closet...

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist A square is 2D and a box is 3D - Lightworkers supposedly embrace the higher dimensions and hopefully embrace thinking outside of the box - my question to you is, possibly perfectly understandably, do you consider yourself to be an outside the box 'Lightworker', [or] an inside of the box one lolz???...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane Outside... phew 😅 thought you were asking me if I was gay!🚪

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist R u shore re 'outside' Shelley babes??? - a bit of lateral name thinking needed/required perhaps??? - and would there be a problem if i happened to be gay anywayz???...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane Yes and no 🏳️‍🌈.

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Well dang Shelley babes, that's beginning to seem like one heck of a small box you jumped yourself outta there gal lolz - and you not only profess to be a Lightworker, but an Omni-powered one at that lolz - i'm beginning to wonder whether hanging out on the net with you would be seen to be a particularly cool thing to do lolz...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane 🌹

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Many thanks Shelley babes - i guess i should send you one back eh 🌹 - as it would seem to be perhaps the only gentlemanly thing to do after all lolz...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane M.J. are you a...? My head is spinning 🌀

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Well Mary Jane is 420 for marijuana after all Shelley babes - so who knows eh, and does it really matter anyway (unless you happen to be particularly gender sensitive perhaps lolz) - wheeze just two wotsits swimmin' in a fish bowl called the internet after all iz we not lolz...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane You just proved that it doesn't matter...never a dull moment with you, and I'm one toke over the line! 🌱🚻

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Boing said Zebedee-Shelley Omni Lightworker, as the marbles in her head were perhaps realigned lolz - and moving on to more important news, more info re possible UFO's is due to be released by 25 June - 'strange daze indeed', as one former famous now Person put it lolz...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane Saw a real UFO 👽 when I was a teen, up close, in the daytime and with two other witnesses.

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist I've seen Close Encounters Of The Third Kind on a few occasions - does that count for much??? lolz - but yeah, apart from that, seemingly like many others, i guess i too could, well you know, share a tale or two if i felt inclined to do so...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane Yes, it counts. However, I couldn't talk about it for decades...🛸

Mary Jane: @Shelley Omnist Very subtle Shelley babes - that gave me a definite early morning extended lol moment - nice one lolz...

Shelley Omnist: @Mary Jane 🤥

Shelley Omnist (circa 1 hour after the above identical reply): @Mary Jane 🤥

Mary Jane (the following morning): @Shelley Omnist You were projecting (perhaps sympathetically) rather than intuiting (in an invitation to treat type of way) perhaps Shelley babes??? - i openly shared in such a way on Lightworkers.org back inth day, upon rather spontaneously re-remembering a certain perceived experience, after reading a comment/reply within a blog offering re such a subject by someone else - so the point i am making is simply that i don't generally shy away from sharing (unless i deem doing so to be too personal of course), as i thought you may have been suggesting (hence the good-natured giggles upon reading such a reply by yourself shortly after awakening this morning - especially so given the 'omni' part of your name lolz - absolutely no offense intended Shelley babes (i am simply prone to seeing things in humorous ways at times - without partaking btw - something i have not done since the end of January i think))...

So, the explanation of the process - which stretched into a third day of interactions overall - well, if my memory serves me correctly anyway (which i think it does btw)...

Well my initial reply of 'You forgot the quintessential namaste...' (to MiaRose actually) was a bit of a cheeky one actually - as my, now much earlier, Lightworker.org journey had led me to believe that not only did the 'Love and Light' wotsit not seem to carry much weight in terms of its presumably intended integrity, but neither did the seemingly culturally hijacked/appropriated 'Namaste' tag also - as, from my perspective, they were seemingly fairly insincere (in some cases at least anyway) 'I'm a Lightworker' affectations...

So it was a sort of testing of the waters sort of reply really - would it be replied to, and if so, in what way - within humorous understanding, or with a certain tetchiness...

And then, sometime later, Shelley Omnist, decided to take a nibble, so to speak...

...A much welcomed nibble of perceived good intent thought i - hence the nature of my reply...

And then came the rather confusing 🤣 reply of course...

Hmmmm, the square/box thought i...

It was a symbol that i had seen used elsewhere within YouTube comments - sometimes in multiples - but a symbol that i had absolutely no understanding of the meaning of whatsoever...

...Unless it was indeed telling me that i was regarded as being a 'square'/unfashionable/old-fashioned sort/type of individual of course...

Hmmmm, thought i, how not to appear ignorant eh - so, after some thought, orft i went in search, onth tinternet, to hopefully discern such a symbolic meaning...

But alas no - how could that possibly be, thought i - tis an often used one after all...

Hmmmm, it looks like i could start looking like a bit of a wally, if i'm not careful, thought i further, rather nervously (ooooh, pride eh) - and Shelley could possibly be symbolically telling that she considers me to be a bit of a square (old-fashioned) after all...

Hmmmm, i didn't anticipate getting myself in this deep - potentially at least - thought i further...

Hmmmm, perhaps it's a lesson not to potentially rattle cages, now matter how gently, out of boredom aligned with a certain sense of mischievousness, continued i in unsure thought...

And that's when i think a certain light-bulb moment of possible extrication came, rather relievedly to me...

The box - is she inside of it, or outside of it - yes, that might possibly work, thought a rather less downbeat i - phew, the advantages of having Friends in high Places eh...

A reply that heralded the rather welcoming 'Huh 😳' reply from Shelley babes...

Okey-dokey, time to close such an ongoing conversation down, thought i, rather welcomingly/relievedly - especially so as she is showing definite(???) signs of still being within one of the perhaps many, and increasingly larger, boxes eh - oh yes, an excellent outcome, termination with dignity, phew eh...

So, what happened/transpired next???...

I can't actually remember whether the Inspiration started Flowing after Shelley's 'I try to be one with it. ⬜ Enjoy! ☮️ Still in the broom closet...' reply, or before it actually...

All that i can say is that possibly four or more potentially further Shelley interactive comments/replies came Streaming through in rather quick succession (ones that i wrote down, as per usual, within my current A6 notepad btw) - together(???)/after(???) the realisation (another light-bulb moment perhaps??) that a square is 2D and a box is 3D - and that Lightworkers (as i knew them to be) generally talked about 5D and above Interactions/Affiliations (but never 4D for some strange/unknown reason)...

A moment when i then became rather Infused with possible Laughter and enthusiasm - yes, the Tide has possibly turned, thought i - Inspiration is seemingly, with me / on my side...

Time to Boogie eh - well possibly anyway...

So replying i went lolz - in a much more upbeat way...

Oooooh - now Shelley babes seems to have made a potentially rather huge social four par, thought i, rather gratefully - putting her potentially at great odds with the gay community...

Hallelujah - thank the/you Lord/God / the Heavens eh...

But hey, she actually seems to be a possibly nice person - so let's not go 'all in' at the moment eh - keep it cool yeah...

...After all, she still seems to think i'm female - and hasn't considered the possible '420' link yet - oh yes, seemingly still inside one of the earlier/smaller boxes for sure...

...Hmmmm - unless she's a lot younger than i've so far assumed of course - in which case it could be quite understandable couldn't it...

Damn, am i starting to feel old - and not a clue about the, more enigmatic / less obvious emojo emoticon thingies either - a veritable Facebook/Twitter/app social media virgin in general, how embarrassing eh...

So anyway, let's include the 'lateral name thinking' hint in the next reply - and see how that goes eh, thought i...

Ooooh - the 'Yes and no 🏳️‍🌈' reply seems to have rather skilfully bypassed such a hint - maybe the cogs are still turning eh...

Maybe a fun and cheeky, Inspired(???) reply is indeed in order eh...

Wow, how nice is that (a solitary 🌹 reply), thought i - yep she definitely seems to be a nice, fun person - yep, its beginning to look like this new(???) batch of Lightworkers are much more fun than the rather, problematic / humour-deprived, ones (from my perspective of course - but hey, maybe i had, partly at least, unintentionally invited a certain amount of the frostiness eh) i had encountered all those years ago...

So let's send one back in gratitudinal return - together with a much more obvious hint re the sexual orientation of 'Mary Jane', as a sort of reward for such niceness - and hey, i really am beginning to feel an increasing need to do so after all...

...Such an ongoing ambiguity has started making me feel rather/increasingly(???) uncomfortable for some reason...

...Possibly due to perhaps being, guilt-tripped / shut-down, perhaps repeatedly, for the way i naturally expressed myself as a young child??? - well, perhaps anyway, as i don't really know for sure - and so only suspect such a possible scenario based upon a singular recollection/memory...

...The 'children should be seen and not heard' indoctrination that was seemingly fairly prevalent during those times, perhaps - possibly as a direct result of perhaps a series of rather embarrassing (for my mum anyway, if my solitary, and rather fuzzy, memory serves me correctly) 'out of the mouths of babes' moments from/by myself eh...

Oooh - a 'M.J. are you a...? My head is spinning 🌀' reply...

Okay - let's start the reply off with a '420' explanation - thought i, rather gratefully/relievedly...

Ooooh - a professed presumed fellow toker...

I wonder if it's true - and if so, i wonder whether she actually thinks that i'm high/partaking at the moment - it would seem to be a possibly understandable assumption to make, especially given the levity of such an ongoing interaction, after all...

So anyway, it was at this point that i decided to go for a possibly much needed walkies - during which, i Received a next reply - and one that i was Asked/Requested to make, no matter what reply i received from Shelley upon/after my return home...

(Which, perhaps, coincidentally enough, heralds the perceived head-refreshing/clearing need for a second walkies of today - so laters eh)...

...So, after having completed such a, rather fruitful, second walkies, let's pick up where we left off eh...

So upon the anticipated/awaited next reply from Shelley, rather dutifully perhaps, i typed in that which i was earlier Given - although i'm not now 100% sure that the first of the three parts was earlier Given as part of the whole reply or not - but i am fairly sure that such was the case...

Which, in turn, heralded the rather surprising(???) reply/response from Shelley - saying that she had seen a UFO in her teen years - together with two presumably accompanying witnesses/mates...

Which then elicited a rather light-hearted response from myself - which included the hint that i had also had some perceived experiences of the wotsit kind myself, during various parts/stages of my current sojourn here upon planet Earth...

And that comprised the last reply of the day from me - i think i was possibly fairly tired by then - or, who knows, perhaps simply wished to do some other things before the end of such a day...

So, moving on to the next morning...

I seem to remember getting up fairly early - and possibly eager to see and reply to yet another of Shelley's anticipated communications...

So, shortly after firing up me lappy, so to speak, i noticed the next reply from Shelley - which caused me to giggle good-naturedly - as i perceived such a reply to suggest that Shelley had mistakenly thought that my last reply of the previous day had perhaps indicated that i had found such unshared experiences to have been perhaps traumatic/unwelcoming ones for me...

...And that the three dots at the end of her reply had possibly meant 'well if you want to discuss it with me, over to you' - or something of that specific nature anyway...

Which at least got me thinking lolz - as well as a little interested in what Shelley's own perceived UFO experience could have actually consisted of / entailed...

Which, in turn, caused me to wonder whether i should provide her with a link to my 'The Twilight Zone' blog, here on this website - together with a suggestion that she, in return, could always Mailbox me the details of her experience if she wished to do so...

However, upon later consideration, i saw a possible scenario developing whereby such a sharing could possibly lead me into developing a possibly distracting and time-consuming friendship with a possibly lonely and partner-seeking Shelley, which i could possibly quickly regret (there could possibly also turn out to be a hidden/undisclosed motive for possibly wishing to develop a friendship, after all, could there not???) - as well as seeing a possible scenario developing whereby, perhaps many, Lightworker-type people were visiting this 'ere website and keeping me perhaps dutifully occupied inth Mailbox interactions department lolz...

...A possible scenario that could possibly lead to me being asked to open up the comments facility etc etc - claustrophobia city here we come lolz - ooooh no, perhaps not, thought i, not a very welcoming possible scenario at all...

...Best to leave things as they are eh - nice and peaceful - and able to, set / swim at, my own pace...

...Oh yes, a much better scenario - much better indeed lolz...

The things/situations/possibilities that can run through one's mind eh...


The next thing i noticed was that Shelley had sent two identical further replies - spaced one hour apart from each other - identical replies of the singular 🤥 nature...

Well, the thing is, after nearing the end of my previous day's walkies, i had chatted to two, possibly social-media savvy, female neighbours - asking them if they had any idea what the mysterious 🤥 thingy meant - to which i was told that it was possibly a symbolic thingy that was incompatible with YouTube - or that it was possibly a banned one...

Ooooh err - banned eh - oh...

A possible middle finger sort of thingy then...


Maybe i should possibly explain the possibly inappropriate/unwelcomed 'lolz' comment then eh...

So explain it i did...

Only to later (the next day i think) realise that Shelley's '...' ending, earlier YouTube comment/reply sharing, could, in actual fact, be interpreted in a number of different ways - the possible/potential shortcomings/problems within/of indirect (non face-to-face) internet interactions/communications eh...

But, ooops, too late - as, after some of her replies had rather mysteriously seemed to have vanished - a little(???) later, so had the complete thread of typed interactions (as well as the original comment such interactions were associated with)...

So, if you ever happen to find yourself reading this blog Shelley babes, please know that there was absolutely no malicious intent on my behalf...

And if it wasn't you that instigated such a thread / original comment removal - well, at least you now have access to the whole series of typed exchanges between the two of us - as a sort of keepsake perhaps...

...As have i of course - if only as a reminder of the thoughts that went on inside my head during such an extended interaction - proving, perhaps, that things are often not quite as joyously flowing as they may otherwise seem to be...

Oh, and in case anyone is wondering...

When new names - such as Mary Jane and Benny's Buddies for example/instance - come to mind, they mostly do so unbidden...

Thus, they are Inspired ones - from my perspective at least...

And with regard to the Mary Jane name in particular - well, twood seem that there are a number of formerly incarnate Hippies within the Group of perceived Individuals/Souls that form/comprise part of what i have termed A Team Members - so maybe such a perceived Inspired name was Given/Received by/from some of Them eh...

Ooooh - and i forgot to mention my misinterpretation of the 'omnist' word didn't i - it actually refers to a person who believes in all religions/faiths/creeds apparently...

...And not someone who considers themselves to have God-like powers, as i had rather incorrectly assumed - oh well, i seemed to have got away with that one didn't i lolz - and hey, if push comes to shove, shouldn't a fully-fledged Lightworker type of person have possibly transcended the possible need/limitations/conditioning/control of/for/via faith within religions (jumped outta that box / those types of boxes - reached an understanding that religion has played its part, but is no longer required/needed (to such an extent at least)), due to perceived direct/personal Experience(s) anyway???...

The end - well presumably/possibly anyway - as usual, time will eventually tell i guess...

The seemingly inevitable/obligatory addendum (@ 7 June 2021) ...

Ahaa - twood seem that YouTube sends copies of all such comments/replies made, to one's assigned/associated email account also - which has led me to understand/ascertain that said ⬜ symbol does indeed signify an incompatible emoji/icon thingy...

Mystery finally solved - resulting in a rather interesting thought/acknowledgement to pass through my mind as i was making some veggie-type butties whilst inth kitchen a little earlier - that the whole ongoing misinterpretational thingy that transpired between Shelley babes and myself, could possibly be seen/viewed as an internet version of the Four Candles comedy sketch by The Two Ronnies (Ronnie Corbett & Ronnie Barker), which can itself be found on YouTube (somewhat interesting, hey what)...
