03 Jan


Part of the Christian Lord's Prayer goes as follows...

'And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.' ...

Seemingly very much suggesting that if We simply later Forgive each Other the sins/misdeeds that we visited upon one-another, whilst within incarnation, then everything will be Rosy within Our respective Gardens...

It seems wonderful really doesn't it - and very 'Christian' indeed perhaps...

I remember when i was a member of Lightworkers.org, that they had a similar belief/view-point - that all former 'enemies' would be Drinking in a Bar in the afterlife, convivially discussing the ill-deeds they had visited upon one-another whilst incarnate upon planet Earth - if my memory serves me correctly of course...

I remember being rather confused by such a proposition - and the difficulties the painting of such a picture presented to me - it was simply too confusing to make any sense of...

In a way it was somewhat similar to an earlier situation/remembrance i had/encountered, when, within Buddhism, i asked the question of what comes after Enlightenment to some visiting venerable Buddhist monks - and after some seeming confusion i was simply told, 'nothing' - i couldn't at that time refute such an answer, but never-the-less it left me in confusion as to how that could be so...

Years later, of course, i could reason and clearly understand why such a given answer was an errant one - resulting in personal resolution being attained...

...In a similar way that resolution was arrived at regarding such an ill-seated 'Forgiveness' dilemma/situation...

For i now understand that it simply doesn't work - in actual fact i have known it for quite some time now and never even thought about sharing it with others - until a few days ago, of course, when such a blog title simply came to mind, and thus Prompted me to do so...

Of course, i didn't readily have an accompanying tune/song for such a proposed blog at that time - so i simply Asked for one - and yesterday i Received one...

Twasn't, upon this occasion, in any way an obvious one - but, hey, such a song/tune does allude to lies, after all - so, after allowing such a song/tune to settle within my mind i thought, 'hey, let's simply go with the flow yeah'...

And so it is that i am typing such a blog a day later, as my first duty of the day...

So, why doesn't it work, the reader of these words may, quite obviously/understandably, ask/enquire???...

The answer, from my current point of consciousness, is very simple actually...

For if We simply later Forgave each Other the hindered actions we had visited upon each other whilst incarnate, without any possible Corrective Consequence, then we would simply not Evolve...

For each time we reincarnated we would Know at the very core of our Beings, most probably subconsciously, that if we 'sinned' against each other, we would simply, Later, collectively Forgive each Other - so we would be much more prone/predisposed to further develop hindrances within later/subsequent incarnations, rather than seek to develop virtues and thus/thereby Evolve...

...Day after day, incarnation after incarnation, cataclysm after cataclysm, planetary restart after planetary restart, Age after Age - like being stuck in a whirlpool, unable to continue Flowing within the River of Life - until, perhaps, some Ages later, we were collectively, and somewhat Compassionately, Lifted out of such a Whirlpool and set on a Spiritually correct Course within such a River of Life...
