18 Apr


Yeah, tis wot i do sumtimes innit...

Anywayz, dem Lightworker peepz seemz to keep finkin that dares gunna cum a time when daze gonna 'Ascend' like innit...

...Whereas i fink dat wease all simply gonna kick da bucket an return Home like...

And 'dey' seemz to fink dat daze gunna simply shift time-linez like, and go to a second Earf like innit...

...Whereas eyez finks dat sum, more fortunate, peepz iz simply gunna reincarnate onto anuffa, much elfier, planet wherez deyz gunna be a lot 'appier and at peace with one-anuffa innit...

...And dat uffa, not so fortunate, more shellfish-like, peepz, iz gunna ave to wait for da Earf to recuvva from anuffa one of dem seeminly repeatin cyclick cataclysms before dey reincarnate repeatedly like once agen, til da next cyclick cataclysm appenz like...

...An if dey den get lucky, afta collectively kickin da bucket, den dey too go on to reincarnate onto anuffa, elfier, planet too like...

...Leavin da not so lucky to wait for Earf to recuvva once agen, before reincarnatin ova an ova agen like...

...An sow it goes on til theyz tooz getz lucky like...

So anywayz, moovin on, anuffa fing dat eyez bin finkin about iz, if youse bin told that youse bin an Atlantean Priestess, or summut like dat, in a previous life like, and youse still reincarnatin' on planet Earf, many centuries laterz, den don't it make sense dat youse woz prolly a bit ov a bad un, when youse woz such an Atlantean Priestess or summut like dat???...

...Coz if you'd bin a good un, den youse wouldn't still be reincarnatin' on planet Earf still, many centuries laterz, surely innit...

Well dats da way eye seas it anywayz...

So, whilst livin on dis kindagarten-like planet, letz try not to kid ourselves dat we iz sumowe evolved beinz like innit...

Coz az we should nose, dats just ower inflated sense ov self tryin to kid us ufferwize...

Tis obvious really innit...


I don't fink eyes really got any fink else to say on such mattaz - for now at least...

Sowz laterz innit...
