04 Sep


I had typed the rather care-free and relaxed first draft of the Summer Time Activities blog on Sunday 27 August 2023, thinking that it would be ready for publication a few days later - however, i later realised that it needed to be amended in a much more considered way - one simply wouldn't wish to be accused of slander or libel after all, would one dahlings...

And then, after some more work had been done on it, i had hoped that it would perhaps be ready for publication on Friday 1st September instead - however, come Friday, i then realised that i still wasn't fully satisfied with its somewhat modified form - and, by then, feeling rather knackered and tired of it all, i decided to leave it to be completed to full satisfaction, some days later...

'You agreed to get it published today' said the somewhat overbearing and manipulative Female Rookie, whom i'd had to put up with, on a seemingly repeated basis, throughout the whole darned process...

'Number one' replied a rather knackered i, 'do not presume to talk to me in such a manner'...

'Number two, i simply don't remember having agreed such a thing with you' - with the implication seemingly being that such a supposed 'agreement' must have possibly have taken place during my previous night's sleep - if at all, of course...

'And number three, always remember that i have my free-will choices'...

Anyway, all then went quiet for a while before such a Rookie seemingly returned and apologised, in a rather uncharacteristically nervous and almost tearful way - an emotional state that i simply chose to ignore - thinking that it may merely be a manipulative tactic, employed to simply win sympathy with me, and in so doing help to put Her back in personally perceived control...

It was then, if my memory serves me correctly, that i Told Her that maybe one of Those who had earlier passed Their Tests could be of assistance to Her...

...With David Bowie then appearing, unexpectedly, within my mind's eye - presumably to let me know that He would readily do so...

She was apparently too upset to continue with me, and so presumably went away to process the personal realisations that such an exchange with me had brought to mind...

...Her overbearing manner towards others, whilst incarnate upon the Earth-plane perhaps???...

...And what this had resulted in, upon Her return Home, in terms of the conditions She found Herself Abiding within perhaps???...

I think what it may show is that such undesirable and possibly hurtful (to others) traits/attitudes simply need to be shed in order to be in any way capable of Residing within more Pleasing Environments - and that the more ingrained such traits have become, the more difficult they may indeed be to shed...

And, understandably perhaps, it would seem, to me anyway, that Some are simply in a rush to hopefully Reside within such improved Environments...

...Preferentially thinking, perhaps, that it will be 'an easy fix' - whereas, the simple truth (from my perspective anyway) is that such processes simply cannot be rushed - for Their Vibrations need to be refined and lightened in order to accomplish such Changes needed to do so...

Anyway, after such an exchange, i decided to simply take a rest from such a blog's completion, and so simply chose to do other things for the rest of the day instead...

...With the next day (Saturday) spent painting my kitchen ceiling, and listening to some of my fairly newly purchased music cd's whilst doing so (with some of the tracks from one of them being listened to for a second time btw)...

...Which, in turn, amongst other things, resulted in me finalising, and indeed changing, some of the Bryan Adams selections that had earlier (a couple of days before, i think), rather tentatively, been made...

So anyway, earlier today (a very sunny Sunday 3 September), a much refreshed i, did indeed complete such a blog to personal satisfaction - before then going on to type this one, after having enjoyed a morning walkies, a trip to the local supermarket, and then some breakfast - so, hopefully both blogs and their musical accompaniments will be published on this coming Monday...

During late/early Sunday afternoon/evening, btw, 'the Rookie' (as i now rather humorously refer to Her), returned - i think She may have been remaining quietly inth background for a time, before rather quietly, and much more reasonably/warmly (cheers 'Davy B', much appreciated), asking me a few questions - one of which rather amused me...

...Twas, 'are you getting excited about tomorrow???' (Monday, the day of intended publication) - causing me to explain to Her that i had been doing this sort of thing for quite a while now, and tended to simply put such things out of mind between completion and publication, as, in all honesty, i now tend (if only upon occasion of course) to see it all as a bit of a drudge - what i later amusingly realised (whilst inth kitchen actually) was that the possible implication of such a question was that 'the Rookie' was perhaps becoming rather excited re Monday's publication Herself...
