11 Nov


Hoard meaning (Cambridge English Dictionary) ~ to collect large amounts of something and keep it for yourself, often in a secret place...

Well, i keep a supply of certain canned foods, primarily for myself (as well as a stock of water in plastic bottles that i replenish/refresh with fresh water on a monthly basis (apparently it is not particularly healthy to keep water in plastic bottles for too long a period of time??? - water is very important for our well-being after all, and so it could become very important indeed to have some available/handy in a possible 'lights-out' situation???)) - and i also keep a supply of foods for my feline companion in life, namely Rocky McDocky...

And i keep certain other items that may, or may not perhaps, be of use in case certain unforeseen situations arise - but i don't necessarily keep any of them in a 'secret place', as such...

So why do i keep such stocks of foodstuffs for example???...

Well, for a number of reasons really...

For example...

1) In case of personal illness - in order that i don't have to impose myself on others...

2) In case of periods of particularly bad weather - so that i don't have to go out to the shops unnecessarily and perhaps risk injuring myself by falling over for example...

3) In case of periods of social unrest perhaps??? - although, admittedly, there would seem to be little chance of such a situation arising perhaps???...

4) In case of possible food shortages perhaps??? - we are living in seemingly increasingly uncertain times, after all, are we not???...

5) In case the 'lights go out' perhaps??? - they have done so in California after all, have they not???...

6) And finally, in case we experience some sort of catastrophe, as unlikely as that may seem perhaps??? - once again, we are living in what may well become increasingly uncertain times after all, are we not, so why not practice a certain amount of prudence in such a regard???...