09 Nov


I mentioned within 'Bits N Bobs' on 6 Nov 2020 that yet another of my comments on The Mail online newspaper had not been published within the comments of a certain article on 6 November 2020...

So here it is...

Article title:

'Biden takes the LEAD in Georgia and piles up the votes after incredible rant from Trump claiming conspiracy against him by big tech, big money, the media, pollsters and Democrats that US TV networks refused to screen' ...

Website link address:

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8919593/Donald-Trump-claims-look-legal-votes-won-breaks-36-hours-silence.html ...

My offered comment @ 6 Nov 2020:

I listened to the full video on YouTube before coming here - it was not a rant by President Trump in any way whatsoever - what he said was measured, and from my perspective makes a lot of sense - why is it taking so long to count votes??? - why are vote counting procedures not being meaningfully monitored as a matter of due diligence??? - this should be standard practise during any democratic election, surely??? - what the heck is going on??? - are all these late counting of votes really so skewed towards Jo Biden??? - and if so, is it really reasonable to expect such a strong bias towards one person in particular???...

And here is the link to the YouTube video i was referring to in the above comment - in order that the reader of these words may decide for themselves whether it constituted an 'incredible rant from Trump' or not...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8aEo4U5ZnQ ...

Within such a video (from 4.40 mins onwards) President Trump talks about court orders having to be issued in order that certain officials could monitor the ongoing vote counting procedures - and that seemingly such officials were still not being allowed to carry out such duties in any meaningful way...

It talks about binoculars having to be used within such vote monitoring attempts - and it talks about paper and cardboard being put up against windows, seemingly in order to further hamper such vote monitoring attempts...

So, given such reports are correct, what picture is being painted here??? - one of openness and transparency???...

Most obviously not, one would very much suggest...

To me, at least, it paints a picture of something rather untoward possibly taking place...

And these were seemingly within states where President Trump was leading, (at a very crucial time within such an election) was it not??? - or if not leading, the votes thus far were very close indeed, were they not???...

And then what do we see being reported next within such a painted scenario???...

...That Joe Biden (the Democrat candidate) is suddenly seemingly gaining the vast majority of the ongoing counted votes...

And this doesn't ring any possible alarm bells at all???...

And then it is seemingly being suggested that President Trump is somehow being unreasonable in questioning such a seemingly sudden change within the emerging ongoing events???...

And you wonder why i made a comment within 'Bits N Bobs' stating that it feels like i've entered the twilight zone???...

The point that i am wishing to make is that, within such a painted scenario, it simply doesn't matter who the complainant is (President Trump, in this particular instance) - what matters is that, within such a painted scenario, democracy is seemingly not being served in the way that it should be...

The obvious truth of the matter, from my perspective at the very least, is that vote counting should always be very closely monitored, as a matter of due course...

And if it is not, then the most obvious question needs to be asked - 'why the heck not???'...

...To facilitate deceit perhaps???...

...To try, on this occasion, to get rid of a president who was seemingly trying to 'drain the swamp' (i.e. trying to get rid of any possible corruption that may be taking place within positions of power and influence in America)???...

...To try, on this occasion, to get rid of a president who was calling the media corrupt (or words to such effect) on a seemingly fairly ongoing basis???...

Let's not forget that this is a president who has experienced an unsuccessful attempt to impeach him, earlier within his presidency...

...So, from my perspective at least, it very much seems like the knives have been out for a long time...

So, given that what president Trump says represents truth, should he seek possible redress within the courts???...

Most certainly he should, say i...

For we are talking about the very fabric of the fair/smooth running of democracy being put into question - are we not???...

And if so, then it should be dealt with within the highest court in the land - should it not???...
