13 Oct


One of my main grapes, with regard to shopping within supermarkets, especially perhaps, is the amount and nature of the packagings that we seem obliged to take home with us...

I remember commenting about it once within a published online article within an online newspaper (The Guardian???), seemingly many years ago now, whereby i suggested that each time we returned to the supermarket we should return such packaging by dumping it within their plastic bags on the car-park floors - only to find, soon after (if my memory serves me correctly), that such supermarkets said that they would fine any such people who did so...

...Talk about wanting it both ways eh...

...And, if my memory serves me correctly, they tried turning it around by suggesting that it was our fault for buying such packaged stuff - when, clearly, we seemingly haven't got much choice in the matter have we...

...I guess we'll find out who's responsibility it really is/was upon our return Home - tick-tock, tick-tock eh...

The most sobering thing for me is rather continuingly being aware of how much of this seemingly highly eco-system damaging packaging can amass in such short periods of time - realising that this is just one singular individual's waste/refuse (myself)...

...Then when you multiply it up in your mind you realise what a mind-boggling amount of such waste there is being discarded every single day of our lives - and then you multiply it up by weeks, and then months, and then years...

...Sheesh - how incredibly depressing is that...

And nobody seems to give a damn - well, at least not on this plane of existence anyway...

...Will it be the same when the seemingly big bad THEY return Home - i very much doubt it indeed...

...They will definitely care then (in my opinion at least), that's for sure - but hey, quite clearly it will then be all too late won't it, for Heaven's sake...

...And THEY (dahlings, not us, obviously) seem to think they're so clever too - you just couldn't make this stuff up could you...

Anyway, moving perhaps reluctantly on...

All this carbon footprint business made me wonder what size my own personal carbon footprint was...

...And after much reflection, i decided that it was most probably a size 3 (surprise surprise eh)...

And why such a favourable size??? - the readers of these words may most reasonably ask...

Well, firstly my energy bill (electricity) is only around £10 per month (probably slightly less actually) - all year round...

...For i haven't heated my rather humble abode for the previous 4 winters - (actually it has now (@ February 2024) been extended to 8 consecutive winters) - and i obviously don't heat it during any other time of the year either...

...I elect not to have hot water running through any of my taps...

...I use very little lighting - and i use those energy saving bulbs (8 to 11 watts perhaps) throughout...

...I take a shower very infrequently indeed - a few times a year at most...

...I wash my face and body using cold water - apart from my tootsies, whereby i add a little heated water to the cold water in my bathroom sink, using the shower-head...

...I don't tend to ingest too many hot drinks per day (perhaps between 1 and 3 mugs???) - and i only add slightly more than enough water to the kettle to almost fill each cup up on each occasion...

...I only use the 'low' setting on the microwave - mainly feeling that food will possibly be more nutritious heated that way, and that the microwave will almost certainly last for a heck of a lot longer before needing to be replaced...

...I wear my clothes for long periods of time before replacing them with fresh ones (apart from socks perhaps, which seem to need changing more frequently - oh, and i don't generally wear undies (let your 'tackle' breathe eh), in case you were wondering (perhaps during the winter months i do though)...

...And i use my washing machine on a lowish (40 degrees) temperature setting)...

I don't replace my clothes very often, unless needed - in fact i have many(???) items of clothing that i have never yet worn (some dating back to the late '80's perhaps)...

I don't have a car, and travel either by foot or bicycle in the vast majority of cases - and i don't generally take traditional vacations (i think my last one was in about 2007 maybe - and the one before that was around 1982(???) perhaps??? - and i have only ever taken 2 holidays abroad, at earlier dates still)...

So, i feel that a self-awarded size 3 carbon footprint is perhaps a rather fairly reflective one???...

So anyway, we finally get to the question i have been waiting to ask...

What is your carbon footprint size???...


Moving forwards once again - i have often wondered whether the THEY that are possibly amongst us, are in any way interested in climate change issues...

Maybe THEY want the vast majority of the surface ice to melt in order to more readily extract the ores and certain minerals that lie beneath their thus far hidden surfaces??? - and maybe THEY wish to uncover any ancient (and possibly highly advanced???) technology (such as life/body regenerating/extending 'sarcophagi' for example???) that may, or may not, exist beneath the continent of Antarctica in particular???...

Valid possible perspectives, are they not???...

Maybe the same can be said of the rain forests??? - most certainly in terms of minerals and ores, one would suggest (or do THEY simply wish the human species to increase/expand adam finitum, so to speak???...

And then we move on to why THEY could possibly wish to recover some possible ancient (from a possible previous age/cycle civilisation perhaps???) advanced hidden technology (if they have not done so already - in part at least)??? - to further a possible hidden and ongoing agenda perhaps???...

...Which could then most readily beg the following question, could it not??? - what could such a possible secret and possibly ongoing agenda be???...

Good question eh...

Well maybe if the previously muted/broached topic (within the 'All About Time' blog offering) regarding possible time travel capabilities/technology, in any way reflects reality, then maybe THEY could wish to move back to a much earlier point in time (dino time baby) in order to wait out a present time cyclically cataclysmic period of time - before returning to a refreshed/recovered future date Earth (as free of us pesky average people as possible???), in order to 'inherit' it for themselves and the 'chosen few' perchance???...

...Or maybe they simply want to wipe us all out (oooh, the viruses!!! - the viruses!!! dahlings) in order to put a stop to such a time-line - and live with/conquer/eradicate the dinos adam finitum; with a much younger/healthier(???) parent sun shining down upon them all...

Sheeper's jeepers!!!, it's panic attack time again folks!!!...

Breathe baby breathe...

Breathe?!? - this seems to be potentially rather serious!!! - and You simply want me to breathe?!?...

Well it's better than not breathing baby...

Well You don't seem to be breathing, and You seem to be absolutely fine!?! - so maybe not breathing would be a much better option!!!...

Don't bet on it baby - we've All made mistakes within our Earthly lives after all...

Bummer eh - but at least You're not potentially facing a possible armageddon scenario are you?!?...

Calm down darling, all will be okay - well for you perhaps anyway...

Really??? - okay, if You say so Baby...

Now where was i???...

...Oh, sod it - i've painted a picture now afterall, haven't i???...

Seemingly a few darling - okay, you're call...

So THEY'RE not going to release a series of increasingly lethal possibly man-made viruses upon us, in order to quickly deal with the climate crisis then??? - there are research labs all around the world where they store and play (modify???/'tweak'???) with such things after all, aren't there...


Oh, okay - so it's a time will tell situation then is it???...

Aren't they all darling???...

Hmmm, now that You put it that way...


There could also be an overall, possibly ongoing, long-term, possibly multi-Age/Cycle, agenda going on - couldn't there???..

Hmm, give me some time to think about it further...

Well, there is talk about a possibly very advanced within-Earth civilisation, isn't there...

And then there has been talk that there may be a very large hole under the ice on the continent of Antarctica (it could be an exhaust, couldn't it???) - and then there's all the oil extraction (i bet they could eventually be used for many different purposes, such as storing all sorts of stuff (and even house people perhaps), in theory at least ...

And the Star Trek 'borg' series showed a planet sized borg ship - did it not???...

So what if planet Earth is very gradually (it would take a heck of a lot of work wouldn't it) being transformed into a planetary space-ship to be used to restart(???) a war of conquest within part of the galaxy perhaps??? - there's possible evidence of a possible war having taken place within our solar system after all, is there not???...


Breathe baby, breathe...

