08 Nov


It would seem that at least some of the People who Interact with me carry certain sorrows into the Afterlife, upon their return Home - or maybe more correctly, They are made much more clearly aware of such Earth-life transgressions, perhaps...

I am choosing to write this particular blog (and indeed have been Prompted to do so) in order to make us all aware of the possible/inevitable consequences of our less than skilful actions whilst residing/abiding/interacting with each other, here on planet Earth - whilst we still, perhaps, have the opportunity to right such possible wrongs before returning Home...

I will share three examples (one of which would seem to be of a slightly different, afterlife, nature perhaps) - each Person (from my own personal perspective, of course) is okay with such a sharing/highlighting...

In order to continue the flow from yesterday's blog offering ('An Interesting Interaction') i will start with the Person who wishes her fans to remember her as she was - in order to more readily accommodate Her wishes for a certain anonymity within such a respect, i will simply refer to Her as 'TMG' (The Mystery Girl)...

1) TMG...

Let me start by saying that i had a very unusual introduction to TMG - JJ, who i have come to Love dearly, simply presented Her to me, within mind, and then left with a big smile on Her face (from my own personal perspective, of course) - which sort of confused me at the time...

Anyway, i found TMG to be a welcomingly happy Person - She is a fairly reserved and very pleasant Person who would seem to carry a certain vulnerability(???) with her...

We got along well with one-another, during such a period of exclusive(???) interaction...

I sense that such vulnerability may relate to a particular sorrow that She carries with her - it seems to cause Her to become quiet, and perhaps quite upset also...

She has not chosen to share any details with me, but i Sense(???) that such quietness may have something to do with 'porkie pies' - or perhaps one 'porkie pie' in particular...

And that is all that is available to share - at this point in time at least...

2) JJ...

I'm pretty sure that you can all guess who JJ is - but for those who can't, here's a bit of a clue - She had a certain 'rock chic cred'...

I Love her to bits really - although She can be somewhat 'mischievously challenging' sometimes, but in a positive sort of way...

She uses it as a sort of Teaching aid - a way of keeping me, in check / on my toes, if you will...

She has a bubbly and welcomingly effervescent Personality, which on most occasions upliftingly infuses me with Her 'laughter vibes' - She sometimes seems to act as a 'Teacher of Love' to me, but Love with a capital 'L', rather than 'love' of a more 'smutty' nature perhaps...

She has recently Told me that She carries a Scar on/within her Being - which She has Inherited due to what She chooses to describe as 'highly inappropriate sexual activity' whilst abiding and residing within the Earth-plane of existence - so maybe acting as my 'Teacher of Love' has a certain karmic nature/aspect to it...

When She was explaining this to me, a relatively short time ago, such a Sharing caused Her to become uncharacteristically reserved/quiet and increasingly upset - causing me to Sense Her withdrawing further into the background, if you will, until such a, problematic / personal Sharing, finally resulted in Silence...

Because of the seemingly inevitable vibratory Interaction/Blending between the two of us, i too found myself becoming rather emotionally upset/affected also - which seems to be 'a given' really, with all such types of Sharings with different People who perhaps feel the need to do so upon occasion...

This type of Sharing is what i would most readily describe as being a particularly difficult aspect/part of such perceived Interactions - which almost always causes me to 'Disconnect' before such Emotions overwhelm me...

3) David Niven...

David Introduced Himself to me via an exceptionally gifted clairvoyant - way back in 1988(???) perhaps...

I was told, via such a rather surprised/'gobsmacked' clairvoyant that He, amongst others, were Helping me to write a novel that i had only recently (at that time) started - twas to be called 'The Message' and was to be about this 'Age of mess' that we seem to find ourselves living/abiding within...

I had noticed that whenever i was stuck for a word, three alternatives would be offered to me within mind - which obviously caused me to realise that it wasn't 'me', as i had to, refer to / consult, the dictionary to see if they were appropriate ones, which they inevitably were...

After a time i noticed that a certain part of the book/writing was becoming somewhat strangely sexual in nature - which later caused me to 'bin' certain parts of it, and to promptly distance myself from such 'Helpers'...

Prompting me to put such a matter into what we would most readily describe as 'the Hands of God', by 'walking away' and vowing that if such Interactions were a true part of my life-path then such Interactions would inevitably happen in spite of myself, so to speak...

This constituted what, perhaps, could best be described as a 'wilderness period' for me - one that lasted for around 16(???) years perhaps, and included a 4-5 year period where i was actively involved within Buddhism...

Anyway, back on point, so to speak...

I had a full-colour dream about David, possibly a year or so ago - he was sat on one of a row of empty seats which were positioned on a fairly wide(???) public promenade, facing out to sea...

People of a bygone era were passing by, chatting fairly happily(???) with one-another, wearing long 'ruched' dresses with smallish hats and occasionally carrying parasols...

The topless David seemed oblivious to such people - and such people seemed oblivious to Him also...

I sat down to the right of him, with a one chair gap separating us, if i remember correctly - David seemed to be mentally preoccupied ('consumed'/fixated in/by thought) as He was staring out to sea, and was completely unaware of my presence also...

Anyway, that constitutes the end of such sharings (from my own personal perspective, of course), which are all given in completely good faith - and thus i have come to the end of such a blog offering also...
