18 Feb


Whilst on a walkies during the afternoon of 13 February 2024 i met a man who i had chatted to on an earlier occasion - i had also met him on the day before when i helped both himself and another man lift the burnt-out remaining frame of a motorbike into a van that the third man was apparently taking to a scrapyard...

Anyway, upon meeting him once again the next day, we chatted about finding things generally, with me recounting the time when i had found a book containing phone numbers, together with a bunch of keys...

Upon such an occasion i realised that some of such keys were house keys, and that the owner no longer had them in order to gain entry to their house - well, presumably anyway...

So i took them all home with me and looked at all the phone numbers wondering which one to phone first - only for one in particular to 'jump out at me', so to speak - thus prompting me to phone such a telephone number to see what, if anything, happened...

Anyway, in the event, the owner of such lost items answered, resulting in me arranging to meet her close to where she worked, during her lunch-time, where i returned such items to her...

Anyway (once again), after having concluded our conversation today i carried on walking my walk, and shortly afterwards realised that in wondering which written telephone number to ring/dial first i had in actual fact Asked a question, and that such a Received Answer was in the form of such a written owner's phone number being Seen to having been 'jumping out at me'...

At the time i simply hadn't realised this, as i had simply seen it as being a rather strange phenomenon that had excited my senses, and given me a sort of 'wow' moment...

Tis something that has only been revealed to me / my senses many years later - yeah, strange, i know - or maybe it was simply a case of comprehension having belatedly 'dawned' eh...

Anyway later during such a walk, having both Received and pondered upon two newly Received aphorisms, i realised that i really needed a third (my 'threeness' thingy) - only for my mind to be drawn to the 'Others' category, after having thought that i would be choosing one of the remaining one's from 'Ours' within such a remaining typed list - resulting in me thinking, 'there's only one left in that list and it's not really one that i would wish to offer at this point in time'...

So, on i walked, only later to Receive, 'Ask and thou shalt Receive' - seemingly completely unbiddenly - as i had earlier determined that i would simply return home and look through my list of 'Ours' and select one of those for a third offering...

So anyway, going back to the keys and telephone book moment in time, i now understand that thoughts such as, 'i wonder which (telephone) number i should try first' constitutes 'Asking' - pondering ('i wonder') really - which is kind of cool really...

...Though i guess trying to come to the assistance of an unknown other may have helped...

...But what would have happened if the owner of such keys and notebook had stolen something themselves, of value to someone else, without karma having caught up with them??? - my guess would be that i simply wouldn't have seen them perhaps - or simply wouldn't have felt the need to pick them up and try returning them to the owner perhaps...

...Who knows eh...

So, back to Asking and Receiving...

I have been doing such a thing for quite a while now when Asking for a song/tune (or indeed the plural) to accompany a blog that i have already written/typed, or indeed plan on writing/typing when such an idea has come to mind, of course - and have indeed (almost???) invariably Received one fairly quickly(???), in some form or another - but, once again, on such occasions it involves a form of 'service to others' (potentially at least), so there is that 'non-selfish' aspect to it, so perhaps, in my case at least, that is the key huh...

...(Which is what caused me to, rightly or wrongly, add one of those bracketed proviso's immediately after such a Given aphorism - simply because i realised that not everyone who 'Asks' for something 'Receives' it - and with the other two proviso's being seemingly Offered upon pondering such a non-Receiving scenario/possibility)...

...However, what also has to be remembered within such a context is that i am/form part of a dedicated Team - and that such a Team is on a Service-to-others Mission, seemingly primarily, at least - and tunes/songs are, seemingly anyway, all part and parcel of such 'T/teamW/work', so i guess it is sort of fundamentally different in such an effect...

Such is the nature of Receiving aphorisms such as, 'Ask and thou shalt Receive', also, sometimes - for they can cause me to ponder and question them - especially so, if/when i am in the mood to do so, of course...

...Which, upon this particular occasion, i was - resulting in me realising that i don't really/generally consciously Ask for anything mundane for myself (a 'lower' form of Asking, with the intent of receiving rather than Receiving), as i don't feel that it is right to do so - for if i am truly in need of something, such arising needs/problems are invariably(???) provided/solved (unless i am karmically responsible for such conditions/situations arising of course - in which case it is, quite understandably, almost invariably, one supposes, a 'solve it yourself' situation - a self-attracted/created learning exercise eh) ...

There is another kind/type of 'Asking' that i have become aware of actually - and that is where people seemingly state an intention of receiving something and waiting for 'the universe' to respond / manifest it - but it is something that i have never chosen to do myself...

...Mainly because i simply prefer things to come to me unbidden - generally as a sort of possibility/opportunity that i can either choose to entertain/accept or otherwise - which is the way that i prefer it really as it encompasses/involves the use of free-will choices, which i find to be Healthy...

...For i am mindful that 'setting an intention' of receiving/manifesting something for oneself is intrinsically a selfish / service-to-self action - one that brings to mind the 'be careful what you wish for' warning/advice...

...Or maybe a 'you get what you need, rather than what you want' type of scenario - which may, perhaps, be an unwelcoming learning experience - especially if you are carrying, possibly many, hinderances, perhaps...

...For if a 'like attracts like' scenario ensues/unfolds it could turn out to be very unwelcoming indeed - in theory at least...

So, be careful when so 'Asking', would be my advice - for you may receive a test in return - for Earth is a school of learning after all, and whilst in school we occasionally receive tests...

...Or we may perhaps receive a temptation as a learning experience, simply to see how we handle it - so simply try to keep selfishness / service-to-self out of the 'equation', in order to possibly minimise such possibilities, would be my advice - and if you don't receive, upon so 'Asking', for some perhaps unknown reason, then maybe count your blessings / be grateful/thankful within simple acceptance eh...
