24 Jan


Somewhere within a faraway galaxy, one of its myraid of suns exploded without warning...

And in so doing cooked/fried all incarnate/embodied life upon its only habitable zone planet, before ejecting its traumatised remains, along with all the other resident planets out towards the far reaches of space...

Orphan planets and their remains that were eventually destined to be adopted by a number of other suns resident within such a galaxy...

And what of the souls, both incarnate/embodied and discarnate/disembodied, who previously reincarnated upon such a habitable zone planet???, the reader of these words may reasonably ask...

Well their traumatised souls / disembodied forms were blown like the spores of a dandelion by the explosive wind of such a disintegrating parent sun...

Out, in a likewise manner to the planets, into the farther reaches of space - destined to be adopted by the souls whose Homes were tethered to other habitable zone planets, orbiting other suns...

And in so doing, increasing their numbers - in some cases quite considerably...

And there such orphaned souls / disembodied forms Abided/Resided until such traumas were reduced to at least the extent whereby they too could enter into the cycles of reincarnation upon such planets, in physical bodies / vehicles of expressions, together with their new found Brethren/Families...

Some of such orphans felt extremely lost within such new families, and struggled, some greatly, to fit in...

Whereas others fit in more easily - more happily adding variety and ideas, like extra ingredients within a recipe perhaps...

And some found themselves fitting in a little too well perhaps - adopting Unhealthy ways of being / customs that were not Spiritually beneficial to them - and racking up / amassing an increasingly Unhealthy load of bad karma in/by so doing...

So did they remain orphans within such adopted systems for ever???, the reader of these words may quite reasonably ask...

Well their former Home planet was an advanced one - both in terms of technology and Spirituality...

So some Family members were on various 'away missions' of different kinds at the time of such a sudden and unexpected exploding parent sun...

And they managed to regroup, heal themselves of their traumas, and eventually find a suitable habitable zone planet orbiting a different, but similar, sun within a different part of such a faraway galaxy...

A virgin planet, with no resident life-forms upon it...

A planet that their technology / technological expertise could mould into a lifestyle, together with the customs, that they formally enjoyed...

And they went in search of their lost brethren / Family members, like figurative shepherds in search of / gathering their lost flock perhaps - and, once found, simply waited until such Family members karmas within such adopted systems were within a suitable/acceptable band of Balance, before inviting them to rejoin them, within their new planetary Home system...
