14 Apr


'Kaa Maa'!!! - exclaimed the child, to his mother, with unbridled excitement...

The mother looked up into the sky with a strange feeling of uncertainty - for the flying objects looked somehow different in nature to the ones she could remember her grandmother telling her about years ago within the bedtime stories that every parent passed down to their children...

Such uncertainty was in fact correct, for it wasn't the return of The Great Ka who periodically visited them, in such a spirit of friendship and benevolence, during their repeated travels throughout the vast heavens that comprised their much extensive Kingdom...

No, it was another unknown species...

A species that were not quite right somehow - not quite how they seemed...

And how right she turned out to be...

For such an unknown new species practiced great deceit and mistreated them greatly - seeing them as somehow a very much 'lower' species to be tricked, played with, and exploited...

...Until The Great Ka returned of course...

Then everything changed - for the much hindered, uninvited, and increasingly unwelcomed species anyway...

For they were put into a 'prism'...

...A form of physical stasis whereby they were connected to a corrective computer simulation program that was specifically tailored to their needs, in an attempt to bring such a particularly hindered species into a pre-prescribed state of balance - a simulation that took place within a virtual mimicked planetary scenario named 'Salvation'...

Once written, The Great Ka then discretely filed away such a specifically designed simulation program for possible future adaptation - if ever needed...

A program which they called 'kama', in recognition of the child who had looked up into the sky and was the first to spot the uninvited approaching flying craft...

Within such a simulation (and from a very simplistic standpoint of 'bare bones' explanation) whatever each 'sinner' did reflected back to them...

So, for instance, if they shot and killed a bird, they later perhaps (depending upon motivating influences, amongst perhaps other relevant factors) became that bird in a later incarnation...

And if, for example, they treated another member of their own species in any sort of particularly hindered way, then in a later incarnation they perhaps became that person, in a likewise manner...

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera - with good deeds attracting favourable future outcomes, and bad deeds unfavourable ones...

Until they were adjudged to have balanced themselves - within such pre-prescribed parameters anyway...

...At which point they were allowed to exit such a specifically designed corrective simulation programme, via a 'Door' labelled 'Sin No More' - knowing exactly what it had all been about...

Yes dear reader - by that time they had indeed been enlightened as to such previously highly hindered ways of being...

Oh, and the beings that were uninvitedly visited upon by such a hindered species??? - well they simply had their 'garments' washed clean of the rather harrowing effects that such highly unwelcomed experiences brought, by The Great Ka as they were known as by such beings...
