07 Nov


About a week ago now i was watching and enjoying a video onth Tube, whereby someone who i have reasonably recently, closely and upliftingly Interacted with (from my own personal perspective of course), was performing in concert, musically...

I realised that she seemed to be a somewhat more powerful/assertive/confident individual than the One that i had come to Know, and so questioned this within mind - the Reply that i Received was 'i had to change'...

This then caused me to think about passing on such details, in a real-world sense, within a blog/comment for example - which then prompted the following Response...

'Allow them to remember me as i was' - such an Individual no longer seems particularly interested in what comprises their previous life musical activities btw...

Anyway, the words 'as i was' caused me to ponder upon such things in a more inquisitive way - until i realised what could possibly constitute the obvious, for the first time...

Within a scenario/environment of reincarnation, we have lived many different lives and have therefore, quite obviously, experienced/developed many different personalities within each of those lives...

This new potential/possible understanding/appreciation of such a possibility then caused me to wonder whether we 'reintegrated' with our previous Selves, if you will, upon our return Home (potentially at least) - causing our newly blended/updated whole Selves, if you will, to be slightly(???) modified due to the effects of our immediately previous Earth-life 'personality' experiences...

Which prompted the following Reply - 'close but not quite'...

Anyway, moving forwards in time to earlier today, and based upon another Person fairly recently telling me (from my own personal perspective, of course) that they initially found it somewhat confusing/difficult to 'get their head round' their new, presumably expanded, Circumstances, i pondered further...

And thought back to a time shortly after George Kennedy (think the big guy in 'Cool Hand Luke') shed his mortal coil, when i seemed to link with/to Him Energetically - from my own perspective, of course...

I saw Him within mind (from my own personal perspective, of course), and He seemed to be Residing within 'Enwrapped Wonderment' - with a sort of, 'I can't quite believe, what I'm seeing here / this', smile upon His face...

It made me think/realise(???) that He had gone to Somewhere nice - and i felt very pleased for Him...

Anyway, with all these factors in mind, a possible/potential picture has been painted within mind (by myself perhaps???) of what it may, or may not of course, be like upon our return Home, after shedding our mortal coils...

Could it be akin to being in a sailing boat, and not yet realising/knowing/understanding that we have a rudder and sails that we have to (re)aquaint ourSelves with, one wonders???...

And if so, could it be our, Thoughts / state of Being, that propels and steers such a figurative 'sailing boat', one further wonders???...

And what happens if we have lived a particularly unskillful most recent previous life??? - would we find ourSelves residing within particularly stormy and gloomy Seas (figuratively speaking of course), rather than perhaps calm Seas with bright and cheery Weather Environs, one wonders???...

I guess the simple answer to those sort of questions is, time will surely tell...

An answer that may, quite understandably perhaps, prompt the following response from possible readers of these words - 'why don't you ask???'...

The simple answer is, even if 'They' chose to answer such a question, 'They' already Know that i simply do not wish to know the possible answer - at this point in time, at least...

For, to me, it would be akin to opening your Xmas presents (crappy ones or otherwise) prematurely...

So why spoil what may potentially be a rather pleasant surprise??? - or, conversely of course, worry about what may potentially befall us????...
