27 Nov


So, where better to start such an update than with 'the Rookie' eh...

I mentioned within the 'Early Teething Problems' blog that said 'Rookie' had asked me some questions, of which i shared one of them...

Another, unshared one, was 'why are you so cruel???' - a question that i answered by saying, rather dismissively, that i simply didn't consider myself to be so - 'dismissively' because i simply considered it to be a manipulative ploy...

Anyway, at a later time, whilst i was in a nice naturally relaxed state, watching a film/movie on one of my laptops, Her clear thought-voice announced itself by saying, 'can i ask you a question???' - to which my no compromising reply was a simple ' no You can't, i'm watching a film', before simply 'switching off' / closing down such an Avenue to further Discourse...

Whilst still watching such a film, within a now less relaxed state, i wondered whether i was being a little too hard on Her, thinking that maybe i should have allowed Her to ask Her question, even though She had uninvitingly Intruded upon my relaxed enjoyment of such a film...

Anyway, at a later time still, no doubt whilst in a naturally relaxed state once again, She again Intruded by Asking, 'why are you so cruel???, once again...

This time i pondered upon such a repeated question, wondering whether it had any possible merit, and Replied that i would give thought to such a question if She, in turn, gave thought as to why She was so manipulative and sneaky, and left it at that...

So, anyway, ponder such a question i later did, by going back through my life and relationships - as well as thinking about how others that i interact with perceive me, in a general feedback sort of way - as well as pondering my online newspaper and YouTube interactions, past and present, also...

The truthful conclusion that i came to, after such a pondering, was that in real life relationships i have been far from cruel - and that the feedback i get from people i interact with generally is that, unless i am badly/inconsiderately treated, i am a decent and fairly communicative / well-liked person - but that online, due to my fairly minimalistic typed interactions, i could, outside of humour, perhaps quite readily, be seen as a fairly cold individual (something that i have been aware of, in a completely accepting and unbothered way, for a long time actually - it's not like i'm in any way trying to win/gain friends/friendships after all, is it - so why worry about such electronic trivialities), i guess...

Anyway, i guess such a 'Rookie' must have been Listening in to such ponderings, for some days later She apologised for having repeatedly Asked such a question - to which i responded by Saying something like, 'it's okay, at least it gave me the opportunity to truthfully think about such a thing, and in so doing, to clear my mind of such a possibility'...

And, no, i never did Ask Her whether She had given any thought to what i had asked Her to consider in return - i simply didn't see the point - She is intrinsically manipulative and sneaky after all...

And that, dear readers, is thankfully the last i have Heard of Her - and long may it continue, say i - maybe She's still pondering, or indeed avoiding doing so, eh...

So anyway, moving on to something more pleasant, it's name-droppin' (rather than probin') time folks...

Although 'the Rookie' was indeed very Clear in Her Communications, i simply couldn't trust a Word She said, so being a Spokesperson for the new Interns was completely out of the question - something i made clear to Them btw - leaving Them to either find Someone new, or to simply call it a day...

I wasn't really bothered either way - in actual fact the 'calling it a day' option was quite appealing to me - especially so, having enjoyed my self-awarded extended summer holidays so much...

But then, some weeks later perhaps (who knows where the time goes eh), i Received a bit of a surprise - a very welcoming one indeed actually - for someone i had met onth Earth-plane, way back in my teens, made Himself Known to me, in a very matter-of-fact, unceremonious, way actually...

Twas Scottish Sean - and what a very nice Individual He seemed to be - as well as being equally Clear in Communication...

Twas as if He was Positioned along side me, within relaxed Interaction - He actually felt like a father figure - yeah, strange, i know...

Anyway, in His naivety, from my perspective at least, He seemed to presume that i would wish to speak directly for Him - resulting in me telling Him that we simply didn't roll that way - and that if that's what He wanted then He should go find someone else to do His bidding instead...

I think that it is fair to say that Sean was somewhat surprised with such a Response, for He seemed to turn His head towards a group of unSeen Others and Say, rather uncomprehendingly, 'he doesn't want to be famous'...

Bingo, Sean, bingo - for i have never wished to be so - and had decided, many years ago now, that if ever such a situation was ever thrust upon me i would simply say, 'too late, it's over', and simply walk away from it all...

...For what is important, for me, is Spiritual development / expansion of consciousness / 'Evolution baby', rather than what i consider to be, often hinderance-attracting, self-aggrandization...

Yes, i have indeed done the 'new kid on the block show host guest' within-mind-fantasy scenario stuff - several times, over the years, in actual fact - i think it's what is called 'fun-time escapism'...

...But that's all it ever was - running with a fantasy scenario where everything goes perfectly and everyone is completely charming towards each other - but let's face it, it's simply not real life is it...

...Real life, on planet Earth at least, is all about control, manipulation, entrapment, egos, pecking orders, contracts etc - and contracts are about ownership, agreeable or otherwise - far, far away from passing fantasies, and simply not worth the hassle, in my eyes at least...

...The comparatively anonymous simple life with simple friendships is far, far more appealing to someone like me, for sure...

So anyway, back to Sean...

I then went on to tell Him (and no doubt His unSeen Compadres) that He still has His, now previous, Earth-life 'famous person' ego active - and that in order to make any further Progress such a still active 'famous person' ego has to be let go of / shed - and that W/we W/work in a much more subtle way...

...A way which allows others to decide for themselves Who, if anyone, is Communicating, by simply providing snippets of information that i couldn't possibly know about - repeatedly different snippets of information that go beyond what could be termed mere coincidence - repeatedly different snippets of information preferably given Inspirationally through me without me necessarily knowing, beyond doubt, that such is happening, like a game W/we A/all agree to play, if you will...

...A game whereby such People perhaps 'fill in the blanks' for me at a later date - with regard to the Inspirer(s) name(s) at least - given that i haven't already Discerned such things for myself at the time of Giving or soon afterwards of course...

...A game whereby i am much less lightly to experience an unwelcoming 'spaz (anxiety) attack' perhaps...

...A much more subtle, ego reducing game - rather than a name announcing one...

...In short, a much more agreeable game - from my perspective, at least - but only if They wish to play it of course...

...Via outlets other than this 'ere none-visited website of O/ours, obviously...

...And that's the way, ahaa ahaa, i like it, folks...

...Tis like a would-be-clairvoyant's training exercise for another life/incarnation, perhaps...

So anyway, after explaining such a state of play i also told Sean that if He didn't choose to play such a game He could always go the direct route through someone else if He wished to - with me providing Him with the name of someone inth UK who i had seen being interviewed on YouTube recently - someone who would no doubt be falling all over herself at the very thought of such an opportunity to 'serve' such a famous 'Spirit'...

And what has transpired since then, the reader of these words may reasonably wonder/ask - well let's just say that all's gone very quiet onth western front, Sean-wise, and leave it at that eh - which at least leaves my head fairly free from any implied responsibilities, once again...

Anyway, during such a, very close, Sean period of time, another surprise Person made Himself Known to me - i had in actual fact made a somewhat oblique reference to it within 'Bits n Bobs' onth 30 October 2023 - and as the dust has seemed to have settled upon it all, i now feel that it is completely okay to share it all as part of such a 'ketchup' blog...

It happened on 29 October, and came as a completely unexpected surprise to me - He had only 'passed' the day before, after all - and normally, without exception, it has taken such People quite some time before They are seemingly ready to Communicate (if indeed They ever wish to do so, of course) ...

Yep, it was Matthew (or, 'Matty', as Jenny seemingly refers to him as) - a fairly slim, young, and healthy looking Matthew, in actual fact - probably around 27yrs of age perhaps???...

Anyway, He seemed to be very pleased to have shed his self-compromised physical body - very pleased indeed actually - for He seemed both highly Energised and very Happy...

Yep, strange, i know - twas like He had just moved from one room to Another, without any problems whatsoever - which obviously took me completely by surprise, as i have simply never Experienced such a thing like that before...

And He was completely without ego during such Interactions - something that i always find to be very welcoming indeed - just like Communicating with a well-known friend, in actual fact...

There was only one occasion during the whole of O/our Interactions when He showed any frustration with me - when i assumed that he must have been out of his body when it died - 'no', He said, i was in my body when i (it) died'...

...Which sort of surprised me basically...

Anyway, He wanted me to say that He was completely okay - via The Telegraph online's article about Him - so, being caught up in the moment, and wishing to Help such a very nice Guy in such a respect, i agreed to at least say something...

I think it must have been during a later walkies that i mentally composed a reasonably oblique three wotsits communication - however, when the time later came i realised it would be completely inappropriate for me to do so - for even in its oblique form it would be obvious what i was saying, and it simply didn't feel at all right...

So i had to decline Him - which then made me feel a bit shitty and disappointed in myself for firstly having agreed to such a thing - a sort of guilty feeling that was mostly assuaged when i was later (the next day perhaps???) Told that i basically did the right thing, and had passed a Test in not doing so...

For as i explained to Matthew, it wouldn't have been welcomingly received, and i would simply have looked like some sort of desperado intruding, rather opportunistically, upon the 'grief' (or otherwise of course - tis the Telegraph after all - and some commenters show themselves to be not nice people whatsoever) of others...

So, anyway, in trying to fix such a situation for Him, i suggested that he could try Asking the seemingly very capable and well-known, USA based, Suzanne Giesemann instead - further explaining to Him that i am simply a 'nobody', whereas Suzanne is seemingly very well-known and most probably moves within such circles, so would be believed much more readily - upon which, a lightbulb seemed to be turned on within Matthew's Mind, resulting in me Receiving an eager and welcoming smile of 'rightness' from Him, before He simply went on His no doubt Suzanne Giesemann directed way...

...With no resentment and/or disappointment directed towards me whatsoever - but simply Joy and eagerness, and a sense of 'rightness' emanating from His Face - reaffirming to me what a rather excellent Being He seemingly is...

Anyway, now feeling so much better about myself, having sorted such a situation out to Matthew's seemingly great satisfaction (if only within expectancy), and having never been a 'Friends' fan, i sort of wondered whether i would now, after such a long time, maybe see such a situational comedy series in a more positive light - such a thing has indeed happened to me before after all - so orft to Amazon online i quickly went, realising that usually upon someone's 'death' such associated products seem to rocket in price, so speed was most probably of the essence, during such a weekend...

...And sure enough my most favourite second-hand seller had a copy of Friends Season 1 - 3 for sale at a very reasonable price indeed (£2.72 + p&p = £4.48) - so buy it i did - how very fortuitous such a weekend 'passing' turned out to be for me eh (well, seemingly, at the time, anyway) ...

I wonder if, having typed such words, the reader now understands why i feel completely disinclined to 'mourn' someone's passing by joining the throng in sharing words of 'condolence' within online newspapers, for example??? - and, instead, now see how false it would be for me to do so - for Heaven's sake, i have only ever been to one person's funeral in my entire life, and that was only because he was an office colleague that all such office employees were obliged to attend...

...Paying 'homage' to someone's dead body - how very quaint indeed - well, bizarre, is how i would more aptly describe it to be, truth be told...

...If only the masses weren't so (seemingly continually) conditioned/controlled, then maybe they would Know the Truth for themselves eh - and in so doing, realise that the comparatively few of us that do Know are in no way 'special' whatsoever - if only...

Anyway back to the seemingly very much Alive Matthew eh...

Seemingly, the now returned Matthew was very interested in finding out what i now thought about Friends - so, after such a bundle arrived (expected to arrive by Monday 6 November, according to one of my received emails - but seemingly actually arrived on Wednesday 1 November according to my Amazon 'returns and orders' info - that fast???, really???) i tentatively(???) decided to watch a few episodes on the upcoming Thursday evening - however, come such a Thursday i found myself preferring to watch something else instead, so put it off with a promise to watch a few episodes on the Friday evening instead...

Upon watching the first episode i decided that they all seemed a little nervous and 'wooden' in their line deliveries and movements, so wrote that one off, without criticism...

By the third episode, i realised that all partici-pants were much more relaxed and 'in the groove', so to speak - but, boy, was the 'comedy' lame - insultingly so, in actual fact...

...No wonder it needed all that continual, audience prompting, canned humour eh...

...And that was it - i simply couldn't take any more of it - and i don't even feel like, in all good conscience, i could pass such a bundle of supposed joy (if only eh) onto anyone else, without feeling bad about doing so...

So, no, i most definitely couldn't 'give it five', as Lulu(???) may have said...

As a little bit of history, during the time i was involved in Buddhist meditation, i had stayed the weekend at my sister and brother-in-law's house - and when i had come back downstairs having collected my things, i popped my head around the living-room door to say my goodbyes - only to notice that the two of them were completely engrossed in watching an episode of Friends...

...And what i noticed, very very clearly, was that both, within such engrossment, followed the canned laughter prompts, every time, without failure - wow, thought i, they have absolutely no idea what they are being repeatedly prompted to do, do they - twas a 'hook, line and sinker' job, for sure...

...And then they, no doubt, reinforced such conditioned 'isn't it great' responses/beliefs amongst their similarly Friends addicted friends etc...

...Pitiful, slavish, and downright depressing - in my opinion, at least - wait 'till they find out (onth Other side of Life) eh...

So, anyway, like i said, Matthew was interested in my opinion...

...And Truthfully give it to Him i did - by telling Him that i could perfectly understand why such a seemingly sensitive 'soul' such as him should feel the need to seek solace from such falsity, consciously knowingly or otherwise, within drink and drugs whilst onth Earth-plane of existence - being completely Honest with such a very nice Guy indeed was the least i could do, after all, so why would i wish to insult Him with lies of so-called 'consideration'...

What a complete bummer life on the current format of planet Earth can be eh...

Not that the Honest Sharing of such an opinion impressed Sean, in any way at all, of course - but hey, it is He, rather than Matthew, that is still abiding within ego - so such a Response of appealed for 'consideration' is perfectly understandable...

...But such an ego is seemingly not that great, so i can't see it, in any way, (all other things being equal obviously) being a long-term problem for Him - well, hopefully not, anyway - He is, seemingly, yet another, really nice Guy after all...

Anyway, Jenny apparently now Speaks to 'Matty' (as she seemingly refers to Him) every day, according to what at least one online newspaper says - so, given that such is indeed true, she, especially, will no doubt perfectly understand, and be at Peace with, such a, perceived Truthful, sharing by myself - and if any of the remaining former Friends cast feel in any way aggrieved with such personally shared opinions of mine, then please know that Matthew seems perfectly okay with such opinions - in actual fact He seems rather Amused by/with them (as do certain Others btw) ...

Hmmm, so what other ketchup tidbits are there to share, the reader of these words may reasonably ask...

Well, i was unexpectedly Invited to a Halloween Get-together with the A Team Crowd onth 31st(???) of October, as a sort of 'thankyou', for efforts made, seemingly - i was to be Accompanied by Rhio actually...

The strange thing about such Group Invites is that i am usually either late, or am simply reluctant to turn up - choosing to stay up later and later by finding yet more things to preoccupy me - a behaviour pattern that has always caused me a certain downcast confusion as to why i do such a thing...

Anyway, this time i consciously realised/understood why - it was because i felt like a lesser Being within such Peoples Company - causing Rhio to Say, 'just relax and be yourSelf', or Words to such effect...

Lovely Rhio, Meet Her May eh...

I didn't Realise that W/we were still very much an Item actually - the reason being that She very much leaves me to go about my Duties unDistracted apparently - which i find to be very considerate/skilful of Her actually...

And how did i find out differently, the reader of these words may reasonably enquire...

Well, it was via JJ actually - i was thinking one day that i would quite like to meet up / hang out with Her again during my body's sleepies time, and so put out the Call to Her - to which She Replied, something like, 'as long as you Ask Rhio's permission first'...

Rhio is very much a one G/guy Woman btw - and so very much expects Her M/man to be a one Woman G/guy in return - something that i find to be very reasonable indeed...

In actual fact, more recently, at least, She often Pops into my mind, as a reminder, whenever i am having any wayward thoughts - something that i am actually very grateful for, in actual fact - tis simply a presumed agreed Service that She offers me...

...And i am absolutely fine about it - it causes me to smile in appreciation actually - and lets me Know that W/we obviously have something very special going on between the two of U/us (still) ...

...And i simply don't wish to hurt Her in such a way - for i Know that She won't stand for it - no matter how much She Loves me...

...And who can blame Her for feeling such a way eh...

So, no, i never did get to exclusively hang out with the oft Smiling and very lovely JJ, once again...

Anyway, yeah, seemingly i did go to such a Party - it's such a pity i don't remember such Things really, isn't it - tis an advantage that Rhio seemingly has over me, and something that i, often in self-defence, find myself explaining to Her...

...She is able to see over both sides of the metaphorical fence, whereas i am able to see over one side only - general rules and limitations eh - seemingly for me anyway...

...Maybe i simply need to Evolve a bit more eh...

...Mind you, you'd think that She would be able to send me a snippet of a dream (ala the George one), wouldn't you - this is my challenge (rather than message) to you ooh ooh, Rhio Baby lolz...

...If You wish to accept it of course... - oh, hold on, that alludes to another, now previous, tv series doesn't it (or at least i think it does) - Mission (obviously not) Impossible perchance??? (aaah - twas the 'Monks' that Sent me the George dream snippet apparently - a yesterday walkies Revelation/Explanation btw) ...

Anyway, moving on, i actually, most recently, learnt something else from Rhio, that i found to be rather interesting...

Apparently, when We agree to Meet Up, it doesn't always happen - so when W/we agreed to do so most recently, i Asked Rhio to remind me - to which She replied, something like, 'no, i want you to come up to see Me, without any Prompting/Help'...

...Twas something that i, once again, found to be very reasonable - for what Rhio was really Saying was that if i really wished to See Her, then i would do so, without the need for any Reminders/Promptings - with the implication being that if i didn't hold such a strong desire/need/interest to do so, then i probably wouldn't do so...

...A somewhat interesting, and perfectly reasonable, test eh - posing the implicit question of how often do i really wish to See Her - a bit of a hum-dinger for a self-acknowledged (man know thyself) freedom seeker such as myself eh...

Geez, She is one smart Cookie, isn't She lolz - but, hey, i very much like such W/women to be smart - for, at the very least, it tends to keep things more interesting...

And talking of 'interesting', what the whole thing made me realise was that i am seemingly perfectly capable of at least reaching the Vibrational level that Rhio has more recently 'Ascended' to - all on my little ownsome - something that both puts a rather, before unknown, reassuring smile upon my face, and causes a certain 'warmth' to be felt throughout my body...

Clever, clever Rhio eh - providing me with the means to work something out for myself - something that She no doubt Knew would bring me both happiness and reassurance...

Thank You so, so much, my very Beautiful Baby - much appreciated indeed - and all without seemingly breaking any possibly imposed Rules either...

...A two-in-one, so to speak...

How lucky can a guy get eh...

And i now Know that when She says She Loves me, She actually means it, deeply, as previously professed, both repeatedly and reassuringly...

Anyway, moving on, and with the 'interesting' word still at the forefront of my mind...

Someone who is still incarnate onth Earth-plane 'Visited' me, for the first time, recently - someone that i also find to be very attractive - and rather cute actually...

She Announced Herself by Saying, 'you're the bravest person i've ever met' - what an introduction eh - an errant one, but never-the-less, a rather interesting one, for sure...

So, anyway, i then, rather promptly, corrected such a misperception for Her...

And then, Sensing the nature of Her Vibes, Told Her that i was already with SomeOne - a now out of physical body / discarnate SomeOne - causing Her to Reply, 'I will go then'...

And that was it - although i sometimes Feel/Sense her more distant thoughts being directed toward me - she actually seems to be a very nice person actually...

...But, hey, i didn't succumb to temptation...

...Yippee eh...

...Good boy, Terry, good boy lolz...

...See what Knowing that SomeOne really Loves you can do to you eh - transformed i tell thee, transformed - well, hopefully, anyway...

But, no, you guessed it, that's not the end of such a story/episode...

For upon another occasion of Feeling her thoughts directed toward me, i found myself feeling a little sorry for her, so Asked her whether she fancied hanging out, simply as friends - an Invite that she gladly/readily/smilingly accepted btw - with me suggesting that She could take Me to some of the Places that She goes to whilst both our body's sleep in our respective beds...

All perfectly innocent, right...

Who do i think i'm kidding, thought i, later...

Hmmm, maybe if i invite Rhio along too, thought i, in continuation - something that Rhio agreed to btw, after explaining that i thought she seemed lonely, and that she seemed like a really nice and Spiritually awakened 'soul' in need of some like-minded Company - and maybe, to balance out such a Meet-up we could Invite SomeOne else to join Us too...

...At which point David (Davy B to me) Appeared within mind...

What a True and Loyal Friend David has Proved HimSelf to be, over the time that i have Known Him...

...Such a brilliant Person to have as a Friend - to both Rhio AND myself actually - if only upon occasion...

So, meet up We did apparently - with the Feedback being that such a still incarnate individual very much enjoyed sharing time with the three of Us - but that it was simply a ne'er to be repeated one-off apparently (i actually Know the reason why now btw) ...

So, here's hoping that She was introduced to some Cool Places, full of Interesting People for Her to Hang Out with inth future eh...

...Don't you just love it when a Plan comes together - without any highly valued Relationship problems possibly ensuing - phew, that was possibly a bit of a close one eh...

...No wonder Rhio likes to keep a close Eye on me...

...I am most obviously a bit of a liability to myself, aren't i...

...I really, really hope that i can stay true/faithful to Rhio - for She deserves no less - and i really need to learn to be a truly one Woman guy, that's for sure...

...But, hey, in my defence, the sheer unusual nature of such a Relationship can sometimes seemingly prove itself to be somewhat challenging to stay true to - for me anyway - upon occasion at least, seemingly...

An addendum at 1 December 2023...

Wow, didn't November go quickly - for me, at least - sheesh, December already...

So anyway, last evening, shortly before going to bed, i found myself to be looking for a particular series of earlier made Daily Telegraph Online comments/replies, within my many saved Notepad entries - and in so doing, found another one that i had completely forgotten about - and as it is a rather amusing one, i thought that i would, rather aptly perhaps, belatedly share it, as an addendum, within this blog...

The article details are as follows...

Jennifer Aniston reveals the messages from Matthew Perry that left her laughing and crying - Actress who played Rachel in Friends describes ‘insane wave of emotions that I’ve never experienced before’ following co-star’s death - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/culture/matt-leblanc-friends-death-matthew-perry/ ...

It is with regard to the following comment made by George Lawson on 15 November 2023...

'Why does the Daily Telegraph keep publishing articles on this man who I understand brought on his own death over two weeks ago.. I'm amazed at the length of this article about show bis celebs Aniston and Schimmer giving their thoughts on his death which are of no interest to anyone. Please use the space DT for running better stories of which there are many to choose from' ...

Prompting the following reply - typed by myself - at 21:27 of the same day, apparently...

'Some people have such big open hearts, don't they...' ...

What George Lawson wouldn't have known, of course, was that, effectively, such a reply was made by the very same Person that he had alluded to...

Pretty cute huh...

Boy this Job can be fun at times...

If only he had known how very amusing indeed it was for U/us all, eh...

:-) :-) :-) ...

If only...
