12 Dec


I think i have mentioned before that it sometimes takes me a while before the proverbial penny begins to drop, haven't i...

Well, finally, this particular penny now seems to have dropped 'fully' - well, fully enough for a certain amount of clarity to have dawned anyway...

And hence the reason i now find that i am able to type such a blog as this one...

To be fair, i think that the reason for such a penny dropping delay is mainly(???) due to the fact that 'The L Team' ('L' being for 'Learning/Learner', of course - (many thanks for bringing my attention to the sign atop of that driving tuition car that passed me by during one particular walkies, a while back now, btw) - and some of whom may have, more recently, Ascended from a lower Vibrational Level) Interns/Members who have so far brought Themselves to my Attention, in one Way or another (Dreams and personal Interaction), are only the second Group that i have found myself to have been Interacting with...

...With some of the first Group (aka 'The A Team') having taken a very protracted circa 19 years before We started Interacting in relative/comparative earnest, of course...

...Upon which / Whence it then took a further circa 15, somewhat personally rocky/troublesome/Acclimatising, years before at least some of Them were Deemed to have Passed such Tests...

...With John Lennon being one of those who didn't Pass, of course - whom i mention, in particular, simply in order to bring attention to the fact that He has seemingly decided to try again, as this time, unlike the last perhaps, He now seemingly very much wishes to move on/forwards to better/improved Climes/Conditions - and, from my perspective at least, i have no doubt whatsoever, that given He applies Himself in a consistently/continually Positive way, rather than His previous often Negative/Troublesome Way, He will Pass easily (with flying colours), simply because He has previously Proved Himself to be very good at His assigned Job on the occasions when He has applied Himself in such a Positive, relatively Selfless, Way...

...And with Rhio very much Proving Herself to be the exception, of course, by only taking circa 5 years to Pass Her Tests - no wonder She was apparently Adjudged to have Passed them to an 'exemplary' standard eh...

...And with the very Lovely JJ having, seemingly, perhaps taken the longest of such a Group to have moved on to such a seemingly much Improved Level as She now Resides within - something that i only became consciously aware of after She had done so, in actual fact, upon realising that She had actually passed over ('died') on 4 October 1970 (some circa 52 years earlier) - no wonder She seemed so pensive upon seemingly awaiting the Results of such Tests eh...

...Begging the question, perhaps, of how many lower Levels had She perhaps Abided within before having Arisen to Reside within Her current Vibratory Level...

So, hopefully the reader of these words will, like myself perhaps, be able to clearly see the Picture that such words paint...

...A Picture that hints at the many/various Vibratory Levels that exist within what we most readily call the 'after-Life'...

...Together with, perhaps, the many Tests/Opportunities that exist in order to facilitate Our further Progressions within such an 'after-Life'...

...And the amount of Time that it can possibly take to Arise to such a Vibratory Level as JJ, Rhio, 'Davy B', and Others now find Themselves to be Residing within...

...And of how many other, perhaps countless, Higher Vibratory Levels there are in existence for Us to possibly aspire to Reside within also, whilst still Abiding/Residing within such Vibratory Levels...

... (With the word 'possibly' being used to reflect the many reincarnational levels that we may be obliged to abide/reside within also - both back upon planet Earth, as well as the no doubt myriad of other 'physical' universe environments for us to temporarily exist/live upon/within, also, of course) ...

...For we are eternal 'S/souls'/B/beings after all, are we not...

So, that concludes the painting of the, hopefully, Evolutionary Picture...

But what of a devolutionary Picture, the reader of these words may reasonably ask/enquire - does that exist also???...

...To which i would most readily reply, well, obviously...

...For if we can move upwards, then we can move downwards as well - that should be perfectly obvious - should it not???...

...Perhaps within the non-physical, as well as the physical...

...For, to me, at least, such a scenario makes perfect sense...

...For what can get better can most surely get worse, can it not...

...All the way through the whole of V/vibratory E/existence...

...Hence such a R/reality being reflected within the 'story' of the 'Fall', and the 'Fallen Ones', as a somewhat somber reminder to U/us all, surely - and as also being seemingly reflected by the evidently more Skilful behaviour being maintained with respect to 'Souls'/Beings such as JJ, Rhio, and 'Davy B', for example, since the Passing of Their Tests...

And there i will choose to leave it, fellow readers - future or otherwise - for now, at least...
