So, what caused me to choose to go on such an 'away mission', the reader of these words may very reasonably enquire...
Well, i think it all started earlier this year when a seeming stream of 'starseed' type of YouTube videos started appearing on my 'Homepage' - videos that were mainly describing the alleged/purported traits of so-called 'starseeds' from different locations within the cosmos - such as Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Orions, and Andromedans (a totally different neighbouring galaxy) etc, as well as music associated with such places/Beings...
So anyway, this got me interested in investigating such traits (which i thought may simply be a different and somewhat novel way of psychologically grouping people) - and indeed also got me interested in listening to such music, which i found to be relaxing and enjoyable - with Andromedan (and somewhat later, Lemurian) music being my most liked...
And then, this in turn, lead me to look into such 'starseed trait' videos offered by other YouTube channels to see if such offered/proscribed traits were described similarly by others (had shared commonalities), which, generally, they did...
And this, in turn then got me interested in taking part in a guided meditation by another person (something i shared the results of within my Bits N Bobs entry on 26 Sept 2024 btw), and then in the YouTube videos of someone whom i shall simply refer to as 'Crystal' (she is a self-acclaimed 'Crystal child', 'starseed', empath, and very Sensitive person), as she seemed to be a very authentic and inviting/personable individual...
And at some point along the way the idea of producing a blog regarding such a subject came into being - with me favouring the idea that it was possibly just a different and novel way of grouping people socially into another specific 'tribe' perhaps - even though the idea of 'starseeds' incarnating onto planet Earth to help 'raise the Vibrations' and thus assisting in the 'liberation' (from control/limitation) of indigenous incarnatees seemed like a very appealing and more/'all'-embracing (from a much wider perspective point of view) scenario to me...
However, twas like something unspoken was causing me to wonder whether it possibly could indeed be true - i had experienced unusual things (possible indicators) myself along the way after all - so when 'Crystal' offered a 'starseed healing community' 3 month online course i wondered, in all fairness, whether i should get a much more indepth look into such a possibility, before producing such a blog...
It would be quite a financial investment for me (444 Euros), and i had never paid for acquiring (further) online knowledge before, so i had a good think about it before deciding that i could easily afford such an outlay, and then deciding that if it turned out to be a waste of time and money then i felt quite okay with taking such a risk really...
So, anyway, i announced to the 'Team' my intention of taking a break for a while, as i felt that this was something that i needed to do, and that, who knows, maybe i would find out a lot more about myself, and if so, gain a much more expansive perspective of my possible greater origins etc - and that, who knows, maybe it would result in O/our Interactions (or at least some of them) being more 'immersive'/fruitful - with the Received feedback being varied, and ranging from it could indeed prove to be beneficial, to 'be careful' (regarding the 'Starseed Remembrance Package' in particular), to wondering whether it may simply cause me to move on permanently, seemingly (something that i realised could indeed be a possibility, whilst also realising that i was hardly likely to simply cast Them all off like a well-worn shoe, after all W/we have been through together, and all that They had done for me due to such Interactions over such a long period of time) ...
So, that, in essence, is what got me seriously interested in joining such an online 'starseed healing community' course...
So, after successfully filling out an online application, setting up an Instagram account, and paying 'Crystal', the person running the course, the 444 Euros, the course commenced - with my participation lasting only a month out of the scheduled 3 months that such a course was due to run, before 'Crystal' decided that she didn't want me on such a course any longer lolz - simply because i was asking too many challenging questions seemingly, and DMing her with too much (to me, relevant and needed) input...
...Which then resulted in me (eventually) receiving a pro-rata 300 Euro refund...
It was a dismissal from such a course that i accepted without complaint of any sort btw - simply because by that time it simply wasn't fulfilling me - and i had lost faith in 'Crystal', both as a teacher and as a (personally perceived or otherwise) truthful person, as in the end she (from my personal experiential perspective) simply seemed to resort to rather defensive mind games...
Such a course was populated by 10 of us - overtly, at least - however, so few people were making comments within all of 'Crystal's' offerings that it very much seemed that there were only 3 actual bona fide participants (including myself), at the very most...
...Which i obviously found to be very strange indeed...
The 'lightcodes', which were supposed to be personally infused Energetically with Healing properties by 'Crystal' herself, seemed totally inert...
And the 'light-language', which very much interested/intrigued me initially, was later seen/viewed by myself (rightly or wrongly) as being akin to a child's comfort blanket for 'Crystal'...
And only one of the 'channelings' that i managed to listen to seemed to be a possibly legitimate one - and that this one simply seemed plausible to me - but one that simply didn't seem to reflect reality...
This blog started off as being a very detailed one that included all the DM's between 'Crystal' and myself, all of her offerings, and all comments made within such offerings (albeit rather sparse ones for a supposed/overt 10 course members lolz) btw - but it simply became waaaay too detailed - and would have been very unappealing to read indeed...
...So after spending about a week working on it i decided to simply put it aside and type out this much much more simple overview of such a course instead, as it was really starting to weigh me down...
So what are my overall conclusions??? - well, i very much like the thought of there being genuine 'starseeds' incarnated here on planet Earth in order to 'raise the vibrations' and help defeat a supposed foe (like anyone(???) would basically), however, for me personally, there are simply too many question marks within the whole 'genre' - and that's all i wish to say on the matter at this point in time :-) :-) :-) ...
Addendum at 26 November 2024...
Sometime after publishing the An 'Away Mission' blog yesterday, i realised that, in the name of completeness, i could simply add all the other/related stuff as a series of appendices, rather than trying to weave them all together chronologically with personal commentary, as i had been trying to do (and which simply turned out to be too much of a mission lolz) - so have decided to do so today - so these are the titles of each added appendix, in the order offered...
Appendix 1 - Starseed Healing Community Course 'Invitation To Treat'...
Appendix 2 - Starseed Healing Community Course Online Application Questionnaire...
Appendix 3 - The Complete Starseed Healing Community Email Interactions...
Appendix 4 - The Complete Starseed Healing Community Instagram DM Interactions...
Appendix 5 - The Starseed Healing Community Course Offerings...
1) Appendix 1 - Starseed Healing Community Course 'Invitation To Treat'...
Join the Starseed Healing Community, we start on Sept 21st and doors to join close in October:
What do I mean with Starseed Healing?
Along my journey, tapping into my (galactic) guides and body’s intelligence for transmissions and activations informed my intuition to heal me on all levels, like no other modality did. This process is of course still going. We are here to dance with the stars and find the darkness in between. The void and the light. The rest and the activations.
I teach you how to access the self-healing power of your parasympathetic nervous system with the advanced spiritual technology of the ascended galactics. So you can actually integrate the light activations in your psychic and physical infrastructure.
I work with the chakras, the breath, color, light language and activations in certain points of your energy field. You will remain at the steering wheel: all healing is offered in a way that enables a gradual building of your capacity to hold your own galactic energy on this earth. This makes this community trauma-informed.
The galactics give step by step activations to awaken your DNA to braid with its etheric counterparts which in turn wakes up the dormant physical DNA potentials that translate to psychic gifts and deeper states of spiritual consciousness.
We will be working with your own team of guides along with the ones stepping forward in this Starseed Healing container. I work with the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians and various ascended masters and archangels like Jezus, archangel Michael, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Merlin and archangel Uriel. I also make it trauma-informed. This ensures that the healing will be tailored to the group. Since there will be a questionnaire before you join, I get to know the group and will add activations especially geared at what you’ve written.
Be aware that there is no 1:1 personal mentorship included and all healing happens in a group setting – however if you need additional personal support, I offer 50% off personal Healing Care Packages for community members, as well as other exclusive community offers and discounts. My self-paced Starseed Remembrance course is also included for 50% off if you choose to add this.
As this course is fully channeled it will come through in a flowing structure – often there will be a lot of material added at once, and then nothing for a while. There will be audio activations/guided meditations, supported by energy transmission videos (like the ones in my YouTube shorts, but way more), channeled texts, lightcode images and anything else I am guided to add.
After applying, you will receive an email from me. After joining, you will get access to an archive of guided meditations, lightcodes and transmissions, and more will be added along the way. The codes are to be taken in at your own pace – you will have access to the material as long as this course is available, so no rush or pressure to follow along with the pace of added material. I set the intention to make this community’s healing in the group’s highest good.
If you have concerns about the free flowing structure of creation, email me at contact@roosstokkel.com.
One-time payment of €444 to go on this journey with me until the Solstice on December 21st 2024. You’ll receive instructions through email after your application came through, and then you can also choose if you want to add the Starseed Remembrance course for 50% off:
The galactics are waiting in service to your homecoming. They will call in everyone that is a soul match to this community. Doors to join close sometime in October – watch this page for updates.
The platform
The community is a private Instagram page. This page is one I have had for more than a year so there is tons of content available already (500 posts) upon joining as well as lots of new material coming that will proceed as described above. Some of you might be already familiar with this page since it used to be my VIP membership.
Imagine a page on Instagram you like to check every day for uplifting vibes in an online landscape that often feels overstimulating. This page, the Starseed Healing Community, provides you with a flow of uplifting content that relaxes and revitalizes you. There will be constant interaction and attunement – how that will look depends on the group but think Q&A’s, question forms, polls. In other words, me replying to what’s alive in the group.
If you don’t want to be on Instagram, I understand. At this time it is the platform that supports my flow of channeling and editing needs best. If you are looking for an archive of content, check out my Patreon archive here. Please let me know if you’d rather have this community as a Patreon membership – if there is enough interest I might switch.
If you don’t yet have an Instagram account but you want to join, it is easy to make an account. In the past there were members with a separate account or a new account especially following my page, to create a calmer online space. It doesn’t use Instagram like you are used to, so maybe it doesn’t fit in with the other pages you follow. I collect all transmissions, guided meditations and lightcodes in themed highlights so you can find whatever you need quickly.
Feel connected to your Galactic Family & other Starseeds
Join the Starseed Healing Community
Questionaire Page address:
2) Appendix 2 - Starseed Healing Community Course Online Application Questionnaire...
Hi Starseed! Welcome to the application form for the Starseed Healing Community <3
This is to get to know you a bit better and see where you are at in your spiritual or galactic awakening journey, so I can attune the offerings in the community to the group. I work trauma-informed and there are a few questions tracking that - you can fill out as much as you are comfortable with and none of this information will be shared outside this community - in the community I might share some general overviews of the group, but your name and other identifying info will always be omitted and I will not share personal sensitive information. If you have questions about this form, please email me at contact@roosstokkel.com.
1) Name and email address
Terry Blake + my email address
2) Have we worked together before?
3) Have you had an awakening experience? How long have you been on the spiritual path? Share whatever you like about your journey of soul remembrance.
I have been on the spiritual path for over 30 years now, but am not really sure what you mean by 'an awakening experience' specifically. All i can say for sure is that i have had many 'experiences' of different sorts. I have also seen 5 different previous life versions of myself within dream remembrances (different faces/bodies & genders).
4) Do you have any memories of your galactic lives?This question is required.*(It is okay if not, this is just for me to get to know where the group's at.)
5) Do you remember which is/are your Starseed origin(s)? This question is required.*(This is not required to be part of the community, don't worry - again just for me to see where the group's at.)
6) Are there any galactics that you feel connected to?
I particularly like Andromedan music, but also like 'starseed' music generally. I once pointed out the Cassiopea constellation as being my favourite during my teens, to a friend who firstly pointed out Orion as being his favourite, if that helps at all.
7) On a scale from 1 to 10, how alive do you feel?
Note: I simply put 10 simply because i don't really understand the question
8) Have you had experience with energy reading & healing, somatic/body work or trauma recovery work before? If so, please specify.
I was taught how to do healing by a Christian Spiritualist healer many years ago now in a very limited sense (i moved on to Theravadan Buddhism for a number of years) and received positive feedback from the two people who were in need of it. (btw i really didn't understand the previous question - so all i can say is that i am very much aware of being 'alive' whilst incarnate here on planet Earth, if that helps at all)
9) Do you experience regular burnout/adrenal fatigue? For example: really high highs and low lows/collapse in your energy levels.This question is required.*(You can share as much as you like, this is gauge how much titration the group needs.)
Tiredness and concentration levels - hmm - yeah, i very much prefer smaller doses rather than prolonged indepth sessions i guess. I don't think that i really experience 'high highs and low lows', in the emotional sense.
10) Do you have any history with physical illness or mental health/psychological issues? Are they active or resolved?(You can share as much as you like, this is gauge how much titration the group needs, since I work trauma-informed.)
No particular physical illnesses per se, other than a gradually deteriorating physical vessel due to its natural aging process. I suffered from anxiety and depression due to problems experienced during the 'unfolding' years, and was later professionally labelled as an eccentric, but am possibly simply atypical/'aspergical'. I would now consider myself to be a fairy upbeat person who much prefers to see things/life from an amusing perspective.
11) Do you consent for me to energetically tune into you and your energetics in this Instagram page?I create lightcodes and energy healing transmissions and exercises - sometimes I intuitively feel when I need to tune in to the group to see if there are adjustments in my offerings that need to be made for someone specifically - this is as deep as I will tune in, just to attune what I offer in terms of energy healing practices, it is not like a Reading where I would fully scan your field. I will not tune into you personally if you don't feel comfortable as I really value energetic consent.
12) I acknowledge that this community is not therapy or psychology, I agree to further seek support from a therapist, psychologist or counsellor if the need arises for further psychological support.
Yes (only answer available)
13) I acknowledge that all healing happens in a group setting in this community and that 1:1 coaching or mentorship is not included. I agree to not expect personalized support whether that be in the comments or DM's, and to only ask questions for any Q&A's that are of a more general nature that benefits the group.
For Starseed Community members, my personal support modality the Healing Care Packages with me are 50% off, and there are other additional exclusive offers.
Yes (only answer available)
14) What's your Instagram handle?
As the community platform is a private Instagram page, I'll need to know your handle so I can add you to the group when you send a follow request.
Instagram handle supplied.
See also:
3) Appendix 3 - The Complete Starseed Healing Community Email Interactions...
29, 2024, 8:26
AMto me
Hi Terry,
Thanks for your application and welcome to the Starseed Healing Community! I hope that this cosmic activation journey may support you on your spiritual path, I am happy you are here. I recognize your name from the youtube comments.
That's beautiful, seeing past life selves in dreams! And thanks for sharing about your journey with healing and the positive way you relate to life.
As for the questions you didn't understand, I can share more. The 'awakening experiences' question: some people have intense awakening experiences in which they are in a very spiritually transcendent state for a while, while for others the spiritual path is more a gradual opening or a daily practice, neither of them is better, just wanted to get an impression of what it's like for you. As for the 'how alive do you feel' question, I was just wondering about how much presence in the moment you experience, in a scale of 1-10 from feeling very checked out/numb (not really feeling anything) to being very present in the moment and able to take everything in, enjoy your senses, feel emotions, feel your body etc. This is to see how much slow steps, grounding and orienting practices I include for the group (more is needed when on the numb side). If you want you can still email back a number about this - not required though.
The intro flyer with all practical information about the community is enclosed, there you'll find the further steps to complete the application process. You'll see two options as you can also combine this community with my Starseed Remembrance course for a discount if you really want to go deep.
There's also a discount code for my Healing Care Packages in there in case you need personal support at some point during this community membership.
I close the doors on October 2nd so application needs to be completed before then. If you have any questions, you can email me.
With love,
Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake
Sep 29, 2024, 3:12 PM
Hi Roos,
Many thanks for the email.
With regard to the 'awakening experiences' question, i remember someone who i was sharing an online dialogue with, many years ago now, who would very much seem to have experienced 'a very spiritually transcendent state for a while', so can most definitely personally say 'no' to that one. So i guess the sum of my experiences over the years, so far, would fall much more readily into the 'more a gradual opening' / ongoing Experiencing category.
And with regard to the ''how alive do you feel' question' and your more in-depth explanation of it, i would say that during by Buddhist participation years i was generally very much in the here and now, upon occasions at least - although i was told, earlier on, by my first Buddhist meditation teacher, that i was apparently a pretty much an 'ungrounded' individual - although i rather enjoyed being this way, to be perfectly honest, as it felt like a very natural state to be residing within. However, i guess such a 'here and now' state has receded over the years, particularly so perhaps, due to me refraining from any form of more formal meditation since. So, presently i would say that such a 'here and now' numerical quotient would perhaps be around a 7 when focussing within the here and now - and around an 8 or 9, and possibly a 10 upon occasion, when Internally focussed/Interactive (for very short periods, upon occasion, anyway) - and within a mixed/fluctuating state of being both within the here and now and within Internally focussed/Interactive states, possibly equating to a 7 to 9 band generally.
I have actually typed up a number of personal blogs over the years, Roos - including a recent childhood remembrance blog and a number of Buddhist experiences/remembrance ones, for example, if any of these would be of any use/interest to you.
And finally, is payment via PayPal only, or is there the, for me more appealing, option of payment via secure debit card available - if only the former, then i will need to subscribe to PayPal firstly.
Many thanks, once again, Roos. I look forward, with interest, to participating within such a journey. And hopefully it will prove to be beneficial to me, as Suggested Internally to me.
Terry Blake @ 29 September 2024.
Sep 30, 2024, 8:22 AM
to me
Hi Terry, Thanks for sharing your thoughtful replies.
Yes that does sound like it is more gradual or ongoing then.
I love the detailed response to the aliveness and I can see that it fluctuates for you in different states, and that makes sense how it relates to your experiences with Buddhism.
That is lovely that you created these blogs! For the purpose of this community I know plenty to go on and refer to in the video & audio recordings. Having a general impression of your path can then build into more interaction naturally and the flow of the content will be geared towards what comes forward from the group members.
Yes for now, PayPal is the only option. Thanks for understanding.
Looking forward to welcome you in the community!
With love,
Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake schreef op 2024-09-29 16:12:
Terry Blake
Sep 30, 2024, 10:10 AM
to contact
Hi, once again, Roos,
Many thanks for your swift, considered, and insightful reply - much appreciated.
I will make it a priority to sign up to PayPay and conclude business / finalise membership procedures with you.
With warmth and enthusiasm,
Terry Blake :-) :-) :-)
Terry Blake
Mon, Sep 30, 11:43 AM
to contact
Hi Roos,
We have a problem.
I have signed up to PayPal successfully.
However, they require me to do online banking, which i simply refuse to do.
They then wish me to scan a given QR code - i have a Nokia 110, which is seemingly totally incapable of scanning such QR codes.
So, unless you can suggest another way for me to pay / transfer money to you i will simply be enforced to bow out - which i consider to be a great shame really, as i was looking forward to participating on such a course.
Yours, with much disappointment,
Terry Blake @ 30 September 2024.
Mon, Sep 30, 3:43 PM
to me
Hi Terry,
I completely understand not being aligned/able to using PayPal with these requirements.
I do have an option for payment with credit/debit card through my Bigcartel Readings webshop, which I had only just installed. We will need to see if it works. Here is the link: http://mayasana.bigcartel.com/product/shc
Let me know if you run into any issues and otherwise you can just go ahead and purchase and it will be perfectly fine this way! Since anyone can see and access this page, I will only put it up until Oct 2nd - this public aspect of the page is why it wasn't ideal and I didn't suggest it before. Let me know if you need more time though and I can extend. This is just a small technical issue, so I hope this way I can offer an option that does fit you.
With love,
Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake schreef op 2024-09-30 12:43:
Terry Blake
Mon, Sep 30, 7:06 PM
to contact
Hi Roos,
After having spent the afternoon watching some squash from Qatari online, on this very rainy day here in Manchester, i checked my email once again and was heartened to have received your email.
I have now followed the given link and successfully purchased the starseed healing course (which was actually described as the 'Eclipse Equinox Reading' btw) for 444 Euros. I had actually intended buying 'option 2' at 521 Euros btw, but this simply wasn't an available option. But that is absolutely fine at this stage, Roos. For i am simply relieved to have actually successfully completed the sign-on procedure.
The phone i have, btw, is simply used for banking purposes (the receiving of the codes). So is generally switched off completely. I tend to be a very private person within such a respect.
So, phew, we are now up and running, so to speak. So i guess the next step is to link via Instagram and await the start of the course?
Many thanks for the facilitation within such a respect,
Terry Blake @ 30 September 2024.
Oct 1, 2024, 5:08 AM
to me
Hi Terry,
Thank you, I am glad it went through succesfully. I do understand the privacy aspect.
As for the option 2 including the Starseed Remembrance course, you still have the discount for that course as long as you are a member of the community. I wanted to offer this in the group anyway, for anyone that didn't get it at first but found they wanted to dive deeper into their starseed remembrance during the coming 3 months - it would still be at 50% off. This course really offers the basics of remembering and integrating the galactic self, that I won't be able to go into in the same expanded way in the community, which will be more of an ongoing energy healing transmission from the galactics, based on the vibration of the group. Just let me know if you want to utilize this discount and I'll send you another link.
Yes, you can now just send a follow request to @starseed.healing.community on Instagram, then I'll add you, send you a DM and you can browse the backlog of material already. Sometime later this week I will do a proper video to welcome everyone and kick off.
See you there!
- Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake schreef op 2024-09-30
20:06:http://mayasana.bigcartel.com/product/shc [1]
Links:------[1] https://mayasana.bigcartel.com/product/eclipse
Terry Blake
Tue, Oct 1, 8:28 AM
to contact
Cheers Roos,
Upon further consideration, i think it may be better if i simply gently acclimatise myself within such a group first, in order to check out the initial workload etc. Then, once i get a better / more informed handle on the situation i will be better able to make a more reasoned decision re purchasing the 'starseed remembrance course', as i am forever mindful about not over-filling my cup, so to speak.
And today, on this still rainy day in Manchester, i will seek to get the Instagram stuff sorted, in order that i am ready to go when the course proper takes off.
Many thanks Roos - and as Vangelis once said, 'See You Later' - :-) :-) :-) ...
Tue, Oct 1, 10:50 AM
to me
Hi Terry,
Sounds great!
Isn't it great that we can connect in this online community from all over the world! You're the only Mancunian in the group though (hope I said that right)!
Yes, see you there, and with questions you can DM me or email me.
Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake schreef op 2024-10-01 09:28:
http://mayasana.bigcartel.com/product/shc [1 [1]]
Terry Blake Oct 1, 2024, 4:25 PM
to contact
Hi Roos,
Indeed so. I remember, some time after getting on the internet for the very first time, wondering what else i could do on it. Resulting in me wondering if i could read a newspaper on it, and finding out that not only could i do so, but that i could also make comments. This, in turn, caused me to realise, within a real sense of wonderment and awe, that i could, potentially/theoretically at least, communicate with the whole world from within the comfort of my home. A possibility/potential that i found to be absolutely mind-bogglingly awesome.
Interesting that you should say that i am the only Mancunian (correct btw) on the course. For i had earlier been pondering such a possibility with a sense of 'please God no' lolz - much preferring to maintain a sense of anonymity, within a much more geographically disparate group of people.
Okie dokie, i guess, after a long walk and some food shopping, i had better get the Instagram stuff sorted, before possibly becoming side-tracked by other stuff :-) :-) :-)
Terry Blake @ 1 October 2024
contact@roosstokkel.comTue, Oct 29, 1:15 PMto me
Hi Terry,
I can't assist you in this starseed community anymore - I don't feel a match in our energy and there are too many communication issues. I propose to giving you a refund of €300 for the remaining 2 months.
Thank you for the participation.
Kind regards,
Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake Wed, Oct 30, 6:30 AM
to contact
Hi Roos,
Is everything ok with you??? For i find myself to be concerned about your well-being in general. Your emotional state seems to be somewhat erratic??? And if so, may you heal sooner, rather than later. For i genuinely care about such things with regard to yourself.
So anyway, getting down to business, how exactly do you intend to reimburse me to the tune of 300 Euros exactly??? And what time-frame are we talking about here??? For the sooner such details are decided upon and then completed (i.e. such money is back in my hands), the sooner your contractual obligations with respect to myself will be deemed satisfied.
Yours sincerely,
Terry (Terence C Blake) @ 30 October 2024.
contact@roosstokkel.comWed, Oct 30, 7:48 AM
to me
Hi Terry,
The refund is issued, the expected eCheck clearing date:
7 November 2024 - 12 November 2024
Kind regards,
Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake schreef op 2024-10-30 07:30:
Terry Blake Wed, Oct 30, 12:34 PM
to contact
Hi Roos,
Thanks. So your contractual obligations should be completed to satisfaction by 12 November 2024 at the latest. That will then represent a very agreeable completion to our contractual interactions. Hopefully bringing happiness to both of us. Excellent :-) :-) :-)
Yours sincerely,
Terry (Terence C Blake) @ circa 12:30pm on 30th October 2024.
Terry Blake Wed, Oct 30, 5:52 PM
to contact
Hi Roos,
Where have you sent the eCheck to please???
[Note @ 26 Nov 2024 - i didn't initially know what an 'eCheck' really was - then, after checking online, i realised that it was an electronic payment via/to PayPal - but my PayPal account was never finalised, and Roos never had my PayPal details, so payment couldn't have been made there - hence the above question of 'Where have you sent the eCheck to please???]
contact@roosstokkel.comFri, Nov 1, 7:45 AM
to me
Hi Terry, I just issued a refund back through the account and gateway you paid with, so you can expect it there. Kind regards, Roos Stokkel
Terry Blake schreef op 2024-10-30 18:52:
Terry Blake <chewingthecud2017@gmail.com>Nov 12, 2024, 7:47 PMto contact
Hi Roos,
Hoping that all is well with you.
Just a short email in order to let you know that i received your 300 Euro refund yesterday.
Be Love,
Terry. (@ 12 Nov 2024)
[So 11 (eleven) days later the 300 Euros refund was successfully paid into my current bank account - securing such a promised refund became a matter of principle for me btw - for, rightly or wrongly, i very much suspected that Roos had, perhaps, the intention of not honouring such a pledge/promise, which, on a Spiritual level, was, quite obviously, not an Acceptable outcome] ...
4) Appendix 4 - The Complete Starseed Healing Community Instagram DM Interactions...
1 Oct 2024, 16:37You sentIs this how i send a follow request?
1 Oct 2024, 18:04starseed.healing.communityHi! No this is just a chat message, but if you go to my page you can hit the button 'follow', I'll add the link here:starseed.healing.communityhttps://www.instagram.com/starseed.healing.community?igsh=NnowZnB3enRxajZ5
Or it will say something along the lines of 'follow'... hope you'll find it. Then I'll send you a welcome message later.
1 Oct 2024, 21:28You sentCheers Roos 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
2 Oct 2024, 07:24starseed.healing.communityI have just added you, so now you can browse the page. There is lots of content, so feel free to just explore and be intuitively drawn to what you want to watch. The highlights on top of the page order the content in themes, check out the highlight 'welcome' for introductory information. Enjoy!
starseed.healing.communityPS: I will make a proper intro video somtime this week to welcome everyone.
2 Oct 2024, 09:32You sentYayyy!!! - i have now gained access to the 'command centre' - much appreciated, Roos, very much looking forward to getting started 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
4 Oct 2024, 10:02You sentHi Roos, immediately after having had a dream about something completely different last night / earlier this morning, and flowing on from it, i had a sort of Connection 'recognition' (within such a state anyway - whether reflective of reality or otherwise) whereby i was aware that you had perhaps directly Connected to/with certain Members of the Group that i am part of (hence the 'Co' in Dolphinius and Co[mpany]). They had apparently Requested that you provide certain 'activations' (there was a sequence of them provided/Given sequentially over a fairly short(???) period of time, seemingly, and they were in specific relation to the partially Inspired football comments i make (via The Telegraph online newspaper after having watched delayed (not live, but sometime, fairly shortly, after kick-off) streamed football games, and with the purpose of such 'activations' seemingly being to improve such Interactively Inspired comments, apparently. I was simply wondering if this made any sense to you Roos, as i have never really experienced this sort of thing before within my body's sleep state. Be Love (rather than with love lolz - tis a new form of expression that came into being this morning, whose intention it is to bypass simply connecting/anchoring to/with labels per se lolz, and simply connecting to a state of Being instead - a little like dispensing with an emotional crutch perhaps, if that makes any sense 🙂 🙂 🙂, Terry Blake (aka Dolphinius). Wishing you a really great day btw...
4 Oct 2024, 10:35You sentp.s. I think They simply want to be more readily recognised, within such offered comments as the footballing type community they were once part of whilst within their most recent incarnation, without me saying so directly (which i am very reluctant to do - as i much prefer Them to provide such possibly suggestive offered phraseologies without me particularly knowing who They are myself, if possible lolz - for, that way, it (more correctly within my eyes) leaves it to those who read such offered comments to decide for themselves if such offered comments are Inspired ones or not, and if deemed to be so, leaves it to them to try to discern who they are Inspired by specifically, if they wish to, whilst leaving me rather conveniently outta the loop lolz). It simply constitutes my much preferred rules of Engagement lolz (in slang,'them is me rules of 'anonymity' lolz). So i guess They are simply seeking a deeper natural, and possibly more Flowing, Connection perhaps??? Cheers Roos...
4 Oct 2024, 18:15starseed.healing.communityThat's beautiful with the download and the dream! Maybe they will come through when I channel for the community sometime.
Let me know if you would like me to tune into these beings to see if I can answer your questions, or bring through something activation-wise for you 1:1, anything more personal like that I offer in the Healing Care Package (the info for that is in the emailed flyer). Don't know if that is fitting here, of course you can just share and I am happen to listen!
After the weekend I'll definitely weave this into a live video (of course not with your name or much detail) since this topic can definitely apply to more people in the group. Often these types of (dream) synchronicities happen when stepping into an energy container of a channeled space, it can really instigate these kinds of encounters or just intensification of your own guides! Generally I would just advice to ask your Higher Self/guides what this is all about or any questions you have about the experience
starseed.healing.communityAnd see what they bring through for you!
5 Oct 2024, 12:13You sentThe footballing Personalities constitute only a part of the Whole, Roos - there are Many from all different walks of life - but They do share a commonality, in that They are all part of a rather interesting Team (with me included, obviously) 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...Yeah, i have highlighted three such 'packages' for possible incremental purchase over time, Roos - one of which would indeed most probably be the mentioned 'Healing Care Package' - and yes i very much feel that certain Team Members would indeed be delighted to Connect with you 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...Many thanks for your reply, Roos - much appreciated - wishing you a great, relaxing, refreshing, and reinvigorating weekend 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
8 Oct 2024, 14:40starseed.healing.communityAh thank you for sharing! Sounds good 😃 curious how it will flow. And thank you!
8 Oct 2024, 16:03You sentThanks for sharing, Roos - i was becoming rather concerned for you - the things that can run through your mind eh 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
8 Oct 2024, 19:56You sentHi Roos, with regard to the Q & A's i have only one question to ask that really interests me. And that is 'how do light codes come into being??? How are they constructed (the mechanics). Is there a library of them and do a number of different people contribute to them???'. Many thanks for inviting us to ask. Much appreciated. 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
9 Oct 2024, 09:41starseed.healing.communityThanks for your messages 😀I will address the question in the q&a
9 Oct 2024, 12:14You sentHi Roos, you also mentioned in the 'we are complete' post to 'feel free to ask me anything for group channelings'. Whilst doing some more woodworking on my latest project on Saturday some thoughts came to me that i noted down within my latest A6 Notebook. I was going to leave them for after the 'dreams and downloads' live channeling, but have decided to share them today with you for your consideration. They are topics that i obviously have my own thoughts on, but would simply like to hear the 'galactics' perspectives on them, if that is possible. They are as follows:
1) The importance of sexual energy, sexual conduct, and celebacy whilst on the Spiritual Path...
2) The importance of personal honesty, openness & integrity whilst on the Spiritual Path/Journey...
3) The importance of Spiritual discernment, & discernment in general...
4) The nature of karma and its unfoldment within our lives...
5) Eating, the intake of fluids, & exercise...
6) Meditation, solitude, & lifestyle choices...
7) What is 'God' & where does/is the 'God' Source Reside/Centered???...
😎 The nature of time & timelines (if they do indeed exist) - both in the physical & above...Mundane/creative tasks and Inspiration eh 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
Many thanks Roos - wishing you a great day...
You sentHmmm - i don't know where that dark glasses thingy came from, but it seems insistent on remaining lolz...
10 Oct 2024, 11:19starseed.healing.communityThanks for the questions, I answered most of them in my Q&A video today! Now I see you asked for the galactic's perspective on it. Since they are pretty big topics about the spiritual path I am sure they will come up in my channelings too!
10 Oct 2024, 12:10You sentYeah, as i said, i have my own thoughts regarding such topics, tis simply that i wished to hear the 'galactics' perspectives, as they would surely see things from a much wider, and hopefully much more informed, perspective, Roos - i have listened to the first Q & A video once, and will do so again, possibly a few times actually - however, tis a really lovely sunny day today, so walkies time beckons, as does my woodworking project, so i will listen to the second video later inth day 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
10 Oct 2024, 14:29starseed.healing.communityYes I understand!I have picked one of your subjects and now created a video on timelines from the Arcturians. Hope that the q&a and the channeled videos offer insights, enjoy ✨️
12 Oct 2024, 08:22You sentHi Roos, out of interest, what app do you use to create light codes, and/or which, if any, would you recommend please...
starseed.healing.communityJust Instagram stories here, it has a function to draw and it has tons of cool filters to play with!
starseed.healing.communityBtw I feel that the energy I was riding out from your questions has ebbed away now. For next time it would work best to ask fewer questions at once (1 or 2, or maybe 3 smaller ones, something like this) so I can cover them all. If you want to go back and re-ask any question you posed to me that I didn't answer, you can of course go ahead. I work in flow and pick up the questions and directions from the group to see if I can share, channel or create something in response, I always follow the energy flow and keep it simple and in the moment. So this is how I work here! Have a great weekend
12 Oct 2024, 10:53You sentMany thanks, Roos - i actually thought that you took the weekends off lolz - anyway, i just popped back to pre-ask you for a little more about the 'cosmic e-book' that you mentioned, whilst i still remember to do so, if that's okay 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
13 Oct 2024, 13:02You sentHi Roos, i've just watched and listened to the following YouTube video and wondered if you had seen it yourself - What is Lemuria? | KRYON Official https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwW3glE1VsM - hoping that you are enjoying your weekend 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
14 Oct 2024, 09:35starseed.healing.community replied to you Many thanks, Roos - i actually thought that you took the weekends off lo...Yes usually take a day or few days a week off, often that is sometime in the weekend 😃 Thank you, hope your weekend was good too.
I haven't seen that video but love the energy of Lemuria.
What do you want to ask about the ebook? I can already give you the link for more info. Btw this ebook is also part of the Starseed Remembrance course that is included in this community for 50% off.
Cosmic Consciousness ebook | Awaken with Human Design
14 Oct 2024, 10:06You sentI had a fairly relaxing weekend thanks Roos. And yes, i sent you that YouTube link because of the seeming link between the Pleiadians and Lemuria - as well as for the reference to the 'Sisterhood' and the books referenced ( 'The Women Of Lemuria by Monika Muranyi (£8.31 kindle version @ Amazon) and The Lemurian Scrolls (£6.45 kindle version) - and not for the 'Kryon' (cry on???) channelings, that i am not personally drawn to btw. Okie dokie, so the 'cosmic e-book' is part of the 'Starseed Remembrance Course' - that's all i needed to know really Roos - it will almost certainly be my first purchase (once i have caught up with your most recent and rather abundant 'pulse' lolz)
You sentI have just been reading the text contained within the three images within the 'about lightcodes' Roos. I am having trouble reading the first bit of text contained within the 3rd image (even though i have tried doing so with a magnifying glass) that is overlaid by 'about lightcodes 80w followed by a play/pause symbol and 3 dots'. Could you tell me what the first part, before 'open up, depending on which dominance or configuration you have - receive.' etc says please. Many thanks 🙂 🙂 🙂 (sorry about the cramped text btw - every time i press 'Enter' to go to a new line/paragraph it 'Sends' it lolz)
14 Oct 2024, 11:24You sentBtw Roos, it was your mention of Lemurians/Lemuria within your 'Starseed Initiation from the Arcturians' video (that's where i am up to at the moment btw) that initially resulted in me listening to some Lemurian music on YouTube, which i really liked. This then resulted in me listening to the Lee Carroll and guests 'What Is Lemuria' video that i shared with you (i actually found it to be very interesting). Such a quest be based upon the remembrance of a dream i had many years ago whereby i was piloting a seemingly personal flying craft that seemed to be possibly shaped like a laterally configured 'water drop' with the curved front and some of the sides being a single window that i think could have possibly extended both upwards and downwards for easy viewing of some of the sky above and water below. I think the body of water that i was flying (silently???) over was possible a very large 'lake' rather than open sea, simply because the water close below was calm, with ripples rather than waves. I was seemingly travelling towards a landmass/island(???) and was excited(???)/eager/happy to be going towards it. 🙂 🙂 🙂
starseed.healing.communityOh nice! Will respond later ✨️
14 Oct 2024, 12:00starseed.healing.communityInteresting with the link between Pleiades and Lemuria, I have also learned other star systems involved with this civilization. There is another one in the group that feels pulled towards Lemuria so I'll take a note and see what comes up in the channelings.
I don't feel a pull towards this material currently, thanks for sharing the resources, maybe it will be of benefit later or to someone else.
Great, sounds good.
I will take a look at that text and see what I can do!
Btw, you can set the 'enter' function differently somewhere in your Instagram settings so I doesn't send, but just creates another paragraph!
starseed.healing.communityOkay so the lightcodes slide says:
"How to use a lightcode:Look at it and feel/know what they are doing, use your clair senses to open up, depending on which dominance or configuration you have."
starseed.healing.communityBasically: tap in with your intuitive senses (configuration/dominance is different for everyone) to interact with the lightcodes. Hope it is clear now
starseed.healing.communityThanks for sharing with me your psychic investigations! That vision sounds very cool and so detailed as well, with the water drop shape! Very activating.
14 Oct 2024, 14:53You sentMany thanks, Roos - much appreciated - 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
15 Oct 2024, 12:14 (Tues)You sentHi once again, Roos,
Yesterday you put something up asking what topics we wished you to talk about, and i mentioned 1, 2, & 4 as being my preferred ones (i've never been interested in psychic development, as i believe such things simply come to you when the time is right, so shouldn't be sought after). Anyway, within 2 i suggested that the 'galactic councils' may like to say something to us of their own volition, and/or tell us some things that they feel we may need to hear. However, this morning i realised that i now had a specific question for said 'galactic councils'. A question that i will preface by saying that 'light language' really intrigues/interests me, and i find it to be pleasing to listen to. So the question is if the nature kingdom (trees etc) can communicate non-verbally with us and vice-versa, and likewise with the animal kingdom, and also likewise with the human kingdom (telepathy) then why is there a need for 'light language' which seemingly necessitates you (for example) translating this into English (for example) ??? And do all the different non-human races/species all speak the same 'light language'??? And if so, how did this come into being??? I am mentioning it here within a DM simply because said group communication now seems to have vanished??? Many thanks within simply enquiry, Roos 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
15 Oct 2024, 20:47You sent...Oh, plant kingdom, rather than nature kingdom btw, Roos 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
16 Oct 2024, 07:21starseed.healing.communityThanks for your question!
Yes once I had enough questions I removed the post, I saved them including your question. As for channeling what we need to hear, that is something I usually do here, (moreso did before opening this page to the community) so yes I got this covered for future videos.
16 Oct 2024, 07:52starseed.healing.communityI created a video for your first question! Your comment about psychic development inspired me to share a bit about my own experiences with this, so thanks for that.
16 Oct 2024, 09:29You sentIt would have been nice to have been able to see other peoples questions, Roos - as other people asking them would clearly have seen both mine and slbeenackers - is that not a fair and perfectly reasonable observation???...
16 Oct 2024, 09:56You sentActually another question came to mind as i was having a walk yesterday, Roos - i found myself wondering if the 'galactic council' members / star people / star races indulged socially and creatively with one-another, and whether they could give us insights if indeed so - simply in order that we may enrich our understanding of them 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
18 Oct 2024, 08:11starseed.healing.community replied to youI get that it is nice to see other people's questions too. Usually it is not set up this way and the questions are sent through DM'S, this was a try-out that I didn't want to continue as I am already getting the DM'S and it gets a bit more chaotic for me to have questions in different places, so this is why I removed it.
starseed.healing.communityI can see if other members want to see each other's questions too and maybe create a place for that in a different way, I wiuld have to think about this. I also already read them out in the designated videos so you'll get them there in any case.
starseed.healing.communityThanks for your next question.
18 Oct 2024, 08:55starseed.healing.communityOh by the way, I realized I don't think I have seen your views on my stories here, are you aware of this function? I share my reels and posts there too, sometimes reposts of older videos as an energy update for the day, and it stays for only 24 hrs. That was were I originally shared the poll that I then screenshotted for the post that I removed, Instagram has the poll function in the stories primarily, so if you want to see other people's votes in case I do this again, I recommend watching the stories.
18 Oct 2024, 09:48You sentHmmm, interesting - thanks for telling me, Roos - where do i find them / such a function (as you have probably already realized, i'm a bit of a numbnutz as far as Instagram is concerned lolz)???...
18 Oct 2024, 10:52You can tap on the upper left circle above 'Private closed community', there is a colored orange circle around it if there are stories for that day.
18 Oct 2024, 11:33You sentAhaa, tis a picture of an internet phone lolz, rather than my Nokia 110 which is switched off unless i find the need to turn it on in order to receive one of those 6(???) digit codes from my bank whenever i make an internet purchase above a certain amount seemingly - so that's the reason i am not receiving such 'stories' eh lolz - anyway, thanks for telling me , Roos, but now i am going to emerge from my cave in order to enjoy a walkies inth (almost) midday sun (with wooden club in hand of course) 🙂 😉 🙂 ...
You sentAaaah - now i have that symbol inth top left of my Instagram home page on my laptop, with 'live' in red letters - and when i click on it it sends me to the community homepage, and then when i click on it again nothing happens lolz...
21 Oct 2024, 09:21starseed.healing.communityYes it is the same symbol on desktop. If you search 'how to watch stories on desktop' or something I think you will find a full explanation. I don't have stories everyday, so it could very well be that it directs you back to the homepage, that's what it does in that case I think...
21 Oct 2024, 09:44You sentI've been searching through 'settings', Roos - and i can't even find how to prevent the 'enter' key from acting like the 'post comment' key - so the chances of me finding a solution to this latest seemingly insurmountable hurdle is apparently zero...
You sent...Instagram, as far as i am concerned, is the least intuitive piece of software (in a similar way the Adobe software was, in comparison to 'Corel' software btw) i have ever come across - and i used to be very good at computer programming, back inth day, btw - maybe tis simply that your 'business' version of Instagram is much more readily and obviously able to perform such functions than my standard/generic version???...
You sentHappy Monday btw, Roos - i hope your weekend was a pleasant and enjoyable one for you - 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
21 Oct 2024, 10:09starseed.healing.community replied to you I've been searching through 'settings', Roos - and i can't even find how...Ah I am sorry to hear this, i do get the technology hurdles...
[This 'technology hurdles' communication had a very condescending Feel to it btw]
starseed.healing.communityHappy Monday!
starseed.healing.communitySo the circle top left should open up the stories for you today! Now it has a orange/pink circle around it so that means there are stories.
Many thanks for changing your settings on your 'business' version of Instagram, Roos - very helpful/accommodating indeed - 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
21 Oct 2024, 10:40starseed.healing.communitySure! I see that you watched the 1st story, there are currently 3 in a row, if you wait or tap the arrow on the right you can watch the other ones.
You sent
I've actually not watched them yet, Roos - i simply clicked on them to see if there were any likes and comments - i have a website of my own btw, and that also provides me with such statistical feedback 🙂 :- ) 🙂 ...
You sent...Statistical 'false positives' (as i think they are known as) eh, Roos 🙂 🙂 🙂
...You sent...Do your provided statistics not tell you how long each person has visited each article, Roos??? - and if not then the limitations of Instagram provided feedback eh - mine do btw (tis one of the benefits of opting for the 'professional package') 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...Such features can actually be very illuminating, Roos - for when they are repeatedly of durations of only seconds it can lead one to suspect that you have merely been 'visited' by a super/quantum computer, whose sole purpose is to accumulate as much personal information/data about each individual as possible, in order to form/produce an even more enriched 'personal algorithm' - with such suspicions seemingly being reinforced by repeatedly 'coincidental/synchronistic' internet based feedback seemingly related to what you have only recently added to said personal website (intriguing huh) 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...It seemingly also happens when i have set such a website to 'private' (password required) btw - which i find to be very interesting/intriguing indeed - 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
21 Oct 2024, 11:44starseed.healing.communityIn Instagram, there is a function for the creator of the page, beneath every story where you can see who watched it, but it doesn't provide any other statistical info. If you clicked on it, it shows your name in the list even if you didn't really watch it. So, if you have any other doubt or questions about the Instagram functions, I know there are youtube tutorials or just google that can help.
You sentI actually already suspected such, Roos, but hey, thanks for confirming it anyway - i'm still very much in catch-up mode btw - for although your provided statistics will show possibly multiple visits by myself within various published articles, i, more often than not, need to watch them / listen to them on repeated occasions in order for a clear picture/understanding to be painted/gained (the associated limitations/problems of an aging brain/body eh) 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...Also my concentration levels and the ability to stay focussed without the mind wandering and pondering other things that may or may not be related to part of what i have just read / listened to, presents its challenges also, of course - 'happy days' as they sometimes say eh, Roos - 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...And then there are the associated limitations of a mind/brain that is more easily/readily fatigued to take into account also, of course 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
You sent...That's why i previously mentioned my frustrations of there not being a progress bar (like there are on YouTube videos) that you move backwards in order to much more readily (without having to listen to the whole thing again) re-hear things within Instagram videos, Roos...
22 Oct 2024, 10:36You sentThat film that i recommended to you over the weekend is actually titled 'Clara', rather than its stated 'Voyager', Roos - with Clara being a 'right-brained' starseed type person who meets up and interacts with a left-brained astrophysics type lecturer - together they make a breakthrough - it starts off slowly and perhaps doesn't seem particularly appealing (to possibly someone like yourself for example) but is very worth continuing with until its completion 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
[Note: i recommended such a film within the comments of a Roos offering (21) titled, 'The Andromedan Council On Dealing With Criticism And Hate', onth 19 Oct @ 21:20pm (Appendix 5) btw]
23 Oct 2024, 08:56starseed.healing.communityThanks for the film recommendation!
starseed.healing.communityHow are you going in this healing community? Do you find value in the content offered?
I have noticed you write multiple messages and comments a week, sometimes a day, with observations about your life, associations to other content like videos and your own opinion and insights, and that you ask a lot of questions. I am glad you are so engaged here and think critically! It helps me make better content.
To be honest the amount of your messages also overwhelms me sometimes, as not everything is related to the content here. The effect it has is that reading and gauging what to reply to is starting to take time away from focusing on the rest of the group and flowing with the content here in q&a style.
How is this landing for you? I am just wondering what your intention is with the messages. Feel free to share.
23 Oct 2024, 10:39You sentI very much consider the back of my hand to have been well and truly slapped, Roos lolz - and will thusly do my utmost to limit my interactions with you, and basically to get on point, as they say lolz - other than that all i can say is that i am still very much operating in catch-up mode within such an online healing community 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
24 Oct 2024, 08:29starseed.healing.communityThanks for understanding 🙂 And again, really appreciate your engagement here and taking this in. Yeah I get that catching up takes a while.
24 Oct 2024, 17:02You sent{peeks head above the parapet} - 'is it ok to reply i wonder' - 'hmmmm, better not eh' ('i wouldn't want the back of my hand slapped in that manner once again, after all' lolz) 🙂 😉 🙂 ...
25 Oct 2024, 09:20starseed.healing.communityYeah how does this land for you? I can imagine it causes some wondering about how to respond now...
25 Oct 2024, 11:06You sentWell, at least you introduced me to a new phrase, Roos lolz - within my generation, at the very least, btw, it is regarded as only polite to reply - and, if only by inference, impolite/rude not to 🙂 😉 🙂 ...
25 Oct 2024, 11:39You sentSimply in order to keep you apprised, i've seemingly been Called away by the Team i am part of, in order to Work elsewhere, over the last couple of days, Roos - and as it simply seemingly comprises part of my Obligations, i very much feel Dutibound to 'go with the Flow', so to speak - as you will most obviously be able to appreciate, tis seemingly a Divine timing sort of thingy that seemingly crops up occasionally (and no doubt i will be back to engage your offerings much more fully/comprehensively very soon, btw) 🙂 🙂 🙂 ...
starseed.healing.communityAh, so your intention was also to reply with the messages as a way to be polite. Thank you for this, that is very considerate and it is received. The amount and not always relatedness of subjects just had the effect of overwhelming me. If you want to talk more about how we can best communicate here, so you can feel optimally supported in this group trajectory and I can make sure to be able to reply to what you write, let me know. Maybe with questions, for instance, you can begin a message with 'question' to make it stick out more, if there are multiple messages in a row.
I do value replying for politeness too and I hope we can find a good flow to exchange this.
I am not sure what new phrase you mean.
Interesting you are being called with your flow to engage elsewhere. Thanks for your attunement in these last messages, and enjoy the flow!
You sentWill co, Roos (the new phrase was 'How is this landing for you' btw) - and thank you for your understanding - over and out lolz...
25 Oct 2024, 17:29starseed.healing.communityAh right. Sure!
5) Appendix 5 - The Starseed Healing Community Course Offerings...
1) Hi Lovely Starseeds (at 2 Oct 2024) ...
If everything goes to plan there is one more person joining. I have already created some various and eclipse-themed transmissions this enrollment period but i can't really kick off yet with group-attuned content until everyone is in. So sometime this week, you can expect a proper welcome video with logistic directions, an intro and the intentions for the coming 3 months.
I am so stoked you're all here and can't wait to start!
Meanwhile, enjoy exploring the backlog of content on this page!
(0 comments - 2 likes)
2) Intro Video (at 3 Oct 2024) ...
(1 commenter - 4 likes)
dolphinius and co - I really love the multi-pastel coloured knitted pullover you are wearing, Roos - my most favourite, however, is that really gorgeous pink denim jacket you have - if i were female that would be, without doubt, my most treasured item of clothing (you have very good taste in clothing - a natural gift of knowing, within such a respect,, i would say - i am a pastel person myself, so maybe slightly biased lolz) ...
Roos - @dolphinius_and_co ah thank you!
3) Newstart lightcodes - 7 of (at 4 Oct 2024) ...
(with light language and musical accompaniment overlaying it - Return To Your Body ~ Parijat (from the REIKI healing WAVES album))
(1 commenter - 3 likes)
slbeenackers -I really love this, thank you Rose.
Roos - @slbeenackers ❤️
4) Post-solar eclipse lightcodes - 5 of (at 4 Oct 2024) ...
Post-solar eclipse. Lightcodes for a gentle new start. Reorient yourself to your body and to self-love. Remember to walk into your new timeline with an open heart and be gentle with yourself as you're adjusting. Watch my latest reel on repeat if you want to soak in this frequency with spoken light language.
(1 commenter - 3 likes)
crystalline_kela - these
crystalline_kela - absolutely obsessed with
starseed.healing.community (Roos) - ❤️❤️❤️❤️
5) We Are Complete (at 5 Oct 2024) ...
'Alright, everyone is in as of today! There were some last-minutes. I am so happy with our group right now.
Now i can really start channeling for you all, yay!
After the weekend, Monday morning probably i will do a live video with the first channeling from the galactics. These lives happen when i am in the flow so i can't say too far in advance what time, but you can switch on notifications for lives from me if you want to catch them. I usually do them in the morning European time, so that's in the night in America, but occasionally when a download hits it can be at a different time.
(0 comments - 3 likes)
(note: (at 17 10 2024 - a Full Moon Day - and i arrive at an answer that makes sense, and thus releases me from my confusion/frustration) the live video Roos is referring to was to be about dreams and downloads (the first scheduled channelling), which was in response to me asking a question (see Dm's) about a dream followed by another dream 'thingy' whereby Roos had been in contact with some of the Team (footballers) who wished Roos to improve the flow of communications between me and them - anyway Roos did such a video - however, more recently it has seemingly been removed, so i am wondering if this is a form of vindictiveness based on something i said/shared with her - i am now wondering whether Roos is Bi-polar (perhaps mirrored by the 'hi highs and low lows' question within the application form + the 'pulses' of energetic offerings within short spaces of time that she alludes to (10 Oct for example))
6) Little Update (at 8 Oct 2024) ...
Just wanted you to let you know that i will soon do the first group channeling, however i am not feeling physically too well since yesterday, so i am just seeing when that divine timing hits.
Some of you have been sending me questions for a Q & A so i want to invite everyone to do this, then i can do a group video. You can DM me.
(3 commenters - 3 likes)
slbeenackers - What a great idea, to have a Q&A!! I think I will be able to contribute, but most of all look forward to the other questions being asked.
Get well soon and thank you for letting us know.
Eriksmulders55 - Thanks for letting us know. Get well soon!
dolphinius and co - Those weekend benders eh Roos :-) ;-) :-) - they say humour is the best healer, so i hope you find that to be amusing - and if not, then take your time to heal some more :-) :-) :-) ... (2 likes received)
7) 'Slowing Down' Audio from Roos (at 10 Oct 2024)
(2 commenters - 1 like)
slbeenackers - This is so interesting! Thank you Roos.
dolphinius and co - Personally, i would say that we don't 'step out of the matrix' per se, but rather choose to disconnect from it - whether on an ongoing basis, or simply upon occasions - i think the only time we really 'step out of the matrix' is when we 'Graduate' from the Earth school of learning and move on to a Higher / another school of learning...
dolphinius and co - Also, personally, i don't believe in 'fighting' and 'resisting', as this results in connecting and wrestling Energetically with a perceived foe - so, personally, i think that it is far better to simply let go - so there is no act of 'defiance' per se taking place, but simply an alternative free will choice being made...
dolphinius and co - The two comments i made brought to mind a book i read quite a few years ago now, strangely enough - The Way Of The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman - and although i can no longer remember what it was really all about, i do remember very much enjoying reading it, so, on that basis alone, would very much recommend it lolz...
8) Audio Q&A: starseed longing, cosmic selves, conspiracy theories, sexual energy and finding our own spiritual lifestyle, lightcodes. (at 11 Oct 2024)
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dolphinius and co - Roos' first question analogy reminded me of David Bowie's portrayal of a visiting ET who's mission it was to find a way of transporting water back to his home planet - he had left his family there - and if my memory serves me correctly he too forgot about his mission for a while whilst residing upon planet Earth (the film was called The Man Who Fell To Earth btw) ...
[Note: i would have thought that such a film would/should have been regarded as 'cult viewing' amongst the 'starseed community' actually]
9) Roos visual with audio - Setting intentions for this community + how this container can work into the dream space (at 10 Oct 2024)
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10) Roos audio - Starseed Initiation from the Arcturians: spinal flow and remembrance of your pre-birth intentions.This is a big one, so much info coming through! Reconnecting with the Starseed mission, spinal clearing to connect body and mind, finding your template and much more!
You can write down what you experienced in the guided meditations from this video, if you want to share 🩵💜💎 (at 10 Oct 2024)
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dolphinius and co (1 day later) - Have a great weekend, Roos :-) :-) :-)
dolphinius and co (3 days later) - Okie dokie, i have finally listened to it to completion. This took a number of complete listens, simply because you can't go back to bits that you would like to listen to again, but have to listen to the whole lot on each occasion. In the name of honesty, this is something that i find to be very frustrating indeed, as it seems so basic/fundamental. Sheesh, come on Instagram, move us out of the dark ages within such a respect please :-) :-) :-) ...
11) Signs an energy transmission shifts you. I talked about this in one of my lives from today! (at 10 Oct 2024)
tremors, shaking, convulsions (=spontaneous trauma release)
tingling in any place in your body (=the energy starts flowing)
buzzing (=activation)
warmth (=healing, relaxation)
heat (=trauma release or energy that starts flowing)
sudden insights, ideas and downloads
yawning, sighing, eyes watering (=release, relaxation)
taking a sudden deep breath (=healing, relaxation)
and anything else you feel intuitively in response!
(this is a lightcode with an active/moving background and music (432 Hz Frequencies . 432 Hz Self Healing) with the above 'bullet points' on top of / covering most of said lightcode)
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12) Golden Healer (for yellow auras) Lightcode - 1 of (at 10 Oct 2024)
With a yellow aura you're here to master the matrix and the realm of the ego by transcending duality and power imbalance and protecting those that can't protect themselves!
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13) Self Love For Blue Rays lightcode - 1 of (at 10 Oct 2024)
Blue rays are very sensitive, you have a powerful voice to speak out about all things unaligned, but haven't always been valued for that or understood properly, so here's a self-love lightcode.
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14) Healing For Green Auras lightcode - 1 of (at 10 Oct 2024)
Healing for green auras. You need more self care as you are a natural healer in service to others.
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15) Protection And Ease For Indigos lightcode (1 of) (at 10 Oct 2024)
You are a protector and light warrior so here's some of your own epic medicine for you!
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16) Crystal Children (at 10 Oct 2024)
Crystal children: you're natural channels but you're so absorbant, you gotta keep your own energy pure and clear - this will help
(this is a singular lightcode with a moving background and music - Crystalline (feat. Celica Soldream) ~ Ivan Torrent)
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17) Aura color crash course (at 10 Oct 2024)
In my experience the most common aura colors amongst spiritually inclined people are blue rays and green healers. Then there are the indigo light warriors, superpsychic violet rays and channeling crystal children (white being the ascended crown chakra color). Some yellow auras are also attracted to spirituality as they are here to alchemize the ego and spread joy. Orange and red are usually more focused on the material plane (Jackie Chan has an orange aura, very playful and physical). The primary aura color is formed by which chakra is dominant.
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18) Connecting the spiritual and earthly realm with breathwork in the spinal energy channel. This helps with grounding. (at 10 Oct 2024)
A Roos visual video with talking/instructions and light language and arm/hand movements. Re energy movement and grounding.
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19) Feel free to drop below what you want to see more of. (at 10 Oct 2024)
So, i created a lot of videos today with all kinds of exercises and channelings! Feel free to watch in the order that pulls you and let me know what you want to see more of through your likes, comments and DM's. I might not have addressed all questions but things will also unpack over time, we have only just begun! My flow of creating happens in pulses: a lot at once, then nothing for a while. You can spread it out in the pace that suits you and with all exercises, follow your own body and intuition and stop when it doesn't feel right for you - take a break or find another one that helps you better.
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20) The Andromedan Council on finding your unique energy template (at 10 Oct 2024)
An introductory talk by Roos followed by a channeling from the Andromedan Council
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slbeenackers - Thank you so much! Rose and the Andromedan Council.This was like a master class, I truly enjoyed it, and you have given me so many insights and understandings.Watching this (on desktop, so I could pause the video to make notes) has been a deeply empowering experience.And exactly what I needed to hear.🌠🌟⭐🛸🌌🙏🏻
Roos reply - I am so glad to hear this! ❤️ that is a really good idea to watch it on desktop so you can pause. Glad there was so much value in this for you ❤️
christyspiteri - Thank you for sharing your template and this beautiful message from the councel. I’m also highly sensitive and introvert. One of the best things I’ve done for myself is to become self employed and go with my own pace. It was such a huge relief. When I was employed as a psychotherapist, I felt like I was going against my own rythm and it was sucking all my energy out of me. I need a lot of time alone in nature to ground myself and release the energy that I absorb from others.
dolphinius and co (at 17 10 2024) - I was told many years ago that i was/am a natural trance medium (a Spiritualist term) - however i chose not to follow/investigate this path (as a free-will choice) as i didn't feel comfortable with it - although i have always been interested in channelled material :-) :-) :-) ...
Roos reply at 18 Oct 2024 - @dolphinius_and_co interesting!
21) The Andromedan Council On Dealing With Criticism And Hate (at 10 Oct 2024)
The Andromedans on negative comments and what they reflect about the person giving them
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dolphinius and co - Thanks for highlighting that particular Andromedan YouTube video, Roos - 9.1k views and 84 positive comments, with no negative ones - unless you remove them???...
Roos' reply at 18 Oct 2024 - @dolphinius_and_co yeah I think this was mostly a story I had created about it based on misremembering, also because I felt discomfort with the video. Not the best example haha.
(Note: yes such a video included a sweeping generalisation of Andromedan traits - such stated traits were for a whole galaxy of a variety of different conscious lifeforms of varying levels of evolution, after all)
dolphinius and co - Personally, i think criticism is linked with scepticism - and that these type of comments (not the hate ones, obviously) are to be naturally expected when people are first introduced to something completely new and strange / out of the norm to them - with the next step being healthy enquiry during the stage when they are trying to simply discern whether such a (for them) strange new topic represents truth or not...
Roos' reply at 18 Oct 2024 - @dolphinius_and_co yes it can definitely arise from scepticism! Like 'you're crazy' or 'how do you know that starseeds really exist'. Those are not often there though since skeptics often don't even find my videos I think, since it's such a niche concept that is so out there most people don't even bother. I only had 2 comments like this on all videos. So it is not really something I spend a lot of time on to address.
(Note: If Roos really has had only 2 negative/disparaging comments then why did she feel the need to address this particular topic - that simply doesn't make sense / add up - so is this another indication of telling of an untruth???)
dolphinius and co - Personally, i think that the 'how do you know that starseeds really exist' question is a perfectly valid and natural question for people to ask, Roos. I wouldn't regard the asking of such a question as being 'skepticism' per se, but, rather, simply healthy and natural enquiry that should be expected...
dolphinius and co (at circa 11pm onth 18 October 2024) - Also, in all honesty, and from my own personal perspective obviously, i think that the only time that any of us will know the definitive true answer to such an enquiring question, for sure, is when we have shed our mortal coils (bodily death) and returned Home to what is most commonly called the afterlife - although for you (and perhaps others???) of course it may be different???...
dolphinius and co (at 21:20pm onth 19 Oct 2024) - Q: 'Do you know what people are scared of most???' - A: 'The unknown' - from the film Voyager (@ 20:50 mins - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jwI0W-ZBOM - an interesting film btw) :-) :-) :-) ...
Roos' reply at Mon 21 Oct 2024 - yeah haha I can see how this is a genuine question. The comment 'do starseeds exist' was phrased somewhat differently actually, sometimes you can tell whether someone wants to aks something genuinely, or whether it is just a critical statement disguised as a question, although I can't remember the phrasing... This didn't have a neutral charge but more in the range of accusation - when it comes to YT comments I tend to not bother with these as I'm not here to prove this to people. And yes definitely we can't know these psychic downloads for sure until we have merged with the all-knowingness of the universe, it's good to always have some healthy doubt, however it is also good to trust ones intuition.
dolphinius and co reply at 21 Oct 2024 - Personally, i think that with intuition you have to be careful to be residing in a state of neutrality, and not driven by desired / wished for outcomes, for example, Roos. For i remember during my Lightworker journey, all(???) such lightworkers being convinced(???) that they were going to 'Ascend' on 21 Dec 2012, and of their abject disappointment when absolutely nothing happened. They were simply desperate to exit the Earth school of learning. With the next stage being that they were looking for someone, other than themselves, to attribute blame to. Thank goodness i, as a newcomer, made sure that i didn't 'lower the vibrations' (something they were seemingly very concerned about generally btw) during such a period of time - with my intuition making me fully aware that had i of done so their fingers would have collectively pointed towards myself, without hesitation lolz.
dolphinius and co added reply at 21 Oct 2024 also - Also, i am not overly convinced with such 'merg[ing] with the all-knowingness of the universe', Roos - for me personally that would seem to be setting the bar of expectation very high indeed - and Experientially (perceived or otherwise) that would personally simply seem not (always???) to be the case...
22) The Arcturian Timeline Council on what timelines are and how time functions differently in different dimensions (at 10 Oct 2024)
(this seems more like a genuine channeling)
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dolphinius and co at 17 Oct 2024 - Personally i simply cannot comprehend a state of being that is devoid of the experiencing (subjective or otherwise) of the passage of time...
Erik Smulders55 at 17 Oct 2024 - I agree that thinking about time at these higher levels becomes very confusing... The only way I can perceive it is like this. We judge time by phenomenon happening outside of us (like the sun rising and setting). But if you're so highly advanced that you know you are eternal and that everything is energy, and you can attract or create anything instantly, you will only care about what energy you maintain and what it is you are attracting. Time becomes a pretty meaningless concept, from that point of view. Though I do feel like a past (or multiple pasts?) must still exist, or you would never have had the experiences to come to realise this to begin with... I guess, looking at it like that, all existence is experiences. Sorry if I'm not doing a good job explaining my point of view, this stuff is really hard to grasp. Maybe Rose can ask the Arcturian Council about this topic again at some point.
starseed.healing.community reply - @eriksmulders55 somehow i missed this comment, my apologies! I love that explanation, that in higher consciousness you can just maintain what you want to attract. Yes I will put this topic on the list, thank you!
eriksmulders55 reply to Roos - @starseed.healing.community Thank you! I'm glad my explanation made sense. And I'd love to hear more about this topic. I'm very curious about ideas like multiple timelines and how they come about. For example, are multiple timelines (such as multiple paths you could have taken throughout your life) already happening concurrently/at the same time? Or does your evolution as a soul, perhaps due to events in one timeline, allow other possible timelines, other 'pasts', to be created? For example, maybe you only realise as you get older that at a certain juncture in your life, you could have made a choice from a higher perspective and it would have changed everything for the better; does the realisation of that better choice create a different timeline? And if you're as advanced as the Arcturian Timeline Council, are you aware of all these different possibilities and how they are proceeding? For example, would you be aware of another version of yourself and how they were/are/will be living? Sorry if I'm getting too detailed, this stuff is very confusing. 😵
dolphinius and co at 22 Oct 2024 - From my particular perspective / current point of consciousness, the thing about seeking to manifest is that if such sought after manifestations are based upon desires rather than healthy/positive needs, they could promote/reinforce a more hindered state of being (selfishness and greed for example), and this, in turn, could then attract/accumulate/amass negative karma towards those who choose to do so - and, once again from my particular perspective / current point of consciousness, negative karma is equivalent to Spiritual devolution (going backwards - that which retards Progress/Evolution), rather than Spiritual Evolution (Progressing onwards) - so, personally, i prefer things to come to me unbidden (allowing the Higher Beings to decide what is in my best Interests, rather than myself) ...
Self reply at 22 Oct 2024 also - @dolphinius_and_co ...and thereby simply choosing to be the observer, rather than the active participant perhaps???...
dolphinius and co at 22 Oct 2024 - So, choosing not to comment on certain other topics/details within such a channeling, what i would choose to say, in summation, is that all this talk about the 'Timeline Council' 'picking the highest timeline for the human collective Asension', although it sounds all very plausible, it simply doesn't seem to mirror/reflect what is seemingly taking place in actuality on plant Earth currently - which is seemingly the intended deeper and deeper levels of enslavement/subjugation/control of the masses - would that not seem to be a fair comment/assessment???...
ErikSmulders55 reply - @dolphinius_and_co Without going into too much detail, I believe that what is happening on Earth right now cannot be merely described or measured in terms of the events that are being perpetrated by certain not-so-good factions. This is about the evolution of the consciousness of mankind: humans choosing to reject ways of living that are based around fear, power, violence and control and aligning themselves more with a loving and harmonious way of existing. And I personally believe that the consciousness of mankind is actually advancing rapidly. This will NEVER be mentioned on any form of media (whether mainstream or alternative/independent), because this is more about the collective behaviour of individuals, not about any large events or movements. I also believe that those not-so-good factions know this. This is why they are making increasingly desperate plays to try and ensure people stay in states of fear and worry. But I don't think it's working all that well. What happened around 2020 and how a lot of it suddenly fizzled out is a good example of this. I expect there will be more narratives to try and scare people, but I get the sense that there are higher forces at work here and that the worst of this will not come to fruition.I also think it is not the Arcturian Timeline Council that is really 'picking' timelines for us - it is humanity that is choosing this, if only on a subconscious level. But I can imagine that the Arcturians are helping us to align with more positive timelines.
My reply to ErikSmulders55 - Thank you for your reply, Erik :-) :-) :-) ...
dolphinius and co at 23 October 2024 - Actually, as i final comment before moving on to listen to the next channeling video, i have only recently realised that i have one more comment to offer - and that is with relation to the 5th Dimension of consciousness regarding regarding synchronicities - i have a feeling (although i cannot be certain at this point in time) that the experiencing of such repeated synchronicities mirrors what Buddhists refer to as 'entering the stream' (of consciousness i guess), which i think is particularly/aptly descriptive, as it very much seems to experientially feel something akin to metaphorically(???) swimming within (and going with the flow of) a stream/body of water such as a river...
starseed.healing.community reply - @dolphinius_and_co that's beautiful, entering the stream!
23) Energy Mimicking (at 10 Oct 2024)
To utilize my healing transmissions even more deeply, you can see it as a demonstration of a healing flow you can follow along with. Tap into the energy provided in the video to set your frequency to. Then move your own hands, do your own light language while watching, while tuning into your body and energy field to track the shifts.
Empaths will be very good at receiving a healing transmission even without doing this, because they already mimick energy all day long. If you are a different type, this technique will help you access the healing provided in the transmissions.
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thetarot_mom - Love this! 🔥
Roos - @thetarot_mom yay ❤️
24) Light Language (at 10 Oct 2024)
If you enjoy light language, you might be called to start doing it yourself, too. I highly recommend, it activates a part of your brain that enables you to receive channeled information and relaxes you. Plus the sounds and syllables themselves are imbued with lightcode - healing and activating frequencies.
Usually watching someone else do it will naturally activate you to start as well, so just go with the flow.
If it is hard to get started, let me know and i can provide an exercise here in the community.
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25) Loving Yourself & Holding Yourself (at 10 October 2024)
Holding and loving yourself - you don't need to have all the answers 💗 love the lyrics of this song my guides picked for the transmission
(A Roos video showing hand and arm movements - with accompanying music (Love Yourself ~ Ruby Amanfu))
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26) The Pleiadian Council From Alcyone About Discernment And Truth - how to know what is true? (at 10 October 2024)
(a Roos channelling video)
Pleiadian Council from Alcyone about discernment and truth
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27) Energy Update: Pluto In Capricorn + Shadow + how to use light language, lightcodes and energy movements (at 11 Oct 2024)
(A Roos video chatting about this subject)
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28) Anchoring Our Multidimensional Self In Our Body Through DNA Activation, To Remember Skills Like Playing With Timelines (at 11 Oct 2024) ( a Roos video)
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slbeenackers - I think it is called the Multiverse, the word you are looking for. Your (continuous) emphasis on the body (-work) really speaks to me.Thank you so much RoosAnd even if we/I don't understand everything you say, I feel we still pick it up, on a "collective" consciousness level.You pick it up even if you don't intellectually understand.
Roos reply - @slbeenackers ah yes, the multiverse 😃 thank you. If there ever is a concept you'd like me to explain more let me know, and thanks
29) How To Know Why A (Galactic) Guide Is Visiting Us, How Guides Work, What They Mean To Us Etc. (at 14 Oct 2024) (a Roos video)
How to know why a (galactic) guide is visiting us, how guides work, what they mean to us etc. Bit searching for examples in this video, as this subject can be very personal and how your guides work also really depends on you, so feel free to ask questions about this!
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30) Working With Galactic Guides Of The Highest Light, In A Safe And Protected Way (at 14 Oct 2024)
(2 lightcodes + background music + light language)
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31) Energy Update (at 16 Oct 2024)
We can already feel the effects of the Supermoon of the 17th. It connects us back to the super emotional lunar eclipse we had a month ago, and gives this energy a fiery kick! So any emotional purging you have been doing for the last month, you are going to feel it again now, coming up to the full moon, where it will be transmuted into ACTION and can burst out! It will bring a big relief to finally clear all of this!
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32) Energy Update: What We Need To Hear Right Now (full moon)
Energy update for full moon, what we need to hear (at 16 Oct 2024)
(A Roos 'channelling'/'download / inner communication video)
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33) Clairvoyance
In the last video i also talked about clairvoyance and recognizing our automatic dismissals of our psychic senses (like blinking away our clairvoyant perceptions), instead staying with our psychic awareness as it comes, so we can retrain our brain to notice the energy and not just the 'material' (matter???).
This way we can develop our psychic senses! I always say that this 'development' happens through us recognizing what is already there and expanding this. As babies we were able to do all of this but we're just socialized out of it. Now we can regain it. Also, the more our frequency raises, the more these gifts will come online through DNA activation.
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34) Are Certain Galactic Races More Lonely? + How We Relate To Galactic Info Depending On Our Purpose And Path ( at 18 Oct 2024)
Are certain galactic races more lonely than others? Solitary species, animal species + how we relate to galactic info depending on our purpose and path
A so-called channelling from Pleiadians that simply isn't. And a Roos video that is mostly about supposedly incarnating whales, dolphins and spiders etc (go figure eh) Also, near to the end of such a rambling and non-cohesive video (going in all sorts of different directions that were simply not related to the title) Roos simply becomes indirectly apologetic regarding her so-called 'channeling' abilities, and attributing it to a need heal further (even though she says that she is a healer) ...
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slbeenackers - Such an interesting video! I do not have time to complete it now, but I had dreams about swimming with whales, about 20 years ago. Not knowing what they meant.And even now I didn't know they were from Sirius....For a long time I hoped I would start dreaming about them again.Maybe I will, now that I remember.
And Tigers and Orangutans are examples of solitary mammals.
35) Shadow season supportCorrection: it provides AN alchemizing energy (at 18 Oct 2024)
Yet another so-called healing lightcode + on 2nd page...
'This is a lightcode that supports you in moving through the contraction we are experiencing this (shadow) season... this fall goes DEEP: the eclipses, the last Pluto in Capricorn transit, and soon we will go into Scorpio season which is known to dive into the shadow and the more taboo themes. This code provides an alchemizing energy for anything that might come up for you.'
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36) A photo of a variety of flowers with the following text over the lower half (at 18 Oct 2024)
Remember that even though the days are getting darker fast, the beauty and vibrancy of summer is still a reality, that we can tap into energetically at any time - this seasons asks us to find the light within, leading up to Dec 21st.
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37) How To Build Trust In Our Intuition - Practical tip (video) (at Mon 21 Oct 2024) ...
How to build trust in our intuition - practical tip
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38)Light Language! Q & A With The Pleiadian Council (video) (at Mon 21 Oct 2024) ...
Light language q&a with the Pleiadian Council
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39) A Lightcode Offering (at Mon 21 Oct 2024)
Activation for your personal light language
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40) Integrating Cosmic Consciousness & Our Galactic Origin (video) (at Mon 21 Oct 2024)
Interating cosmic consciousness & our galactic origin. The author I mentioned is called Dolores Cannon!
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slbeenackers - And I had insights coming through!! So apparently I benefitted from this approach 😊 Thank you Roos, and Guides. And Funny Beings.
slbeenackers's - I really loved this one because it was like multiple messages came through at once, and then Funny Beings started to interfere
41) Starseed Remembrance Course Announcement (at Mon 21 Oct 2024)
'For Starseed Healing Community members, the course 'Starseed Remembrance' that you had the option to include when signing up, is still 50% off until dec 21st. So if you didn't get it at the start, you still have that option. For those that are interested to dive deeper into the foundation of connecting to and integrating your galactic self, I recommend checking this out as it is created to assist with this.
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42) Clearing Negative Timelines (video) (at Mon 21 Oct 2024)
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43) Energy Update: The Eye Of The Storm & Doing Lightwork For The Collective (video) (at 24 Oct 2024)
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44) How To Do Lightwork (Alchemy) For The Collective - Listen to the last live for a guided healing to apply this (at 24 Oct 2024)
Steps you can work with - more in the last live audio
1) Release what isn't yours from your field and call back your energy, ground, heart connection, crown opening and aura protection.
2) Observe the collective and see where it triggers you.
3) Work on your trigger by infusing it with an alchemizing energy.
4) Tapping into the abundance of your heart, send this alchemizing energy back into the collective.
5) Call in angelic and galactic support from the light realms.
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45) Refresh (dynamic lightcode with music - Marvin The Beast, Nickeisha•Clean & Fresh) (at 24 Oct 2024)
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46) Healing (static lightcode) (at 24 Oct 2024)
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47) Channeled for this group 🩵 a clearing for the crown chakra (dynamic lightcode and lightlanguage with music - 432 Hz Frequencies•432 Hz Self Healing) (at 24 Oct 2024)
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48) Photo Of Roos In A Flower Garden (at 25 Oct 2024)
Grounding & healing in nature. Yesterday I co-regulated my nervous system with animals. Piece by piece, the anxiety I experienced the last weeks just peeled away.
And I have literally spent all my time and tools dealing with this anxiety - the spiritual alchemy, guide connection, breathwork, self-soothing, supplements, nervous system regulation tools, light language, you name it. It did keep my head above water and helped the purging.
Setting boundaries helped too, like with the anxious collective energy in yesterday' video.
But even though I kept my cool, I just remained swimming in these anxious waters. Why? Because I was spending too much time in an artificial environment: my home & online. This puts the system in fight, flight and freeze. It just does. No going around it. People can be more or less sensitive to it. But the frequency of technology and the lack of earthing just have that disrupting effect on our electrochemical balance: we have positive charge now which triggers the survival state, we need the negative charge of the ions from the earth. (So in this case positive and negative refer to electrical charge, not morality.)
And then yesterday I spent a whole day in nature.
I earthed, slowly charging up on negative ions. Also, there is a branch of the nervous system that engages through mammal connection, which takes us out of survival mode. I was also able to orient myself to my surroundings in a much healthier way. All in all, this put me back into the flow state.
So this is a reminder: no amount of inner work, spiritual alchemy or galactic guide connection/starseed remembrance is going to take the place of how our human biology is wired to function. We can understand this intellectually, and I knew this, but we also need to practice it, fully.
So that means: connection to other people, to animals and touching the earth. This way our nervous system can regulate itself and we go from survival (no creativity) to living (space for expansion). We are wired to co-regulate with other mammals. We are wired for health when we are earthed.
Once again, remembering that nature knows better than our mind.
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49) Real Healing (at 25 Oct 2024)
Some hard-learned lessons: our guides will tell us to do what we really need. And when we put our guides in the wrong role in our lives (as saviours and substitutes for what humans biologically need), they will take a step back and urge us to refocus on our own intuition. Our intuition comes from our body. Our guides cannot and will not take the place of our body as a guidance system. We need to be plugged into our physical sensations and take care of our body's needs. Spiritual states are states in the nervous system, not out of body. We can only access these states when we heal our trauma.
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dolphinius and co - Many years ago the Systems Dept, within the company i worked for, changed the password on a well-liked Adventure game on the company mainframe. A group of us were stood in silence, when 'games' came into my mind - it turned out to be correct, but said Systems Dept had added a 2nd password for added security, leaving us to become silent once again - another office employee then got the first letter of the 2nd password out of his mouth before i also followed him in saying 'games' once again - with me thinking, wow, he's just like me, as i had no idea that he was intuitive also - your thoughts please, Roos...
dolphinius and co (added reply) - @dolphinius_and_co the 2nd password was also correct btw - both were 'games' - i guess they should have made them more difficult eh :-) :-) :-) ...
50) The Role Of Galactic Guides (at 25 Oct 2024)
Starseeds need to both allow themselves to be fully cosmic and to be fully human, only then can we truly ground into ourselves.
Alien species are not going to take the place of the greatest piece of spiritual technology we have: our body. However, they are masters at healing and reading energy and helping us access our body's technology, which has a quantum shifting effect on us. This is the way they can assist us: they give us shortcuts. What would take us a lot of linear time, they can shift instantly as they are outside of linear time. But they can't take the place of our body - it is us that need to feel safe here, to trust our instincts, to drop in fully. For starseeds, this is often extra hard since our spirit might not be used to a human body. Learning about it and meanwhile receiving plenty of galactic assistance has helped me slowly crack the code.
(1 commenter - 0 likes)
51) A Roos Video Where She Is Speaking And Using Tarot Cards (trying to get/elicit some business sales perchance???) (at 25 Oct 2024)
Starseed homesickness healing
(2 commenters - 3 likes)
eriksmulders55 - I really liked this one, even if it brought up pain as well. There was definitely some good advice here, so thank you for sharing!
dolphinius and co - I go out for a dedicated walkies virtually every day (at the very least 5 days a week generally), and find it to be beneficial to my state of well-being to do so - luckily, at least half of such a 3 to 4 mile walk is within more of a countryside setting, than the rest - tis important to get out, get some exercise, and interact with others on a regular basis, i find :-) :-) :-) ...
52) Integration Time (at Mon 28 Oct 2024) ...
Hi Starseeds! I'm giving you an integration week, so you can catch up on all content and let the activations integrate. Most of you shared with me you'd like to see more group-attuned content so i have been making more direct messages last week - all content made here is either indirectly or directly (with specific group messages) attuned to the flow of the group.Will respond at a later time to your messages. Have a beautiful Samhain if you're celebrating!
(1 comment - 1 like)
dolphinius and co - Oh - not another weekend bender, surely Roos lolz - hoping that you recover soon (i wonder where the tongue-in-cheek symbols are lolz) ...
[Note: Based purely on the date, i think this may i been the comment that possibly proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back lolz]