12 Oct


On 5 10 2020 i/We completed another blog (An Egyptian Princess) for publication - however, i had already used up my 3 wotsits within 'Bits n Bobs' for that particular day, so i realised that i would have to offer on the day following instead...

However, shortly afterwards the idea came to simply 'jump forward' a day within such 'Bits n Bobs' - and to simply publish it as the first offering for such a day instead...

It very much appealed to my sense of humour - so orft i went and done it dahlings...

And so it carried on - until i was seemingly working two days in advance...

However, i was then left with a certain conundrum to solve - how would i be able to get back in sync with the present day again??? ('you've got to have faith, faith, faith - you've got to have faith')...

That was actually solved yesterday - when 'i' realised that i could simply go back a day, when the next day moved forwards (Edge Of Tomorrow ~ Live Die Repeat + Groundhog Day - but not quite dahlings)...

And so it became, my ever-so-precious dahlings, today in actual fact...

So anyway, moving swifly forwards (tempus fugit and all that dahlings), let's ask the following question shall we - what exactly is 'time'???...

Well, in its most basic form it can simply be viewed as the rotation of the Earth as it orbits our parent sun, can it not??? - with day gradually turning to night, and night then gradually turning to day, adam finitum, so to speak (the 'night and day - oh sweet Lord these things we pray' song perchance???)...

And then in its more temporal form it can be seen, rather clearly in actual fact, as our rather sequential moment by moment progression through each of our Earthly lives...

Some of us would seem to be very directly bound to the passage of time of course - with both our working and perhaps non-working periods of time rather habitually being governed by perhaps many different time considerations...

However, for others, time can seemingly be of little importance - we may decide not to have a functioning wall-clock and/or wear/own a watch, and we may not watch television or listen to the radio very often, and we may not work also...

...So the awareness of time may become far less important to us - or indeed the particular day of the week also...

...So, quite obviously perhaps, we can perhaps most readily be perceived as being absent-minded - for time has clearly become more absent in our lives...

So, surprise surpise perhaps, there may be occasions when we feel that it is a Thursday, for example, when it is really a Wednesday - or there may be occasions when we feel that it is Tuesday, for example, when it is really Wednesday...

...Unless, of course, some of us do, unknowingly perhaps, travel both forwards and backwards through time - seemingly on occasion at least dahlings...

...And/or unless some of us are periodically being 'taken' by 'time-capable' Et's of course - cue The X Files music eh...

Which then begs the most obvious question, does it not??? - is time travel actually possible???...

Hmmm, interesting question perhaps...

A possible answer that i may in fact be able to provide/relate to you all - in terms of a previous perceived experiential episode within part of my earlier life - the intrigue, the intrigue eh, my now possibly ever-so-attentive dahlings...

Are you sitting comfortably???...

Yes??? - oh, well let me begin then...

Twas during a period of time when i was attending meditation classes within a Buddhist Centre, not so far away from where i live...

Let me set the scene dahlings...

I was part of a three (there's that number once again - rather spooky huh) man maintenance team at such a centre...

...And we(???) decided that it may be rather nice to remove the green paint from the inter-joined vertical pine planks on the lower part of some of the walls...

So in i trotted (well maybe not actually trotted) one day with my heat-gun and scraper at the ready - and so with a certain enthusiasm, off to work i went...

...Only to find that such not-so-peaces of pinewood started to exude rather a lot of 'sticky stuff' (resin) (eeh, twas a rather lovely smell though, never-the-less) - and so such an intended project came to a rather abrupt and premature end, my no doubt now rather amused(???) dahlings (clever clogs eh)...

And talking of 'clever clogs' - i'll wager that you'll never guess what happened afterwards...

Yep, you didn't guess it - days later, upon my return, all was back to normal...

No, someone hadn't come in to do some remedial repainting (it had most obviously been originally painted quite a number of years earlier) - it was simply back in its original form...

Something that i found to be rather interestingly puzzling - in an admittedly, 'i'm not sure that i'm ready to fully embrace this' type of way...

Hmmm, those clever-clogged self-acclaimed Buddhists eh - well what else could i possibly think after all dahlings???...

At least a POSSIBLE example of the adjusting/traversing time any way - is it not???...

Anyway, whatever the truth of the matter may or may not be, let's move on to another time related question...

Does technology currently exist that allows us to see future events along the same time-line that we are presently travelling along???...

And if so, how did we possibly come to build it - 'crop circle communications baby'...

Oooh, now that's a possibility i never thought of before - many thanks for offering that particular possible perspective, my ever-so-darling Rhio (during today's walkies doncha know)...

But what sort of energy could such supposed offered potential technology, harness / cause to come into being, i wonder??? - 'the 'worm-holes' man' (Oh, has that George Bloke possibly joined us on a walkies too - such being the case, rather presumptuous of Him isn't it - He better not have any designs on Rhio, if He knows what's good for Him - yes, a possible Wham!!! Moment dahlings, no doubt about it - cheeky blighter - maybe that's why Rhio has seemed to be so Happy today - unscrupulous swine)...

Oooh, now that's an interesting possible concept - producing some sort of time portal eh...

Well, if it happens to be a two-way one, then let's pray/hope to God that something rather unpleasant (like a flesh-eating dino perhaps) doesn't come charging through it - given that such presumed working technology actually exists, of course...

...Aaaagh!!! - not viruses surely???...

The 'corona effect' dahlings!!! - the 'corona effect'!!!...


Oh my Gaaaawd!!! - nooooo!!! - please God, surely not...

Breathe baby, breathe - maybe a short break will help???...

Yes indeed so, just give me a few minutes okay??? - pheeeew, that feels a little better...

So anyway, that sense of a rather looming full-blown panic attack put aside, for a moment at least, my oh so lovely and highly valued dahlings (yep, it's fawning time folks) - the most obvious question arises...

What could such supposedly possible technology possibly be used for (given that it actually exists of course - potentially or otherwise) - apart from possible sight-seeing jollies and possible history lesson corrections perhaps...

Hmmm, to look further ahead, along our present time-line perhaps??? - and what possible benefits could we possibly derive from that i wonder???...

Well, most obviously perhaps, we could, potentially at least, see where all this global warming was leading us to...

And perhaps if the feedback we were receiving was of a rather dire/unpleasant nature, then maybe we could take/initiate some sort of rather drastic(???) corrective action - such as reducing world-wide carbon emissions rather pronto perhaps???...

...Without it seeming to be too overly alarming/obvious perhaps??? - in the eyes of the masses, at the very least, of course...

Sheesh - that's some potential food for thought isn't it...

...But whether any of it represents reality in any, way / shape or form, i have absolutely no idea - consciously, within this particular dimension at least...

Anyway, calm down dahlings - i feel sure that's there's absolutely nothing to worry about...

...No siree - absolutely nuttin' at all...

We have sensible leaders after all, don't we - safe and sensible hands at the helm, steering 'the good ship lollipop' safely to port/shore...

Anyway, moving rather swiftly forwards once again - the title of this blog, my perhaps now not so emotionally-needed dahlings...

...Tis similar to the title of a film that i have so far watched twice, if my memory serves me correctly - a rather pleasantly enjoyable one actually...

One that has Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams and Bill Nighy in it - tis entitled, About Time, dahlings...

And what's it about - you may rather reasonably ask...

Well i'm hardly going to tell you that, am i for Heaven's sake...

Just watch it - and let it come as a pleasant surprise eh...
