07 Mar


...Well not 'all' per se - but some of it anyway perhaps...

This blog is intended to be more of a relaxed introduction to how the 'Law(s) of Karma' are seen perhaps to be working, rather than a more detailed thesis regarding it...

The literal meaning of 'karma' is 'cause and effect' btw - if my memory serves me correctly...

Karma is linked to the Buddhist teachings (Theravadan at least) of/regarding the 'chain of interdependent origination' - where one action / chain of thought leads to another, and another etc, sequentially / in sequence...

It can also be seen, in its negative forms, to be very much linked to the concept of 'the wheel of samsara'/suffering also...

I have actually previously published a poem called Karma - which provides another possible insight into its overall nature - for those who may possibly wish to read its contents...

Becoming aware of the law(s) of karma, both previous to, and within my Buddhist journey, explained and very much made sense of a lot of things to me...

...Giving/providing me /with a general appreciation/awareness of why things may happen, have already happened, and indeed do happen within peoples/families/countries etc lives whilst incarnate, here on planet Earth, for example...

And i have indeed seen/observed it in operation, both within my own life, as well as within the lives of others, over the years - and indeed i still do...

So, some possible examples...

1) An old neighbour of mine once tried to, rather unjustly, get me into trouble with the police, who visited me after she had told lies about me (and herself actually) to them - she also contacted, out of sheer nastiness really, a certain person, seemingly in an attempt, perhaps, to get me evicted - simply because her visiting and child-sitting mother opened the living-room window to myself and another neighbour, who were simply chatting to/with one-another outside said window, and told both of us to 'bog off' basically, in a rather unwelcoming way/manner - causing me to tell her to mind her own business, close the window, and go back to attend to her child-minding duties - and reminding her that she had no right to try and tell us what to do, as she didn't live around here...

...The funny thing was, is that i got on quite well with her (as well as her daughter actually) before then - even though i found her to be overly sexually preoccupied - but it was simply that i took offence/exception to her rather abrupt and overbearing manner...

Initially i got rather annoyed about her absent daughter's unjustified/ill-considered, and rather over-the-top/disproportionate actions - planning to take her to court on three related counts...

...However Christmas time was approaching, so i vowed not to let such a thing upset my peaceful enjoyment of it, and so simply elected to put it all to the back of / out of my mind until after the new year...

And then, come the new year, i thought 'why the heck put myself through all that' (legal proceedings) - so simply decided to put it all into the hands of that which we most readily/commonly call 'God', and to simply wait to see, if anything, what happens...

Well, within six months said daughter decided to do a swap with another person who lived in Stoke-on-trent i think - with my new neighbour proving herself to be a much better neighbour...

...And more than that, said daughter didn't at all like her new area/home/neighbours, and rather quickly, and unsuccessfully may i add, wanted to return to live with her mother, and her teenage child/daughter whom had elected not to make such a move with her...

Take that huh lolz - 'you've made you bed, now lie in it' - for i'd not had a single complaint made against me, prior to that rather unjustified one, in all of the 45+ years that i have lived around these 'ere parts...

2) The accounts of the two dodgy male neighbours who i mentioned within The Pavement Bullies Blog...

3) Two of the three above males mentioned in The Pavement Bullies blog are now both being taken to court, and being moved out of their current abode - proving perhaps that 'what goes around, comes around'...

I could of course undoubtedly mention many more examples of 'karma in action', if my memory was not as bad as it now seems to be - but hey, 'cellar vee' eh...

I have of course advised certain people, regarding the law(s) of karma also...

I remember once a male neighbour, for instance, saying to me that he was going to 'get someone back' for a perceived injustice that was visited upon him - whereby i simply advised him to try letting go of it and putting it into the 'Hands of God' (he was a Roman Catholic) and to simply wait to see, if anything (certain experiences may simply be previous life karma ones after all - although, obviously, two wrongs do not a right make), what happens - i remember, Vibrationally, Feeling a certain relief and possible understanding being experienced by him, at the time...

...Said 'someone' has recently (rather sadly, from my own personal perspective) lost his Earthly life btw - though, in all honesty, i think it could have perhaps been due to a possible accumulation of unskilful actions that may have lead to such an 'ending' - compassion in action perhaps...

Whilst clinging on to such thoughts of possible personal retribution, that which we often call 'God' may not intervene (freewill choices (which are very much linked to / come with/along-side personal/self-responsibility, one would most readily suggest) being what they are), i would most readily suggest - hence the reason why 'letting go' is so important, prior to putting such things into the 'Hands/Arms of God' - from my perspective at the very least...

...For in not letting go we are simply electing to keep ourselves tied to the 'wheel of samsara' - from my personal perspective, at the very least, anyway...

I mentioned within the An Egyptian Princess blog about my mother once being told that she had once had an incarnation as a Egyptian princess, and her once saying to me, in passing, that she 'must have been a really bad bugger in a previous life to have deserved a life like this'...

...Which, if true, can possibly indicate how very long, and how many future lives, it can possibly take to pay off / balance such a possible accumulation of bad karma, when having abused a position of power and influence over many people perhaps...

So anyway, lovely Zoe of the Guardian, from my personal experiential perspective, at the very least, karma most certainly exists - so maybe you should do some (further???) reading up on the subject??? (or better still, learn about it via simple experience and observation, of course)- if you, in fact, ever happen to be reading this at some particular time, of course :-) :-) :-) ...

So anyway, that, i think, now brings this particular blog to its conclusion - for the time being at least...

Addendum @ 12 March 2022...

It came to my mind yesterday that there were some things that i forgot to mention...

One of those is that when one learns the Truth about the nature/existence of the Law(s) of Karma it tends to change one's life in respect to deceit...

...In that one realises that all deceit is self-deceit - and this then led me to realise that you should always try to be truthful - unless, of course you deem it prudent to either choose to remain silent with regard to certain things, or indeed feel the true need to say something other than the truth...

It also tends to change one into a service to others individual, rather than a service to self individual...

...Especially with respect to 'doing what it takes to get ahead in life' - simply because one realises that 'getting ahead in life' is not what life is all about - for it is more about trying not to amass avoidable negative karma, in order than one may return Home with one's head held a little higher than one was able to at the end of one's previous incarnation, for example...
