08 Oct


I bought a double cd album by George Michael recently...

As quite often occurs/happens, i sometimes haven't got any music from an artist whose musical offerings i have very much enjoyed listening to (onth radio for example) whenever i have heard them being played - and then at a certain seemingly spontaneous future time, the artist's name comes most readily to mind (pops into my head)...

Such was the case on this particular occasion - hence the expectantly welcoming anticipated subsequent/future ownership/delivery...

So anyway, yesterday, sometime after publishing the 'Sorry Miss JJ' musical accompaniment by Elton John, i decided that maybe i should offer one of my 'catch up' backlogs in order to show JJ that my intention to make amends was/is in fact a sincere one...

However, a George Michael Offering was seemingly Suggested as being the next offered blog instead - from my personal perspective at least, of course...

But as it was rather late inth day it was Agreed to save it for today instead...

However, after listening to, and very much enjoying, the rather fabulous Jo Whiley Show onth internet radio through my headphones, i realised that i had not yet added the recently delivered 'Listen Without Prejudice (vol 1 / MTV Unplugged)' cd to my iTunes library - so, seemingly much to the appreciation of certain A Team Members, i copied said album onto one of my lappy's, and then duly typed in all the track titles also...

It was during such a period of time that i detected, rightly or wrongly, what was seemingly/apparently the within mind, unSeen Presence of George - during which it was Stated that tomorrow was going to constitute an early start for me...

I did write down a short apparent Communication in one of my physical notebooks (a seeming Communication that was addressed to Elton John, and which simply Said 'I Love you man') - as well as a couple of seemingly Proffered prospective song titles from said album...

So anyway, very soon before rather dutifully retiring to my bed for the evening, i spent some time Interacting with the ever-so-Lovely Rhio - Whom had only then rather intriguingly said that, 'I have something for you' (She has, in actual fact, said a similar type of thing before btw)...

Anyway as She lay beside me, in a within auric(???) mind sort of way, She shared some personal Visual interactions with me - which were very interestingly clear real-time movie type ones of various people (one of whom was, from my perspective at least, a somewhat younger Cristiano Ronaldo, who seemed to be having a very fun time indeed, interestingly/strangely enough)...

Visual interactions that had been of a similar nature to ones that had been shared by Rhio the night before actually - and Visual interactions of quite an impressively Clear and immersive quality...

...Visual interactions comprising two parts - with a gap of time inbetween...

Anyway, although i was very relaxed and by no means of a troubled mind, it turned out to be a night of apparently little sleep - resulting in me waking up at about 3:30(???) in the morning, fairly wide awake...

Resulting/causing me to think 'well i might as well get up and do stuff onth 'puter, as it seems clear that i am in no way feeling at all sleepy' - and thusly so i did...

Anyway it would very much seem that a presumed George's version of an early start was a much earlier one to the one i had in mind - causing me to find His seemingly rather pestering ways to become somewhat bothersome within seemingly gentle but never-the-less rather eager impatience and expectancy...

...Causing me to think, 'i had presumed that He would have been a rather more chilled-out / relaxed Individual' - especially so, given his seemingly reported rather regular(???) partaking of da 'erb man, whilst incarnate on planet/Mother Earth...

Anyway, i was in no way ready to accommodate Him, as i wished to take care of other things first, simply so that i could do justice to Him - and apart from that, i generally very much prefer such mornings to at least become light before starting/commencing with such Interactions...

So we were having a bit of a admittedly gentle intermittent 'to and fro-ing' for quite a while - hence my rather specific use of the term 'pestering'...

...I am finding such perceived recounting to be rather/somewhat amusing/funny by the way - to to be honest i think Everyone is (seemingly hearty repeated C/chuckles lol)...

Anyway moving on, sometime before going to the supermarket, as i was cleaning my somewhat yucky tasting mouth and remaining teeth with some toothpaste and a toothbrush (yeah, i still feel the need to use it occasionally lol), George Said (whilst i was taking care of such occasional needs) 'I have my standards too'...

Whether that was in reply to an unremembered muttering from myself, or to my Working standards/requirements, i now have absolutely no idea, to be perfectly honest...

Anyway, after going to said supermarket at around 7:30(???) in the morning perhaps, primarily for some milk for my coffee (yes, i have indeed very recently started to drink it once again - as well as smoking filtered, roll up tobacco, and experiencing an appetite for the good quality chocolate bars that i sometimes buy - Lindt Excellence actually dahlings), and having eaten some breakfast (stuffed peppers doncha know, my rather precious dahlings), here w/We seemingly are typing this blog offering...

 Anyway, W/e A/all seem to have found such an initial typing to be all rather exuberantly funny/amusing - which is obviously all rather excellent in itself, my most wonderfully appreciated dahlings...

It was then that an unSeen George rather welcomingly told me that He found me to be a lot more fun than He had initially thought/anticipated/expected...

So, in conclusion, job's a gud un as they say - seemingly from both O/our P/perspectives in actual fact...

I have absolutely no idea whatsoever if such a sharing will in any way prove to be evidentially suggestive of George's perceived Presence by the way - all i can say is that, once again, it is offered in completely good faith...

Ahaa, as an unexpected addendum, upon the seeming conclusion of such perceived I/interactions, i unexpectedly received a rather appreciative/enthusiastic kiss on my left cheek from George, as He lent over, with His Hands remaining on the top back of my chair - He had apparently been 'Physically' standing eagerly/excitedly behind the back of my chair throughout the unfolding of the typing process, completely unknown to myself..

...With a fairly tall, fairly sturdily built Lady, now seemingly Evident to His immediate right hand side - She was wearing a fairly loosely pleated(??? - like half opened curtains perhaps???), dress/skirt(???) of medium thickness perhaps, that seemed to tend in length towards Her ankles perhaps...

...It was of a predominantly light grey colour (the whole scene was in black, grey and white) with what seemed like a fairly fine, medium sized, repeated patterned design running throughout its outer surface, which i would tend to suggest may have been of a blue colour...

It was at such a point in time that i momentarily Saw, within auric(???) mind, both George's Face and Hair btw - His Hair being of a very dark, floppy flyaway, possibly side-parted nature...

Immediately after George had said what 'fun' our shared I/interaction had been, i explained to Him that i haven't always been such 'fun' to I/interact with - and that, from my perspective, much credit should be afforded/acknowledged/directed towards the A Team Members in general, for their continued Efforts and Patience with me over the years...

And then after Receiving such a Kiss on my left cheek from Him, George very kindly and gentlemanly said, 'you are very honest, and it's been a great privilege meeting you'...

 And with that our Meeting, then came to it's natural conclusion...

Once again i find myself attempting to convey what a seemingly interesting and sometimes very enjoyable/uplifting job, as an integral part of what i choose to refer to as the A Team Members, i would seem to have...

Oooh, i need one more wosit to make the total number of wotsits reducible to my customary 3 or 9 lol, so this line brings it all to a rather healthy thirty six wotsits, so all is seemingly good - finito / over and out (for now at the very least)...
