13 Feb


A rainbow consists of seven main/visible colours - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet - plus those, apparently that cannot be seen through normal eyesight...

'New Age Spirituality' apparently says the following about Rainbow children (see https://medium.com/@petergianxy/who-are-rainbow-children-according-to-new-age-spirituality-4698e55d04c5 for more/further information) ...

'Rainbow children are third generation special children, believed to be incarnated in this world to help humanity heal and thrive.

According to new-age beliefs, rainbow children began to become incarnated around 2000, but some were born earlier than that and came as scouts. This means that many of them are currently in adolescence and are beginning to have an even greater impact on the world.' (@ March 25 2022) ...

Going back further in time, Alice A Baily (Theosophist - born on June 16, 1880 (in Manchester, apparently, according to Wikipedia) – and passed over/'died' on December 15, 1949), in the book 'The Seven Rays Of Life', goes into great detail about what she, rightly or wrongly, said/believed about such 'seven rays'...

However, this blog is simply meant to be a very simple introduction / mere overview, and i am not sure of the accuracy / Spiritual orientation of such writings, to be perfectly honest, so will choose to leave it at that...

...For all that can be said at this point is that such information (which was apparently Received through trance mediumship via a discarnate Being known as 'The Tibetan') is now, comparatively at least, very dated indeed...

So, if the reader of these words wishes, of their own free-will-choice, to further apprise themselves of such matters (perhaps simply for reasons of historic Theosophic interest / education/appraisal), then i will leave that choice, quite rightly obviously, up to them individually...

So anyway, what is the purpose of such a, now conveniently brief, blog, the reader of these words may ask...

Well, tis simple really...

Bob Marley wrote a song called, Sun Is Shining - and within such lyrics are the words 'Want you to know i'm a rainbow too' - to which i believe, correctly or otherwise, was a Spiritual reference...

Yep, tis as simple as that folks...
