11 Mar


The core months of winter, for me, are November, December, January and February...

This was my fourth sequential winter without heat - and as we are now quite firmly into March, i have been able to relax in the knowing(???) that enduring those continually cold days are finally over for another eightish months perhaps...

Rather presumptuous at this comparatively early stage of spring perhaps - but hey, what can i say, other than i'm an optimist by nature...

So what was my no-heating winter like, you may ask...

Well November always seems to be quite challenging - as it generally seems to be the month when my body seems to have to start acclimatising to the seemingly much colder winter months...

December tends to seem less cold - telling me that yes, the body now seems to have become more accepting of the lower winter temperatures perhaps...

January, in previous years, has been the start the 'gritting of the teeth' (as well as the roads sometimes) and the 'steeling' oneself for the coldest parts of winter, as my living-room thermometer starts to drop as low as 47 degrees fahrenheit...

However, this January was rather different, with said living-room thermometer only dropping below 50, to 49 degrees fahrenheit on two consecutive days, if my memory serves me correctly - causing me to be both grateful and rather concerned/bemused at the same time...

...With February seeming to be a comparative 'breeze', so to speak, as my living-room temperatures seemed to fluctuate between the 50 and 52 degrees fahrenheit mark...

So were there any temperature-related downsides to my winter, you may be wondering - the answer being yes, for i didn't exercise within-home for the first time during the last four winters, so the chilblains on my fingers were playing up a bit more than usual/normal...

...But hey, as i now look at my fingers i notice that they too have now abated - so all is good, if only for now...

So, here we are, on the 11th of March, with my living-room thermometer having recorded a much more convivial 54 degrees fahrenheit on both this morning and yesterday morning - so, 'onwards and upwards' say i, perhaps rather a little too confidently??? (as always, time will tell i guess)...
