09 Nov


Well, perhaps anyway...

He just wants to let the people who were close to him, and those who were associated with him, to know that He is 'completely Okay' - 'Busy - but absolutely Fine'...

I've not Sensed His Presence for a while...

However, very shortly after finishing my earlier 'Simply 'P' Okay' blog offering He came to mind, so to speak...

When i saw Him within mind (from my own personal perspective, of course) i thought that we were going to Hug - in  a supposedly figurative Sense, of course...

But instead He picked me up, with Ease - one arm under my back, and the other under my legs...

I always See Him as a 'Rambo-esque' type of Person who is Attired fittingly...

He was wearing a head-band...

Twas a cloth one that ties at the back - and was of a sage green colour...

His area of particular Expertise/Speciality is finding People - People whom may find themselves lost within the lower Realms perhaps...

People who would seem to have Information that may be useful in an evidential sense - it is a Job that He is, unquestionably, very good at indeed...

He very much looks forward to Seeing you all later - end of 'Transmission', so to speak...
