24 Nov


I met erm 'Jeremy' one sunny day, as you do innit - during a period in my life sometime after i 'ad stopped attending Buddhist meditation classes, and my mental health issues had started taking root ('voids' always tend to be filled somehow don't they)...

He was a going-to-the-gym-everyday, and ex 'competition'-winning weight-lifter - and 'ad a met-at-the-gym' gurlyfriend...

...Whose mother wanted some furniture movin' from a bungalow to an 'ouse...

So anyway, i got asked to lend a hand - completely gratis, obviously...

Resulting in erm 'Jeremy' setting out to do 'is best to prove to me that 'e woz the 'man' innit...

Which ended up wiv 'im left in no doubt that 'e wasn't the erm 'man' atall - i managed to keep up with 'is rather 'let's get it over with' pace, no problem innit...

Which then ended wiv' 'im gettin' all mouthy (from a 'safe' distance, obviously) wiv 'is wanted-to-be-mother-in-law's' rather 'tetchy' son - thinkin'/assumin' that he had rather capable 'back-up' innit...

Anyway, i never saw 'im agen for a while - until 'e wanted me to 'check-out' a second-hand 'puter that 'is two brother-neighbours 'ad put together for 'im like...

'Jeremy' 'adn't 'ad a 'puter before, and new nuttin' 'bout such 'advanced' technology - so off i trotted to 'is gaff innit...

...Only to realise that they 'ad rather obviously bin takin' the piss innit - 'yeah, it's only numbnuts Jeremy after all'...

They 'ad put the 'bare-bones' amount of memory innit, innit - and left out all the case fans (clever fookers that they weren't)...

So anyway, upon bein' appraised of such-like, Jeremy went over to their gaff to put 'em straight innit - causin' the two of 'em to come see 'ho clever-clogs was...

Which resulted in me like, puttin' 'em straight also like - in me usual rather direct way innit...

...Before they err rectified such an obvious botch-up rather quickly innit - i think they were a bit 'strapped-for-cash' like...

So anyway, this resulted in Jeremy findin' me a bit interestin' like, and vicky-verky - 'e 'ad unusual vibes, so 'e did (the nature of which i 'ad never encountered before dahlings - yeah, well-interestin')...

We 'ad some interestin' times together like...

Like on one occasion (but not whilst at band-camp obviously) wereby a psychotic schizophrenic not-so-dude 'ad phoned up to tell 'im that 'e and a few well-'andy mates were commin' round to 'do 'im' innit - resultin' in the not-so-fightin' Jeremy callin' round fer 'backup' innit...

...One of which just 'appened to be me - 'e was a mate so i very much felt the need to oblige 'im within such a respect, even though i very much try to avoid such situations, as i don't like 'avin' to loose my temper (bad vibes, bad karma innit), as it tends to put me off me tea a bit innit...

So anyway, feelin' unusually concerned, i went 'round wiv me sports grip, wiv sum erm 'equalizers' innit, innit - best to be safe than sorry yeah (you don't know what 'they' intend to bring to the party afterall, do yous - and sometimes, like it or not, you have to adapt to the territory you find yourself within, and the potential conditions therein)...

So there was me, with a rather nervous erm Jeremy, together with the 'Tom Thumb-in-'is-bum' kick-boxer teacher dude sat not-so-merrily-merrily in Jeremy boy's gaff, waitin' to see who was gunna turn up to boogie like...

In the event no-one showed up - causin' a potentially premature 'Tom-thumb' to crash-out of the would-be-gig early like...

So anyway, weeks later, i went round to Jeremy's inth evenin' - only to find psycho-potentially-'killer Kenneth' there, makin' a rather generous peace-offerin' of home-grown AK47...

...With me still in the still-not-likin mode like - 'e was simply a guy you couldn't trust at all (well-dodgy innit)...

So anyway, 'e decided to leave to erm take care of some nightly business like, before returnin' - causin' me to say 'are you bringin' a nice peace of bud back with you or wot'???...

...Which sort of stopped 'im in 'is tracks a bit really - and resulted in erm Jeremy givin' me one of those 'wtf' looks of incomprehension...

Causin' me to later explain to a rather confused Jeremy ('e 'ad already bin gifted a very 'ealthy amount of the stuff already innit), that 'is original gift was simply to allow 'im in the door to explain 'imself like - and that if 'e was now wantin' to come back into the Jeremy-fold, 'e was gonna 'ave to show willin' innit...

...Something 'e did btw - as well as giftin' me a few extras of sumthin' else like...

...Which resulted in me offerin' my hand, which 'e readily shook - twas my way of sayin' to 'im that the past 'as now bin put behind us and we move forward as if it never 'appened like...

I 'ad actually 'ad a bit of a 'run-in' wiv 'im earlier before, after 'e started to be rather arrogantly presumptious towards me - a 'puttin'-'im-right' rather extended moment that caused beads of sweat to start formin' rather liberally on 'is rather broad forehead, doncha know dahlings...

...So i 'ad 'im by the 'short and curly's' really didn't eye (and 'e knew it only too well innit) - for a time at least, before i started easin' up on 'im for a bit like...

He was a guy that i never felt comfortable with - as he was very unpredictable indeed (so i could never truly relax in 'is company - which was a bit of a ongoing pain really)...

 Eeeeeh, the things you find yourself 'avin' to do eh - and the situations you find yourself becoming unwittingly involved in whilst conductin' yer growing street-life like...

On another occasion there was a bit of a 'drought' on (Jeremy actually had loads of telephone numbers, but the 'drought' was such that seemingly nowt woz down like) inth local area - causin' me to accompany erm Jeremy out onth street in search of some 'alf-decent green stuff - whereby we found ourselves walkin' up to a smartly-dressed 'Blues Brothers' dude and 'is two mates...

They were complete unknowns to the both of us - so we treaded a bit carefully like, to start off with innit...

Until one of the dudes, sat on a low wall, started to get a bit presumptuous like - causin' 'im to say, all cocky like, 'wot due want' (as if 'e didn't know e - attitudinal scumbag that 'e was - i actually thought that 'e was treatin' me like some sort of 'dick'ead', and i didn't like it)...

As it 'appened, i 'ad one of them brain-freeze moments that comes over me at times - causin' me to simply look at 'im distainfully like, for a few moments...

...Before the word 'SKUNK!!!' came flowing outta me mouth - which resulted in me seein' his etheric body flowing/falling backwards in fright/shock (it was quite an interestin' thing to see actually - as i don't readily (hardly ever in fact) see such things)...

...Resultin' in the third dude, rather magically and readily pull a rather healthy-sized 'ten deal bag' out of his previously seemingly empty pockets (i think it might 'ave bin (some of???) 'is top quality 'personal' innit) - resultin' in a now rather upbeat Jeremy investigatin' its contents rather readily, with me lookin' on wiv interest like...

...It was well-good quality - so, 'weed scored', the cash was paid and we walked merrily on our way back to Jeremy's gaff innit...

'Jeremy' was seemingly almost illiterate when i first met him - resulting in people filling in forms and stuff for him...

Once he got online other mates/neighbours got him interacting on various sites - such as Yahoo Messenger, WorldWinner Pool, and WebcamNow...

He always wanted me to be on Messenger - so he could invite me 'round and stuff...

However, i found that he was contacting me too often for my liking - so, unknown to him, i made another account so that i could have the space to do my own thang, uninterrupted by him...

Eventually i started playing online pool also - i became pretty good at it...

I had played some snooker at a private golf club we lived at during my mid-teens - and had then later lived in a pub that had a pool room with about nine or more pool tables in it...

...With me becoming 'top dog' - i won the pub pool championship the first time such a tournament was organised/played...

Jeremy and myself would often play alternate online pool games on his computer when i was invited 'round to his place - which was quite often in actual fact...

I used to reformat his computer for him on a number of occasions - with him sat at my side...

I let him know that i wished for him to learn to do so for/by himself - as i had no intention of becoming his 'computer bitch' like innit...

...Eventually, with my help/assistance, he got himself there...

I had introduced him to 'Need For Speed' - and, later, we used to play that together at his place also...

Such computer games needed computers that could run them without stalling of course - so the ability to upgrade your own computer came in handy...

Usually such upgrades came in two stages...

...The first primary stage being the replacement of the motherboard, processor, and RAM memory sticks - with the second stage comprising of the later upgrade of the video/graphics card, before such a process started all over again...

Once again i used to carry out such jobs for 'Jeremy' - with him accompanying me to the MicroDirect shop in order to purchase his chosen/advised parts/upgrades...

...And then watching me installing them - in order that he could hopefully learn for himself what it was all about Alfie...

So i was educating him really - with him and his mates educating me, by mere association, in the street-wise-smarts department...

Eventually his communication skills became a lot better - and he began to be introduced to Spiritual Laws also...

...As a mate, i didn't want him to be getting himself into Troubles that he had little Comprehension of afterall did i - he resisted at first of course...

...Seeing it all as fairyland stuff - but eventually he began to increasingly 'see the Light' as they say...

He wasn't as dumb as others thought - far from it in fact...

...He was simply uneducated...

For example, one evening whilst there were a few of us in his living-room, the solitary lighter fell under the table under which certain items were placed - resulting in Jeremy simply lifting said table up so that said lighter could be retrieved...

A light-bulb moment for me (as well as others seemingly) dahlings - for i would have been looking blindly with a hand/arm in order to locate/find/retrieve it...

There was a lot more to him than met the eye - he simply saw things differently than most...

The bad part about him was that he could be a bit sneaky though - unknown to me most times...

...Doin' and sayin' stuff behind yer back like innit...

When me smarts started workin' a bit better, i started gettin' a better 'andle on 'im innit - but simply chose to keep such revelations to meself innit...

...As is said, patience is a virtue - and there always come a time and a place to address such ongoin' issues innit...

I think he had been a rather savvy Bedouin trader in a previous life - i sort of got a glimpse of it one night, and it seemed to explain one of his most predominant traits...

...He absolutely loved the sunshine too lol - he had worked at holiday sites/resorts in Spain...

...For a seeming successive number of years in fact - it was a job that he absolutely loved apparently...

I got him sorted with a live-in partner, eventually along the line...

She was a gal who had a growing interest in New Age philosophies - i had previously given her and her sister loads of books regarding such Spiritual subjects, after they had been simply laying redundant upon some of my shelves for quite some time...

...So she proved to be good for 'Jeremy' within such respect - although they broke-up a number of years later...

...Seemingly after 'Jeremy' started to get more in touch with his feminine side/component - well, so i was told anyway...

I eventually grew tired of him - it was his ongoing sneakiness that did it really...

It came to a crunch after he started doing his weights again - resulting in him becoming rather 'beefy'...

A rather apt word - as it turned out...

...For he started to make certain assumptions like innit - with me showin' 'im, by simple and short non-contact demonstration, the potential error of his ways like innit...

This, in turn, resulted in 'im, unknowingly to myself, bringin' in some back-up , in the name of the kick-boxin' teacher 'Tom' to put me in me place innit...

...But hey, equally unknowingly to myself, in stepped my BackUp, on my behalf once again, in the name of my seemingly 'Secret Ninja' - resulting in both 'Tom' and three others (including 'Jeremy') experiencing a bit of a surpise-suprise moment dahlings (twas a completely non-violent encounter btw)...

Resulting in me offering my hand to said 'Tom' the next time i saw him at Jeremy's - yeah, you guessed it, another of those 'we start afresh and put the past behind us' moments...

...Which he accepted - after a slight momentary, and perhaps understandable, hesitation...
