13 Dec


I should, by all accounts, be happy today - after all, a man who strongly attests to believe that this country of ours can be a successful independent country, free from the shackles of the EU...

...A man who seemingly strongly believes in democracy - a man who tells us, unequivocally, that he will deliver the Brexit that the majority, who chose of their own free-will to vote, voted for...

...A very well educated man, who comes from what an average person would call a very privileged background/upbringing - a man who has a certain charisma; a seemingly likeable 'man of/for the people'...

...Has just won what could rather easily/readily be described as a very comfortable general election victory...

So why is an average Brexit voting 'Joe' like myself not cock-a-hoop with happiness, you may, possibly very understandably, wonder???...

Well, average Brexit voting people, like myself, have spent nigh on three and a half years being told that we were too 'thick'/ignorant/uneducated (or words to that effect) to have known what we were voting for when we voted, of our own free-will choosing, to leave the shackles of the EU - mainly/overwhelmingly(???) by people who were seemingly trying their best to scupper the outcome of such a democratic voting process...

...By, seemingly, the very same people who were trying to secure a second, clearly undemocratic, vote/referendum - yes, you guessed it, in order to try to overturn the outcome of such an original democratic vote/referendum...

Seemingly the very same people (or at least a portion of them) who chose to tell us that such a vote was merely 'advisory', when it clearly wasn't stated to be so  - and that it was they, the servants of democracy, who make such decisions, rather than the voters/electorate...

So who were such people, you may wonder??? - they were, seemingly in the main, the servants of democracy whose Party supposedly, politically and democratically, represents the average voter/person and their families...

Yesterday's general election was, in essence, an unofficial second referendum vote (in my personal opinion at the very least, one would very firmly suggest) - the outcome of which would determine whether or not there was a clear mandate (public determination) for the governing political Party to finally free us all from the shackles of the EU...

The result of which proved, rather unequivocally (in my eyes at least), that 'yes' we did know what we were voting for in June 2016 - and 'yes' we are now even more determined in our wishes to free ourselves from such EU shackles...

So, i think it is fair(???) to say that the Labour Party (whom in their not so great 'wisdom', suffered a rather humiliating(???) defeat) were very clearly/firmly given 'the two fingers' by those whom they(???) chose to, call / think of as, 'thick'/ignorant/uneducated (or words to such effect) people - those whom, in my eyes at least, they so blatantly and seemingly uncaringly (and undemocratically) betrayed...
