03 Jan


When i first entered a Buddhist Centre, i did so simply in order to learn to meditate 'properly' - for it seemed to me that this was 'their' area of speciality...

I had earlier read that it was important to find the 'right' teacher - and as this particular Buddhist Centre held beginners classes from Monday through to Friday evenings, i had resolved/decided to attend each evening in sequence in order to determine such a thing for myself...

As it happened, i found what i considered to be my 'right' teacher on the Tuesday evening - and was accepted by her purely on the basis that i wished to learn to meditate 'properly'...

Some time later said teacher informed me that i had been invited to meet her teacher of teachers, at his house - this very much appealed to me, as i held my teacher in high regard, and so assumed that such a teacher of teachers must be very special indeed...

On the appointed evening i had decided, as was my natural tendency, that it was better to arrive a little early than a little late - and so did so...

After such a presumed gentleman's front door was opened to my enquiring knock/ring - i was told that i had interrupted his meditation, and that i should return at the correct time...

Although such unexpected abruptness somewhat took me by surprise, i simply decided that it must be a test of some sorts - and so cycled around the immediate area until i felt that such a 'correct time' had arrived...

After having secured my mountain bike from possible theft, i then entered said teacher of teachers house, climbed the stairs, and walked into the now rather full room on the left, as instructed - only to hear the words, 'oh, so you have decided to return then' (or words to that effect) flow from such a said teacher of teachers mouth...

'Yes, this has most definitely got to be some sort of test' said i to myself as i entered said room and sat on the vacant cushion situated directly in front of where said teacher of teachers was likewise sat...

There was a young male sat to the right, slightly in front of me - he was offering said teacher of teachers a gift of a Celtic calendar, and said teacher of teachers was seemingly trying to determine whether he should accept such an offered gift, or not...

It was at this point that i decided that said teacher of teachers did not seem, from my perspective, to be a very nice person - and so i simply waited for an opportunity to come to such a gift-offering individual's perceived aid...

The calm and polite exchange that followed between said teacher of teachers and myself didn't last long before pointing out to said teacher of teachers that he had just contradicted himself - what seemed to be a rather long period of silence followed before said teacher of teachers simply moved on to something else...

I later announced that it was time for me to go, as, if my memory serves me correctly, i didn't at that particular moment in time have any bike lights - needless to say, perhaps, i was never invited to return to what would seem to have been weekly meetings at said person's house...

What seemed to have been a short time later, my very nice and seemingly very capable meditation teacher and her family, rather sadly from my perspective, relocated to Cambridge - an area where the other teacher of teachers seemed to preside over, if my memory serves me correctly...

Anyway, moving rather swiftly forwards, sometime later in time i was asked to phone said teacher of teachers, supposedly regarding some work that he wished me to do prior to an arranged 25(???) year celebration that was to be conducted in his honour(???) - a request that seemed, from my perspective, to be somewhat strange, as i was still in a beginners class, and a surely more appropriate self-employed 'handyman'(???) teacher was also part of what constituted a three-man voluntary maintenance team for such a Buddhist Centre...

Upon phoning such a teacher of teachers, i was simply told that it wasn't a convenient time to talk about such things, and that i was to phone again at another unprescribed time - to which my undisclosed within mind response was a very determined, 'if you honestly think that you are going to play such games with me, then you have another think coming'...

What seemed like some weeks later, i was asked by the same person whom had originally asked me to phone said teacher of teachers whether i had phoned him back yet - to which i replied, in a seemingly very telling way, 'no i haven't'...

Anyway, moving on to the evening in question - which was extremely well-attended by the way...

I managed to find myself a place to sit, near to the rear of the rather crowded main shrine room...

A local male university student turned his head towards me, from in front, and simply smiled at me in a way that seemed to be saying, 'you don't know what's going to happen do you'...

It would seem that i was soon to find out - for a very short time after such celebratory proceedings (led by said teacher of teachers) commenced with a group meditation, i felt the edges/forefront of what i perceived to be an approaching force of energy...

I found myself inwardly exclaiming 'panic/psychic (i can't remember which) attack' - upon which a very reassuring and welcoming protective 'bubble' seemed to encase/surround me...

Understandably perhaps, i chose to simply wait, closed eyed, until such a group meditation had come to completion - rather than elect to be any part of it...

Upon which i opened my eyes and directed them calmly to said teacher of teachers - simply to see the expression on his face, and the nature thereof...

For those interested, by the way, such an expression would seem, from my own personal perspective of course, to have been one of accepting resignation...

So, what does such a seemingly protective 'Intervention' indicate, one may, perhaps rather naturally, wonder???...

Well, from my own perspective at least, it would seem to indicate that such a personally perceived attack upon my person was simply not warranted - and so was perhaps simply not of a karmic nature???...
