05 Dec


I was never really into prophesy and Spiritual stuff, until some time after i experienced one of those 'surely there must be more to life than this???' moments, as i was driving home from work one day, many years ago now - only to be made redundant some six(???) months later, and finding that my life had rather fundamentally changed on a somewhat permanent basis...

I had realised earlier that i was apparently, what i later learned was termed/called, an 'intuitive' type of person - but that was about as 'spiritual' as i was...

Anyway, i was later given a book on the works of Nostradamus - which i simply put aside in a rather disinterested manner, at that particular moment in time...

Then, at a later time still, i started reading some 'New Age' channelled books, which talked, amongst other things, about coming 'Earth changes' - all of which i actually found to be quite interesting/engrossing...

This then later caused me to wonder whether such channelled pronouncements were mirrored by Nostradamus and 'John of Revelations' - and later still, by Edgar Cayce...

I seemed to find that the general theme of possible/prophesied future events was similar in all cases - which caused me to ponder upon the very nature of prophesies in general...

I remember one day laying on my settee, with eyes closed, in fairly deep thought, when i, rightly or wrongly, 'saw'/'envisaged', within mind, future events, if you will, as being a sort of 'living amoeba' - whereby all our individual actions continuously passed through such a 'living amoeba' in the form of 'ripples' that discreetly and continuously changed/altered such a 'living amoeba's' 'make-up'/'form'/appearance, if you will...

This then caused me to wonder if any such future events were 'written in stone' / immutable - like flags that were/are clearly visible within such a 'living amoeba', if you will...

I then, rightly or wrongly, pondered that although there may well be such immutable 'fixed flag events' within such a 'living amoeba', that their 'time of arrival', if you will, may well be rather 'fluid'(???), in the long/longer term at least - and that this is why any so-called 'prophet', has seemingly been unable to predict an exact point in time for the enactment of such supposed/pondered 'fixed flag' events to come into being, here on planet/Mother Earth??? (as if such continuously amassed individual actions somehow changes/alters the very nature of our 'space-time continuum', if you will, on an ongoing basis???)...