08 Dec


Once upon a time in a far distant galaxy the planet Black continued to inexorably voyage its way around its parent sun - where some of its inhabitants, the controlling Dirthians, were busy readying themselves for a cyclic event Known as the time of The Great Uplifting...

Readying themselves by attaining the wealth that allowed them to prepare greatly for the return of such an infrequent event...

Preparations that were designed to save themselves from any and all unpleasant experiences that they may otherwise encounter - preparations designed to save their collective physical vehicles of expressions from any possible mortal damage...

Wealth that they had rather cunningly amassed from the other multitude of inhabitants upon planet Black by milking and sheering them with great regularity...

The Mirthians, as they were so called, were, in the main, completely unaware of such ongoing skullduggery, and so carried out their so called lower levels of life completely oblivious to such shenanigans...

When the time arrived, the greater majority of such Dirthians scurried, with as much dignity as they could muster, into their secretly built and prepared deep underground warrens - whilst others flew high into the sky, into their previously built and prepared 'nests of safety'...

The Mirthians of course were, in the main, completely taken by surprise by the return of The Great Uplifting, and the vast majority soon after found themselves both Abiding and Residing within the great Hereafter - similar to the Place where we are now, my fellow Friends...

'And what happened to the Dirthians???', i hear you ask...

Well, my fellow Friends, the rather unfortunate Dirthians either knew nothing about the reality of the great Hereafter, or simply refused to believe of its existence...

So they, in their Ignorance, rather understandably perhaps, believed that it was they whose duty it was to select those who were to recontinue life upon Black after conditions had returned to a state of normality - rather than the Great Guardians of planet Black, whom they knew either nothing or very little of...

'And where are such Dirthians now???', i hear you further ask...

Well all we know, my fellow Friends, is that because of their general Ignorance, the Dirthians separated themselves from the opportunities such periodic returns of such times of Great Uplifting offered, in terms of great Self-strengthening, and so they, together with the Mirthians who chose to behave very unskillfully during such events, found themselves Abiding in the depths of the lower Realms, unable to possibly move forward to the next higher schools of learning until they, perhaps, chose to partake of the Self-strengthening experiences offered during the return of the following Great Uplifting...
