20 May


I enjoy playing with different perspectives sometimes...

Starting with the one where we are told that we have already been through five planetary Cycles for example...

The one that always seems to end in a restart scenario for humanity for example...

Cycles that are possibly spawned from our ongoing free-will choices for example...

Cycles of behaviour that we seem unable to transcend...

Repeating Cycles of behaviour that can be likened to going round in circles...

Or, in the sense of travelling down the river of life, whirlpools which we become entrapped within...

...Forever giving them more energy, due to our deeply engrained, and repeating ways of being perhaps...

But hey, we are intelligent and civilized beings yeah - from our perspective at least, perhaps...

But what about from the perspectives of TRULY evolved beings eh...

Yep, they would probably be laughing within disbelief at such ignorance, wouldn't they???...

...Or simply crying within compassion for us perhaps, as we repeat the same general scenario over and over again...

Who knows, some of them may send a crew down within incarnation, housed within human vehicles of expression in a similar way to which the native beings do...

Simply to experience the human condition for themselves...

A data-collection exercise if you will - experiences from which first hand knowledge and wisdom can be garnered...

Statistically representative experiences / samples of the human condition, from many varied life-styles / start points / incarnational journeys...

To a high degree of standard deviations perhaps...

And what conclusions may they possibly draw from such such a widespread and varied data sampling technique i wonder...

That we become so/increasingly out of balance due to Spiritual ignorance perhaps???...

Who knows, maybe previous Cycles have started with the chosen from the end of the previous Cycle being put back down on Earth, after it has become ready to rehouse humanity once again...

And that various infrastructures have been built, and Teachings been given, first hand by such higher beings, in order to set us off within a balanced way of being - before leaving us to our own devices / free-will choices...

Only for us to brag, within humour perhaps, about how old we are - but perhaps omitting to include that we were simply taken out of time for a while perhaps, or that our bodies were simply put into some form of cryo-pods, whilst the Earth became suitable for human habitation once again perhaps...

And low and behold, such Teachings slipped gradually away once again, or simply became increasingly distorted / wilfully changed - and hey, humanity began to become increasingly out of balance once again - well perhaps anyway, who knows eh...

And who knows, maybe near to the end of such seemingly repeated Cycles, and realising just how lost within distortion/manipulation/Ignorance etc, humanity had become once again, such higher beings provided blueprints, in order for humanity to build some sort of machine in order that they may interact with their departed/passed loved ones who present Themselves within Their recognisable previous-life forms, in the hope that humanity may 'see the Light', take remedial actions, and rebalance themselves once again, before the whole thing starts over once again...

So, this being the case, what are the chances that those in positions of power would wish to contact some of their highly distorted brethren, in the perhaps forlorn hope, borne out of increasing desperation, that they may perhaps gain entry into the afterLife themselves and reorganise/restructure it in such a way that the most distorted / out-of-balance incarnatees do not reap what they have sown during such distorted / out-of-balance incarnations upon their return Home for example eh (hmmmm - unless they would simply try to use/modify such technology to spring their mates from outta prison and do a collective exit stage left to another time dimension/line of course) - instead of simply using such a gift / gifts for insightful rebalancing purposes, as intended...

Answers on a postcard please...

Or, alternatively, simply drop such answers within me mailbox on this 'ere website innit...
