20 Nov


A couple of days ago i made the following comments within a published article onth Mail online - not all of them were published though...

'a confident girl gets labelled cocky' - yeah overly confident females can be a bit of a turn off - i remember a female who i really fancied sign-languageing me that a miniature Sophia Loren look-a-like, who was walking towards me, wanted to sleep with me (boy did she get the hump when i played dumb/disinterested - some of them can get pretty nasty)...

Presumptuousness eh - the nasty one actually brought a bloke that she'd picked up to sort me out - he seemed pretty confident until i gave him a telling/warning look (he was actually a nice guy that she had just suckered for that purpose)...

Can you imagine the trouble she could have gotten me into - phew eh - pick yer women wisely guys...

I see you 'Jimmy' lol...

There was another occasion actually (but not whilst at band camp obviously) whereby i was introduced to a rather attractive gal who was...umm...doin' a bit with a married, now premier league, player - she seemed particularly interested in my biceps for some reason - but hey, at least she accepted my disinterest like a lady (it was the telling of her seemingly ongoing conquest that did it for me - put me right off so it did)...

Parading/wearing the biggest turn-off like a medal - 'i'm doin' a bit with someone else, can i do a bit with you too' - some gals are really 'dumb' aren't they (just because they see themselves as being really attractive they think the ball's already in the back of the net)...

How to deal with rejection in an attempt to salve your dented pride / deflated ego - 'he must be gay' - classic lol...

You can learn a lot working part-time in a disco - and/or frequenting them - it's a definite education, that's for sure...

And then, early this morning, i made some more, within another published article - here they are (once again, not all were published)...

Exercise can be a very effective alternative to sleep - i remember (but not whilst at band camp obviously) when i sometimes had to work ath' disco on Thursday nights - i used to feel absolutely knackered at work by midday, so looked forward to getting some kip before the Friday session ath' disco, so i could enjoy both the night and the general vibes dahlings - however such kips used to make me feel all groggy-minded like - so a normal Friday night's fun was then substituted by a feeling of general lethargy and disinterest - which was a pity really, as i otherwise always really enjoyed the end of the week Friday nights - as well as the 'afters' of course - so anyway i had one of those lightbulb moments and decided to go for a Friday after-work four-miler instead - job sorted and pleasure/fun reinstated...

A run was the last thing i felt like doing btw - and boy was the first mile or so hard work - but eventually the 'cobwebs' were blown away and i started to feel really energised once again...

The good thing about working behind a bar at a disco is that the women come to you (usually with a smile on their faces, in their attempts to receive preferential treatment/service) - i sometimes found myself looking at some of the rather hapless male punters stood around like wall-flowers (and having paid to get in, rather than being paid for such pleasures dahlings) - i never enjoyed being in their shoes, so it used to make me feel rather blessed, and put a rather wry smile on me rather self-satisfied chops...

Some of my most favouretest moments were when certain gals came for cocktails - once i got to know certain of them a bit better i used to tell them that it was my duty to taste them, to see if they came up to expected standards - the initial looks on their rather forlorn faces was priceless (followed by their sheer relief when they saw that i only took a little sip though the two bendy straws that were included)...

And then there were the two particularly classy gals of course (some of them came from quite wealthy families - whereas, at the other end of the class-spectrum, were the ones from poor families) - once they got to know me they each used to greet me with a kiss on the cheek upon/shortly after their arrival - causing some of the male punters to shoot me rather resentful momentary/fleeting looks...

I remember certain of the poorer gals wanting cheaper cocktails (it was all they could afford) - i told them that i would have to give them half measures of the alcoholic ingredients, but actually gave them 2/3rd measures, as i felt sorry for them - until the under-manager got wind of it of course (bummer huh)...

Occasionally we used to get the 'bully boys' from downstairs, coming into the room - one of three of them came to the bar for pints (and to check me out) once - i put the change into his open palm and purposely ran the tip of my fingers lightly down the length of his fingers, whilst looking at him directly in the eyes (it was my way of letting him know that if anything kicked off, i was with the regulars)...

I could have mentioned many other remembrances of course - like the stranger who threw his half-pint of larger over the front of my shirt...

It happened during a time when i was very busy serving customers who were eager to buy drinks - it was only a small bar, and only i manned it, so i was generally kept very busy indeed...

Anyway, this stranger wasn't too pleased that his drink seemed to be a short measure (they were automatically measured by the pump mechanism) after the froth had disappeared - he was being a bit unreasonable really, so i refused such a request to top his glass up for him...

This caused him then to say 'either fill it up or you'll be wearing it' - a comment that i chose to ignore, mainly due to being so busy (sometimes i'd be serving up to three people at once)...

So anyway, he was true to his word - causing everyone else to distance themselves from the bar area rather hastily...

In the event, i simply pressed a special button that alerted the bouncers downstairs - and when they came through the entrance to the room i simply pointed at dumbo, who remained unknowingly glaring at me...

...Causing him to be ejected from such a disco - rather swiftly and effectively, may i add (it's O/our website, yeah i know)...

Anyway, the icing on the cake came at the end of the night after all the punters had left, and Mike B, as he was called, was collecting left articles into a black bin-liner, that later went into the 'lost and found' area for possible later retrieval...

...Whereby he noticed a pair of clogs that dumbo hadn't had time to put back onto his bare feet - causing me to tell the said dj to bin them pronto (which he didn't really want to do - however, i insisted (quite correctly in my opinion, given the circumstances) that he did so)...

I remember thinking that there was something not quite right about such an earlier unfolding scenario - causing me to later suspect that the under-manager may have been trying to get rid of me (more of that later)...

I could have also mentioned the gal who slapped me firmly across the face (after looking at me rather stonily and focusedly from the other side of the bar, for what seemed like an eternity) of course - before rather promptly turning tail and marching off to another part of the room, in the company of her boyfriend, for the night...

I actually knew her pretty well by that time - as she had been a weekly regular for quite some time...

I had mistakenly thought that she was a pretty cool gal - one who always came dressed rather primly/demurely...

Anyway, this particular night, as i was returning from a break, i noticed that she was rather atypically wearing a semi-see-through white blouse - with her white bra displaying her rather ample breasts to good effect...

...Causing me to rather casually say to her 'you're boobs are looking good tonight' - after i had gotten behind the bar once again (she had seemingly been wanting a drink)...

Anyway, a rather strange and unexpected thing happened the following week, as i was once again on my break...

A much more affable 'K' came up to me, complaining that her fairly long-term boyfriend hadn't 'gone all the way' with her yet - anyway, being as a nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse, i arranged to pick her up mid-week in order to remedy such a situation for her...

However, in the meantime i realised that my regular gf at that time (a barmaid at said disco) had told me that she didn't like a girl called 'K' - causing me to think that she may had meant her...

...Causing me to further realise that i couldn't risk taking her back to my rather nice 'pad', for fear that my very well-liked regular gf would somehow find out about it (upon 'K' being able to prove that she had in fact been to said 'pad')...

So anyway, come the night, i took 'K' to the squash club that i was a member of - and then later took her to a bit of a dingy nearby night club, in order to kill yet more time, before taking her home...

Boy, did she slam my passenger door closed hard after exiting my then MGB GT sports car - bummer huh...

The not-so-icing-on-the-cake came a few weeks later, with my regular gf laying in my bed, just before going to sleep together - when she asked me whether i had taken a gal called 'K' out recently...

'Oooooh' thought i, 'she's found out' - causing me to 'fess-up' and explain the situation to her (well not all of it, obviously)...

Which, in turn, brought a rather puzzled look on said gf's face - she had been unknowingly referring to another, rather forward barmaid, at the disco...

Big ooops eh - but hey, at least i got to reassure her that i wasn't in the slightest bit interested in barmaid 'K' that she had been unknowingly referring to, so not all was lost...

I could also have mentioned the three 'barmaid babes' that i had tallied with, whilst working at such a disco...

The rather gorgeous 'J' being the first of the three...

'Mike B' was at that time erm seeing her friend (another barmaid)...

Anyway, one night, as i was setting my bar up, ready for customers (that particular room opened an hour later than the main downstairs one - lucky me eh), Mike came up to me and told me that if i went downstairs and asked 'J' out, i was on a certainty...

At first i thought he was winding me up, as i had considered her to be well out of my league - however, he eventually convinced me otherwise, causing me to trot downstairs and set up a date with her ('oh happy day'(s) lol)...

She was fantastic - for not only was she extremely beautiful, but she was very down-to-earth also (with no pretensions whatsoever)...

I was actually going out with a disco dancer at the time - which 'J' knew about (she simply wanted to have some fun)...

I took her to the squash club a couple of times (after we had erm got to know each other a little better, of course) - and one mid-week evening i took her to a sort of fairly classy bistro pub (a 'fairly' newly opened one - and one that certain football 'stars' apparently frequented upon occasion)...

All heads turned as we entered - with the guys giving me that 'how the hell have you pulled her' look (talk about a feel-good factor eh)...

Anyway, 'J' found somewhere discrete for us to sit - as i went for drinks at the bar, before returning to sit rather closely and intimately next to her...

What really impressed me most about 'J' was that she never looked at anyone else - and instead gave me her full, loving, attention...

Anyway, in the course of our fairly short stay (before going back to my place), i noticed a group of fairly young men looking over in my direction - 'hmmm, they seem to fancy 'J' a lot' thought i...

...Only to find out later that one of them was said disco-dancer's brother - much to the upset of his tearful sister, may i add, when she arrived at said disco the following weekend...

The truth of the matter was that i had mistakenly thought that it was a given that said disco-dancer and myself were simply erm doin' a bit together - so the level of her upset took me somewhat by surprise...

'J' had unknowingly been seeing the under-manager before we got together - and had unknowingly threatened to tell certain tales about him, to the manager, if he made a fuss about the two of us...

...Hence the reason why i suspected that he had set up the previously mentioned confrontation between dumbo and myself...

In the course of time 'J' went back to said under-manager - simply because she realised that i had become rather too fond of her...

Which leads me on, rather conveniently, to the second 'barmaid babe' - a gal called 'H'...

Most of the staff of said disco had gone to a more upmarket, hotel-attached, disco for the evening - so later in the night (after realising that 'J' and i weren't going to get back together again) i asked a coming-off-the-dance-floor 'H' if she fancied a dance...

Anyway, at the end of the first dance, i realised that it was somewhat later than i had previously thought (it was the last tune of the night) - causing 'H' to say, 'what shall we do now'???...

To which i replied, 'do you fancy screwing'??? - to which 'H' replied, 'that sounds like a delightful idea'...

Boy, did the married guy who had been buying 'H' drinks all night give me a look - causing me to simply look right back at him (from my perspective i was doing him a favour by preventing him from cheating on his wife)...

Anyway, it turned out that the county badminton playing 'H' had been erm doin' a bit with a wouldn't-accept-that-the-relationship-was-over fellow badminton player - who i never realised existed until 'H' invited me to an evening's badminton session at the private club she played at, one Sunday evening...

...Whereby i found myself playing mixed doubles against said didn't-want-to-be ex - who we beat btw...

Anyway, during a tea and biscuits break, he asked me how long i had been playing badminton for - the answer to which was, 'i don't play badminton, i'm a squash player'...

Talk about a completely unintended put-down - the poor, rather agitated/peeved chap simply wouldn't believe me...

...Which sort of confused me at the time - why wouldn't a regular team-playing squash player not be half-decent at badminton after all (what a numb-nuts eh)...

Anyway, in the event, my relationship with 'H' didn't last very long - as i realised that i didn't really fancy her that much (even though, physically, she was a babe)...

The third barmaid gal was 'Gilly-bean' as i referred to her as - at the start of our relationship she had shown me a green coloured 'Mexican jumping bean' that she seemed rather attached to...

Right from the outset Gilly-bean told me that she didn't want a serious relationship - which was perfectly fine with me (although the reason she felt the need to tell me such a thing initially confused me a little - i think she had come out of a bad relationship with a perhaps rather unhealthily clingy/'demanding' bf, before working at such a disco - her brother was a boxer apparently)...

The relationship started with us both only later realising that each of us had not quite finished our previous relationships funnily enough - in such a sense it would very much seem that we were fated to be together, for a period of time at least...

We actually got on really well together - resulting in such a relationship lasting for quite some time...

...During which Gilly-bean had her 21st birthday party - which i obviously attended (she had made her own really nice dress/gown for the occasion)...

I remember deciding to buy her some jewellery, but realised that she was a bit 'picky' about such things - causing me to buy her some vouchers from a fairly reputable jewellers instead (i decided to be pretty generous within such a respect, as i thought she definitely deserved something nice), as i thought she would prefer to choose something to/of her own liking...

Anyway, on the night, shortly after arriving, it became energetically obvious to me that all concerned had expected a proposal to be forthcoming from me - surprise surprise eh (talk about a rather embarrassing unspoken situation)...

Anyway, such a fairly long-standing relationship ended (as was clearly expected/'fore-known' from my perspective) shortly after i had decided to stop working part-time at such a disco - in truth, i had become a bit bored with it all by that time, and i wished to spend more time working (outside of full-time working hours) on a machine-code production line simulation computer program (called 'PLS' that i had been working on for some time before then)...

I could of course mention many other disco-related experiences (including a rather 'enthusiastic' potential 'Page 3' gal, who mistakenly thought that she may have given me an std that she had caught from one of the downstairs dj's - but hey, at least she was honest enough to tell me, so that i could get it checked-out), but i feel that i have related enough information to paint a fairly overall picture now - and besides, it will be starting to go dark soon, and another walkies beckons, so i'll end it here...

Ooooh, and a parcel has just arrived with more 'toys' (torch/head light/lamp actually) for me to play with - providence eh)...

So, what did i learn from such a disco journey??? - well, in a nutshell, that levels of attractiveness/beauty/'hotness' and intelligence/personality/'pleasure' most definitely don't always walk hand-in-hand really (such was my experience anyway)...

(And then today) Oh, there is one other remembrance that is probably worth mentioning also...

It was during a time when another of the customers started showing an interest in me - resulting in me taking her out for a rather short period of time - although she lived in Stockport, she actually worked in a trendy nearby then household/furniture store called 'Habitat'...

Anyway, one night she asked if she could spend the night with me - an invitation that i accepted btw...

Come the night i allowed her to get undressed and get into bed privately, as i had sensed that she was a little shy - with me stripping off and following her into my rather comfortable king-size bed shortly afterwards...

I was rather confused to find her wearing a pink pair of pajamas, which i obviously started to unbutton - causing her to say, 'what do you think you're doing'???...

...Which, in turn, caused me to turn my back to her and go to sleep instead - 'forget it', thought i, 'i can't be bothered'...

Anyway, the next weekend, as i was walking behind the bar, i was passing her by as she was stood with several of her female friends, looking a bit 'uppity'...

'He's no good in bed', i heard her say to said friends, rather purposely - causing me to look at her and say, with a certain exasperation, 'how the hell would you know'???...

Twas a definite 'ground, swallow me up' moment for her - causing her friends to have/put that 'i think there's something she's not told us' look upon their somewhat bemused faces - classic eh...

An addendum at 4 February 2023...

I have very recently started reading through all of the blogs (simply to see how they read with 'fresh eyes' basically), and am now up to this one...

It made me realise that there are some, possibly interesting, recollections that i omitted to mention - possibly because i rushed the typing up of it??? - so, anyway, here are some more recollections...

1) What actually caused to to start working at such a disco???...

Well i had actually broken up with what became a live-in girlfriend - at the age of 26/27 i think - so as we had developed friendships with other people whom we regularly socialised with, i decided that i needed(???)/wished(???) to find a new social outlet basically...

...And as a former work colleague was working at such a disco, after some discussions with him, he recommended that i did likewise - and although i wasn't really a regular disco-attending individual, i simply decided to try it out for at least a month, like it or otherwise...

2) I mentioned that both 'Gilly bean' and myself had decided to start seeing each other regularly, before each of us had formally ended our previous relationships - we had first got-it-together (well, sort of anyway) on the night that i had invited some of the bar staff and managers back to my place for some drinks, music, and conversation, after one particular Friday(???)/Saturday(???) closing time at said disco...

Twas a night when a Stockport living 'Gilly bean' unexpectedly sat on the heated living room floor, with her back up against a sofa chair i was sitting on - causing me to start playfully running my fingers through her hair - which, in turn, resulted in her staying for a while, after everyone else had left...

We had agreed that she would drive to my place mid-week, sometime after work, after i had played squash...

So anyway, as i returned and drove into one of the free private parking places, i noticed that Gill's red car was already parked up - so i duly turned my engine off and was ready to exit said car when there was a knock/tap on my driver's side window - and so fully expecting it to be Gill, i turned my smiling head, only to see my Volkswagen Passat-driving not-quite-ex smiling back at me, as she paid me a completely unexpected/unscheduled visit...

Talk about 'panic stations' taking hold - 'jump in and let's go for a drink' (or words to such effect), said i, rather hastily - causing me to then reverse out, rather pronto, take a rather illogical detour around the large adjoining carpark, and then to pass by the pathway to my particular block of flats, only to see Gill walking down said pathway towards me (she had obviously knocked on my door, and upon realising that i wasn't yet home, decided to wait in her car instead) ...

So, with eyes firmly facing forwards, whilst my not-quite-ex looked at her, off i took her to a not to local pool-playing pub called 'The Snooty Fox', and staying there until possibly 9pm before returning home - and after rather hastily calling it a night, off went my Passat driving not-quite-ex, back home...

...Which then gave me the opportunity to phone Gilly-bean with a genuine apology and explanation - asking if we could try again - a request that, after a considered pause, she agreed to btw...

As an aside, said not-quite-ex and i had started going out together after she had rather unexpectedly (i couldn't remember having seen her before) come up to the bar and asked if i fancied accompanying her to a Stockport College 'all-nighter', after closing time (i always preferred females to, make the first move / show an interest in me btw - as, that way, you more readily avoid disappointments) - a request that i readily agreed to, as she seemed rather atypically/quirkily attractive, and it was at a time when i was inbetween having a female companion - after later having introduced me to her Wilmslow living parents (her father was an architect) and brother, i remember their bank working daughter and i accompanying them all to a skate on a nearby frozen pond and a ski down a fairly steep, snow-covered, hill in Lymme Park...

3) How did i go from working in one of the two main disco bars, to working in the upstairs 'New Wave, Roxy, Bowie' upstairs, much smaller, single-person bar???...

Well it was the run-up to Xmas time, and we had all been told that the previously paid increased hourly-rate would no longer be paid - causing a bit of an uproar amongst the female staff in particular - this resulted in a bit of a suit-wearing 'bruiser' being sent by the owner to interview us all individually and privately...

My former work colleague had decided to wind said 'bruiser' up, in the hope of getting some compo to help pay, possibly more quickly, for his private flying lessons i think (he was working his way towards getting into the RAF as a trainee pilot by getting his private pilot's licence, his instrument rating licence, and his night-time flying licence - which he later managed to accomplish actually) - and yes, wind him up he did - but only to result in his instant dismissal...

As an aside, i remember the under-manager coming to see me later (as i was rather atypically working behind an upstairs, rarely opened cocktail bar) to tell me that said 'bruiser' had told him that i had impressed him, due to the fact that i had simply put a case for the married women to retain the previous higher rates of Xmas pay due to the fact that they would not be able to enjoy the whole of the Xmas period (namely Xmas eve, Boxing Day evening, and New Year's eve) with their families - in truth, the monetary part of such a part-time job was simply of no importance to me, as i had a well payed full-time job also - i had simply gone there to make a new set of friends, and to more readily enjoy new relationships...

4) And talking of having been introduced to parents, the rather strange 'he's no good in bed' 'Habitat' working girl introduced me to her mother too (i don't think she had a live-in father) - she was actually a bit of a 'battle axe', and i remember some advice that my first full time boss had given me with regard to always looking at your girlfriend's mother, to perhaps gain an insight into what her daughter may look (and act???) like in her later years - and me readily seeing that such a transition could indeed take place, within such an instance...

5) Every year, during the summer, said disco used to hire a flat-back, open-topped, low-sided 'lorry', in order to drive around certain areas to 'drum up' extra business / attract more 'punters' (as they were called) ...

Said 'lorry' was then loaded with disco playing equipment and microphone, a keg of lager and bottles of beer, and a selection of 'fun' staff, as well as the two managers - before we were all taken on a Saturday afternoon unpaid 'jolly' into the further reaches of beyond Stockport...

I remember on one occasion, (whilst going through Disley i think) said 'lorry' stopping and me asking a seemingly good-natured lady if i could use her toilet - she very accommodatingly invited me in, only for a queue of others to quickly follow - the 'well you cheeky blighters' look on her rather concerned looking face was a sight to behold...

I also remember, whilst we were returning home, going around a bend, perhaps too quickly given the circumstances, and one of the female bar staff nearly falling off the side - it would very much seem that i simply went into 'super-fast mode' as i grabbed hold of her before she did so - twas quite a sobering moment for us all...

And of us returning back to the disco and sitting on some communal seating, in a row, as the senior manager gave us all a bit of a 'dressing down' - and of the rather attractive blonde-haired married cashier, who i couldn't remember having spoken to before, surprisingly and completely unexpectedly straddling me and sitting upon my thighs - i think she must have later also been shocked by such atypical behaviour, as she never chose to show such an interest in me at any other time in the future...

6) And phinally (for the time being at least) there was the rather attractive, blonde haired, university law student who worked in the kitchen of such a disco during her 'away from university' times - one of around three who paid me an unexpected visit, whilst i was at home (not to mention the barmaid who offered to repair my red 'company waistcoat' at her 'nearby the disco' home, and insisted that i accompany her whilst she did so, of course) - only this time i was working on my MGB GT, within my then garage...

I was putting a coat of bright blue 'Hammerite' metal paint on the inside outer surfaces of the engine compartment - this was after said car had undergone somewhat of a rebuild to road-rally standard btw - we were interrupted by a rather nosey older neighbour who seemed to insist (rather unwelcomingly might i add) on trying to gain said student's attentions for himself...

In the event, it rather put a dampener on the proceedings (nothing of an amorous nature took place btw - just in case you were wondering) - and, as time was ticking on, she decided to return home to both clean herself up and get ready for her Saturday night kitchen disco duties - nosey and intrusive damned 'busy body' neighbours eh...
