15 Dec


Within a system of democracy it is important to understand (from my own personal perspective at least) that it is not the tail that wags the dog, but rather, the dog that wags the tail...

What this very clearly means, within such a context, is that such a 'tail' represents those, whom of their own free-will, have chosen to be the servants of/to such a system of democracy, and that such a 'dog' (in general, voting, terms) represents the will of 'we the people' who comprise such a system of  democracy - does it not???...

And, as such a system of democracy represents a living system (comprising/encompassing all those who live/abide/reside within such a system), this equates to politicians being the servants to the wishes of the majority of people (who actively choose to participate, by periodically voting), within such a system of democracy - does it not???...

This was, in effect, clearly stated by our current Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, when he (only very recently) publicly stated that, 'parliament must change so that we, in parliament, are working for you the British people' - was it not???...

What such a statement, by its very nature, very clearly and unequivocally(???) suggests (in my personal opinion at least) is that democracy (within our own country at least) has not been seen to have been properly served within government - in the sense that the tail has seemingly previously wished to have been wagging the dog (or at least has had the tendency to wish to do so???), has it not???...

In other words, it has been the elected servants of such a democracy (or a portion of them at least) that have been wishing to tell the people, who comprise/encompass such a democracy, what decisions are to be made - has this not (at least partially) been seen to be true???...

The words, 'this peoples government', as our Prime Minister Boris Johnson (only very recently) called it, would now seem to clearly state that the system of democracy within our country will now be rightly and properly served by those (our elected politicians) who have chosen, of their own free-will, to actively, carry out / undertake, the wishes of the people within such a democracy - does it not???...

So, given such a promise/determination by 'this peoples government' to 'change so that we in parliament are working for you the British people', is it not right and proper that all mandates (wishes/instructions of the majority of those who chose to vote within such a system of democracy) should become legally(???)/morally(???) binding upon such a duly elected Party of democratic servants??? - with, perhaps, a time-table for the, carrying out / undertaking, of such individual actions, clearly determined, perhaps before such elections take place???...

Whatever such a future determination (in such a respect) may or may not be, one thing now seems clear, and that is, that it is Good to know that such duly elected members of parliament now clearly know/understand their places within such a system of democracy, as 'we the people', now much more clearly(???), know/understand ours - is it not???...
