09 Apr


So, what happened after i returned to work following my perceived 'ufo encounter', you may reasonably ask...

Well, before the said American boss of my boss, who seemingly reported directly to said American CEO/chairman, left/departed from his visit to the company where i worked at the time, a tent was erected in our main open-plan office, where around eight of us worked (before one successfully requested a transfer to another department, and another one left for a junior partner position within a commercial accountancy firm - both had become somewhat disenchanted with our shared immediate boss btw) - and each of us (seemingly including all(???) of the line managers and the rather acerbic plant production manager (Phd chemistry if my memory serves me correctly) actually) were sort of assessed by said visiting American...

Both myself and said plant production manager (whom seemed to make the rather fundamental error of treating said visiting American with a certain disdain, if my memory serves me correctly) were both made redundant, a little later if my memory serves me correctly...

I actually didn't see it as too much such a big deal, as i had been working toward what i had rather mistakenly hoped would be self-employment anyway - it was simply that my departure came about somewhat earlier than i would have otherwise wished...

I had actually met said American CEO/chairman a little(???) earlier ('bye bye Mr American pie' - words that had passed through my mind, rather amusingly, as i was cleaning my hall floor btw) - he had attended a company golfing event at a rather posh, fairly local golf course...

After the golf had finished and we were all relaxing whilst awaiting our main meal, a seemingly rather spontaneous large circle of us employees formed, that i realised i was to be part of - so, second 'black russian' (vodka and Tia Maria mixed with coke, and served in a tall glass with ice - a favourite, rather relaxing and tasty drink of mine at the time) in hand, i became part of said rather large circle of employees (i hadn't fancied drinking pints, so elected to go for the said rather chilling/relaxing alternative instead)...

Anyway, the next thing i know is that said American CEO/chairman came to each of us in turn, for what i had perhaps mistakenly decided must have been a somewhat informal introduction and chat - so when my turn came, i simply offered my drink-free hand for him to shake and said rather affably, in a relaxed, perhaps perceived David Niven-esque sort of way, said 'hello, i've never met an American before'...

Strangely enough, such relaxed behaviour seemed to result in other work colleagues seeming to wish to avoid me like the plague - which sort of confused me, as i simply didn't know why, other than knowing that i must have committed some completely unknown four par within my interactions with said American CEO/chairman, who actually seemed be quite a nice gentleman(???)...

Anyway, after that it all seemed to go somewhat downhill - for, at meal time, i found that i was seated only a few places away from said American CEO/chairman...

...And as i sensed that i had somehow done something wrong, my previously rather relaxed demeanour had suddenly become transformed into a rather tense one - all i can remember after that was being asked by a rather nice chap from the R & D department whether i had/was, read / was interested, any/in sci-fi books, resulting in me rambling on, like some sort of perhaps perceived imbecile, for a lot longer than i perhaps should have done...

...Hey ho eh...

Anyway, moving a lot more forward in time, i visited the general area of my previous employment one day, only to find that the whole area had been somewhat transformed into a seemingly rather high-tech commercial site - with no sign of my previous rather substantial place of work in sight...

...Which i found to be both rather interesting and somewhat sad actually - for the upper management of said former place of work had apparently (so i had been told by a fellow staff member anyway) been cooking the books, so to speak...

...Seemingly sending rather flattering production details to America, whilst retaining the real figures in-house - on a seemingly prolonged and regular basis apparently...

...Which resulted in them seemingly becoming rather confused as to why we had been requesting(???) some new production lines to replace some(???) rather clapped-out ones - seemingly rather dodgy goings on, that i realised whilst still in the employ of such a company could only lead to eventual factory closure, or revealment...

The very sad part, from my point of view, was that such closure must surely have resulted in high unemployment figures within the general local area of the previous work force - hundreds of people had been employed by such a company afterall...

There had in fact been rumours of a European relocation of such production facilities, if my memory serves me correctly...

Bummer eh...
